Example using Johnny-Five + Spark-io to control a Spark Core device wirelessly.
Fritzing diagram: docs/breadboard/spark-led.fzz
Run this example from the command line with:
node eg/spark-io.js
var five = require("johnny-five");
var Spark = require("spark-io");
var board;
// Create Johnny-Five board connected via Spark.
// Assumes access tokens are stored as environment variables
// but you can enter them directly below instead.
board = new five.Board({
io: new Spark({
token: process.env.SPARK_TOKEN,
deviceId: process.env.SPARK_DEVICE_ID
board.on("ready", function() {
// Once connected, we can do normal Johnny-Five stuff
var led = new five.Led("D1");
In order to use the spark-io library, you will need to load the special
voodoospark firmware onto your
device. We recommend you review VoodooSpark's Getting Started before continuing.
We also recommend storing your Spark token and device ID in a dot file so they can be accessed as properties of process.env
. Create a file in your home directory called .sparkrc
that contains:
export SPARK_TOKEN="your spark token"
export SPARK_DEVICE_ID="your device id"
Then add the following to your dot-rc file of choice:
source ~/.sparkrc
Ensure your host computer (where you're running your Node application) and the Spark are on the same local network.
Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Rick Waldron [email protected] Licensed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2015-2023 The Johnny-Five Contributors Licensed under the MIT license.