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Rick Waldron edited this page May 21, 2015 · 5 revisions

The Motion class constructs an object that represents a single Motion Detection sensor.

Supported Motion sensors:


  • pin A Number pin address for Motion sensor.

  • options An object of property parameters.

    Property Type Value/Description Default Required
    pin Number, String Analog or Digital Pin. Use for non-I2C sensors Yes (non-I2C)
    controller String PIR, HCSR501, GP2Y0D805Z0F, GP2Y0D810Z0F, GP2Y0D815Z0F. See aliases PIR No
    Controller Alias Table
    Controller Alias
    HC-SR501 PIR
    HCSR501 PIR
    GP2Y0D805Z0F 0D805
    GP2Y0D805Z0F 805
    GP2Y0D810Z0F 0D810
    GP2Y0D810Z0F 810
    GP2Y0D815Z0F 0D815
    GP2Y0D815Z0F 815


  id: A user definable id value. Defaults to a generated uid
  pin: The pin address that the Sensor is attached to
  value: Sensor value. READONLY
  detectedMotion: Boolean value. READONLY
  isCalibrated: Boolean flag indicating calibration state. READONLY

Component Initialization

Passive InfraRed Motion

This is the default controller.

// Pin only
new five.Motion(7);

// Options object with pin property
var motion = new five.Motion({
  pin: 7



var motion = new five.Motion({
  controller: "GP2Y0D805Z0F"


GP2Y0D810Z0F and GP2Y0D815Z0F

var motion = new five.Motion({
  controller: "GP2Y0D810Z0F", 
  pin: "A0"

var motion = new five.Motion({
  controller: "GP2Y0D815Z0F", 
  pin: "A0"



var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  // Create a new `motion` hardware instance.
  var motion = new five.Motion(7);

  // "calibrated" occurs once, at the beginning of a session,
  motion.on("calibrated", function() {

  // "motionstart" events are fired when the "calibrated"
  // proximal area is disrupted, generally by some form of movement
  motion.on("motionstart", function() {

  // "motionend" events are fired following a "motionstart" event
  // when no movement has occurred in X ms
  motion.on("motionend", function() {


  • data The "data" event is fired as frequently as the user defined freq will allow in milliseconds. ("data" replaced the "read" event)

  • change The "change" event is fired whenever a change within the motion detection field is observed.

  • motionstart The "motionstart" event is fired when motion occurs within the observable range of the PIR/Motion/IR.Proximity sensor

  • motionend The "motionend" event is fired when motion has ceased within the observable range of the PIR/Motion/IR.Proximity sensor.

  • calibrated The "calibrated" event is fired when PIR/Motion sensor is ready to detect movement/motion in observable range. (PIR/Motion ONLY)

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