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Build yourself an effect system |
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CTO at Risk42 (https://risk42.com)
[email protected] - @runtologist
"Read an R
from the environment and run an effect returning a result of A
or an Error of E
import lots.of.implicits
Kleisli[F[_], R, Either[E, A]]
ZIO[R, E, A]
- 1kloc Runtime
- complex but not complicated
- Strip away non essentials
- prefer readability over performance
- On the slides: simplified types, might not compile
- Functional Effects, Errors vs. Defects
- Running Effects
- Example Domain: Natural Numbers
- Build Fiber runtime driving Interpreters
- Implement Interpreters
- syncronous happy path
- error channel
- asynchronicity
- cooperative and fair scheduling
- error recovery
Immutable value that models side-effects
// does nothing, just describes writing to console, can't fail
val effect: IO[Nothing, Unit] =
IO(println("What's your name?"))
// does nothing, just describes writing to console, can't fail
val effect: IO[Nothing, Unit] =
IO(println("What's your name?"))
// immediately starts executing, maybe fails?
val future: Future[Unit] =
Future(println("What's your name?"))
// still does nothing
val readName: IO[IOError, String] =
for {
_ <- IO(println("What's your name?"))
name <- Task(console.readLine)
.refineOrDie { case e: IOError => e }
} yield name
// still nothing
val validName: IO[Nothing, String] =
.repeat(Schedule.doUntil(_.length > 3))
// and still nothing
val program: IO[Nothing, Unit] =
validName.flatMap(name => IO(println(s"Hello, $name!")))
effects must be run in order to do anything
val program: IO[Nothing, Unit] =
validName.flatMap(name => IO(println(s"Hello, $name!")))
// finally do something
What's your name?
What's your name?
Hello, FooBar!
- Execute in a Fiber
- Asynchronously
- Can fork more Fibers
val effect =
for {
_ <- console.putStrLn("What's your name?")
fiber <- expensiveBackgroundWork.fork
name <- console.readStrLn
_ <- console.putStrLn(s"Hello, $name!")
result <- fiber.join
} yield result
- Like thread:
- Will run in parallel.
- fork, join/await, interrupt
- Unlike Thread:
- No mapping to OS level threads, works on ScalaJS
- Cheap. Run 10s of 1000s concurrently.
- Fine grained control, extensible
Concurrency is the composition of independently executing processes, while parallelism is the simultaneous execution of (possibly related) computations.
Expected Failure Modes
trait NameError
case object TooShort extends NameError
val readName: IO[NameError, String] =
for {
_ <- IO(println("What's your name?"))
name <- Task(console.readLine)
.refineOrDie { case e: IOError => e }
.catchAll(_ => "")
_ <- IO.fail(TooShort).when(name.length < 3)
} yield name
val r: Exit[NameError, String] =
def race[E, A](io1: IO[E, A], io2: IO[E, A]): IO[E, A] =
for {
p <- Promise.make
fiber1 <- p.complete(io1).fork
fiber2 <- p.complete(io2).fork
_ <- (fiber1.await *> fiber2.interrupt).fork
_ <- (fiber2.await *> fiber1.interrupt).fork
r <- p.await
} yield r
sealed trait Exit[+E, +A]
case class Success[A](v: A) extends Exit[Nothing, A]
case class Failure[E](c: zio.Cause[E])extends Exit[E, Nothing]
sealed trait Cause[+E]
case class Fail[E](value: E) extends Cause[E]
case class Die(value: Throwable) extends Cause[Nothing]
case object Interrupt extends Cause[Nothing]
def unsafeRunAsync[E, A](
io: => IO[E, A]
k: Exit[E, A] => Unit
): Unit
def unsafeRun[E, A](io: => IO[E, A]): Exit[E, A]
Natural Numbers from Peano Axioms
sealed trait N
case object Zero extends N
case class Cons(n: N) extends N
def equals(n: N, m: N): Boolean =
(n, m) match {
case (Zero, Zero) => true
case (Cons(nn), Cons(mm)) => equals(nn, mm)
case _ => false
// not tail recursive!
def add(n: N, m: N): N =
m match {
case Zero => n
case Cons(mm) => Cons(add(n, mm))
// not tail recursive!
