Run this example from the command line with:
node eg/line-follower.js
// This is an example of a line following robot. It uses a
// Pololu QTR-8A reflectance array to read a line on my
// counter drawn with electrical tape. You can see the
// bot in action here:
var fs = require("fs");
var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();
// Setup Standard input. We use this to let the bot know that we"ve finished
// calibrating
var stdin = process.stdin;
var calibrationFile = ".calibration";
// VERY simple driving rules. It uses a mapping from the line value that comes
// from the Reflectance Array to the left and right wheel of the bot.
// This can be made much better, but it is a good start.
var drivingRules = {
0: {
left: {
dir: "cw",
speed: 0.01
right: {
dir: "ccw",
speed: 0.07
1000: {
left: {
dir: "cw",
speed: 0.02
right: {
dir: "ccw",
speed: 0.05
2000: {
left: {
dir: "cw",
speed: 0.04
right: {
dir: "ccw",
speed: 0.05
2500: {
left: {
dir: "cw",
speed: 0.05
right: {
dir: "ccw",
speed: 0.05
3000: {
left: {
dir: "cw",
speed: 0.05
right: {
dir: "ccw",
speed: 0.04
4000: {
left: {
dir: "cw",
speed: 0.05
right: {
dir: "ccw",
speed: 0.02
5001: {
left: {
dir: "cw",
speed: 0.07
right: {
dir: "ccw",
speed: 0.01
board.on("ready", function() {
// Create an instance of the reflectance array.
var eyes = new five.IR.Reflect.Collection({
emitter: 13,
pins: ["A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5"],
freq: 20
// These are the continuous servos that control the wheels
var wheels = {
left: new five.Servo.Continuous(10),
right: new five.Servo.Continuous(9)
// Make the eyes and wheels available in the REPL UI
eyes: eyes,
wheels: wheels
// When the bot starts up, enable the IR emitters and tell the wheels
// to stop. Calibrate the device. When complete, drive.
function init() {
// Calibrate the bot. If the calibration has been persisted, use it.
// If not, calibrate the bot until the user presses a key. Move the sensor
// over light and dark regions several times. Persist the calibration data
// to a file so it doesn"t need to do it again next time.
function calibrate(whenComplete) {
var savedCalibration, calibrating = true;
if (fs.existsSync(calibrationFile)) {
console.log("Calibrating. Press a key...");
eyes.calibrateUntil(function() {
return !calibrating;
stdin.once("keypress", function() {
calibrating = false;
console.log("Done:", eyes.calibration);
fs.writeFile(calibrationFile, JSON.stringify(eyes.calibration));
// Drive the bot. Every time a line value event comes in, figure out which
// rule to follow from the rules mapping. Tell the left and right wheels
// which direction and how fast to spin.
function drive() {
eyes.on("line", function(err, line) {
var rule;
var threshold = Object.keys(drivingRules).find(function(r) {
return line <= parseInt(r);
if (!threshold) {
console.log("Could not find threshold for " + line);
rule = drivingRules[threshold];
// Start the bot
Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Rick Waldron [email protected] Licensed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2015-2023 The Johnny-Five Contributors Licensed under the MIT license.