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Const safety

The miri engine, which is used to execute code at compile time, can fail in four possible ways:

  • The program performs an unsupported operation (e.g., calling an unimplemented intrinsics, or doing an operation that would observe the integer address of a pointer).
  • The program causes undefined behavior (e.g., dereferencing an out-of-bounds pointer).
  • The program panics (e.g., a failed bounds check).
  • The program exhausts its resources: It might overflow the stack, allocation too much memory or loops forever. Note that detecting these conditions happens on a best-effort basis only.

Just like panics and non-termination are acceptable in safe run-time Rust code, we also consider these acceptable in safe compile-time Rust code. However, we would like to rule out the first two kinds of failures in safe code. Following the terminology in this blog post, we call a program that does not fail in the first two ways const safe.

The goal of the const safety check, then, is to ensure that a program is const safe. What makes this tricky is that there are some operations that are safe as far as run-time Rust is concerned, but unsupported in the miri engine and hence not const safe (they fall in the first category of failures above). We call these operations unconst. The purpose of the following section is to explain this in more detail, before proceeding with the main definitions.

Miri background

A very simple example of an unconst operation is

static S:i32 = 0;
const BAD:bool = (&S as *const i32 as usize) % 16 == 0;

The modulo operation here is not supported by the miri engine because evaluating it requires knowing the actual integer address of S.

The way miri handles this is by treating pointer and integer values separately. The most primitive kind of value in miri is a Scalar, and a scalar is either a pointer (Scalar::Ptr) or a bunch of bits representing an integer (Scalar::Bits). Every value of a variable of primitive type is stored as a Scalar. In the code above, casting the pointer &S to *const i32 and then to usize does not actually change the value -- we end up with a local variable of type usize whose value is a Scalar::Ptr. This is not a problem in itself, but then executing % on this pointer value is unsupported.

However, it does not seem appropriate to blame the % operation above for this failure. % on "normal" usize values (Scalar::Bits) is perfectly fine, just using it on values computed from pointers is an issue. Essentially, &i32 as *const i32 as usize is a "safe" usize at run-time (meaning that applying safe operations to this usize cannot lead to misbehavior, following terminology suggested here) -- but the same value is not "safe" at compile-time, because we can cause a const safety violation by applying a safe operation (namely, %).

Const safety check on values

The result of any const computation (const, static, promoteds) is subject to a "sanity check" which enforces const safety. (A sanity check is already happening, but it is not exactly checking const safety currently.) Const safety is defined as follows:

  • Integer and floating point types are const-safe if they are a Scalar::Bits. This makes sure that we can run % and other operations without violating const safety. In particular, the value must not be uninitialized.
  • References are const-safe if they are Scalar::Ptr into allocated memory, and the data stored there is const-safe. (Technically, we would also like to require &mut to be unique and & to not be mutable unless there is an UnsafeCell, but it seems infeasible to check that.) For fat pointers, the length of a slice must be a valid usize and the vtable of a dyn Trait must be a valid vtable.
  • bool is const-safe if it is Scalar::Bits with a value of 0 or 1.
  • char is const-safe if it is a valid unicode codepoint.
  • () is always const-safe.
  • ! is never const-safe.
  • Tuples, structs, arrays and slices are const-safe if all their fields are const-safe.
  • Enums are const-safe if they have a valid discriminant and the fields of the active variant are const-safe.
  • Unions are always const-safe; the data does not matter.
  • dyn Trait is const-safe if the value is const-safe at the type indicated by the vtable.
  • Function pointers are const-safe if they point to an actual function. A const fn pointer (when/if we have those) must point to a const fn.

For example:

static S: i32 = 0;
const BAD: usize = &S as *const i32 as usize;

Here, S is const-safe because 0 is a Scalar::Bits. However, BAD is not const-safe because it is a Scalar::Ptr.

Const safety check on code

The purpose of the const safety check on code is to prohibit construction of non-const-safe values in safe code. We can allow almost all safe operations, except for unconst operations -- which are all related to raw pointers: Comparing raw pointers for (in)equality, converting them to integers, hashing them (including hashing references) and so on must be prohibited. Basically, we should not permit any raw pointer operations to begin with, and carefully evaluate any that we permit to make sure they are fully supported by miri and do not permit constructing non-const-safe values.

There should also be a mechanism akin to unsafe blocks to opt-in to using unconst operations. At this point, it becomes the responsibility of the programmer to preserve const safety. In particular, a safe const fn must always execute const-safely when called with const-safe arguments, and produce a const-safe result. For example, the following function is const-safe (after some extensions of the miri engine that are already implemented in miri) even though it uses raw pointer operations:

const fn slice_eq(x: &[u32], y: &[u32]) -> bool {
    if x.len() != y.len() {
        return false;
    // equal length and address -> memory must be equal, too
    if unconst { x as *const [u32] as *const u32 == y as *const [u32] as *const u32 } {
        return true;
    // assume the following is legal const code for the purpose of this function

On the other hand, the following function is not const-safe and hence it is considered a bug to mark it as such:

const fn ptr_eq<T>(x: &T, y: &T) -> bool {
    unconst { x as *const T == y as *const T }

If the function were invoked as ptr_eq(&42, &42) the result depends on the potential deduplication of the memory of the 42s.

Open questions

  • Do we allow unconst operations in unsafe blocks, or do we have some other mechanism for opting in to them (like unconst blocks)?

  • How do we communicate that the rules for safe const fn using unsafe code are different than the ones for "runtime" functions? The good news here is that violating the rules, at worst, leads to a compile-time error in a dependency. No UB can arise. However, thanks to promotion, compile-time errors can arise even if no const or static is involved.