def mul(n: N, m: N): N =
m match {
case Zero => Zero
case Cons(mm) => add(mul(n, mm), n)
type UIO[A] = IO[Nothing, A]
def add(n: N, m: N): UIO[N] =
m match {
case Zero => UIO.succeed(n)
case Cons(mm) => add(n, mm).map(Cons)
def mul(n: N, m: N): UIO[N] =
m match {
case Zero => UIO.succeed(Zero)
case Cons(mm) => mul(n, mm).flatMap(o => add(o, n))
sealed trait Err
case object Neg extends Err
case object Div0 extends Err
def sub(n: N, m: N): IO[Neg.type, N] =
(n, m) match {
case (_, Zero) => IO.succeed(n)
case (Zero, _) => IO.fail(Neg)
case (Cons(nn), Cons(mm)) => sub(nn, mm)
def div(n: N, m: N): IO[Div0.type, N]
def addAll(ns: N*): UIO[N] =
ns.toList match {
case Nil => UIO.succeed(Zero)
case n :: Nil => UIO.succeed(n)
case list =>
val (l, r) = list.splitAt(ns.length / 2)
for {
lsf <- addAll(l: _*).fork
rsf <- addAll(r: _*).fork
ls <- lsf.join
rs <- rsf.join
s <- add(ls, rs)
} yield s
def addAll(ns: N*): UIO[N] =
ns.toList match {
case Nil => UIO.succeed(Zero)
case n :: Nil => UIO.succeed(n)
case list =>
val (l, r) = list.splitAt(ns.length / 2)
for {
lsf <- addAll(l: _*).fork
rsf <- addAll(r: _*).fork
ls <- lsf.join
rs <- rsf.join
_ <- UIO.yieldNow
s <- add(ls, rs)
} yield s
- ADT & combinators from ZIO
- Build our own Runtime and Fiber
// Moral equivalent of Kleisli[F[_], R, Either[E, A]]
trait ZIO[R, E, A]
// Produce an A or fails with E.
// Moral equivalent of F[Either[E, A]]
type IO[E, A] = ZIO[Any, E, A]
// Produce an A, never fail
// Moral equivalent of F[A]
type UIO[A] = IO[Nothing, A]
trait IO[E, A] {
def flatMap[E1 >: E, B](k: A => IO[E1, B]): IO[E1, B] =
new ZIO.FlatMap(self, k)
def succeed[A](a: A): UIO[A] = new ZIO.Succeed(a)
def fork: IO[R, Nothing, Fiber[E, A]] = new ZIO.Fork(self)
FlatMap Succeed Fail
Fold EffectAsync Fork
Yield EffectTotal InterruptStatus
CheckInterrupt EffectPartial DaemonStatus
CheckDaemon Descriptor Lock
Access Provide EffectSuspendPartialWith
FiberRefNew FiberRefModify Trace
TracingStatus CheckTracing EffectSuspendTotalWith
* FlatMap * Succeed * Fail
* Fold * EffectAsync * Fork
* Yield EffectTotal InterruptStatus
CheckInterrupt EffectPartial DaemonStatus
CheckDaemon Descriptor Lock
Access Provide EffectSuspendPartialWith
FiberRefNew FiberRefModify Trace
TracingStatus CheckTracing EffectSuspendTotalWith
type Stack = List[Any => IO[Any, Any]]
private def step(v: Any, stack: Fiber.Stack): Exit
class Succeed[A](val value: A) extends UIO[A]
class FlatMap[E, A](
val io: IO[E, A],
val k: A => IO[E, A]
) extends IO[E, A]
type Stack = List[Any => IO[Any, Any]]
type Interpreter =
PartialFunction[ // may interpret just part of the ADT
IO[Any, Any], // the next IO to interpret
Any, // the current input parameter
Stack, // the remainder of the stack
Fiber[Any, Any] // the current fiber
sealed trait Interpretation
case class Step(v: Any, stack: Stack) extends Interpretation
case class Return(exit: Exit[Any, Any]) extends Interpretation
case object Suspend extends Interpretation
val notImplemented: Interpreter = {
case (io, v, stack, fiber) =>
val e =
new IllegalStateException(
s"not implemented: ${io.getClass}"
A Trampoline
class Succeed[A](val value: A) extends UIO[A]
class FlatMap[E, A](
val io: IO[E, A],
val k: A => IO[E, A]
) extends IO[E, A]
val succeedFlatMap: Interpreter = {
case (s: Succeed, _, stack, _) => Step(s.value, stack)
case (fm: FlatMap, v, stack, _) =>
val newStack: Stack = stack
.prepended(_ => fm.io)
Step(v, newStack)
class Fiber[E, A](
val interpreter: Fiber.Interpreter,
val ec: ExecutionContext
) {
@volatile private var interrupted: Boolean = false
@volatile private var result: Option[Exit[E, A]] = None
@volatile private var listeners: List[Exit[E, A] => Unit] = Nil
def register(callback: Exit[E, A] => Unit): Unit =
listeners ::= callback
def interrupt: UIO[Unit] = interrupted = true
def schedule(v: Any, stack: Fiber.Stack): Unit =
ec.execute(() => step(v, stack))
private def step(v: Any, stack: Fiber.Stack): Unit
private def step(v: Any, stack: Fiber.Stack): Unit = {
val safeInterpretation: Interpretation =
stack match {
case Nil => Return(Exit.succeed(v.asInstanceOf[A]))
case f :: tail =>
e => Return(Exit.die(e)),
io => interpreter.applyOrElse(
(io, v, tail, this),
safeInterpretation match {
case Suspend =>
case Step(v, stack) => step(v, stack)
case Return(exit) =>
result.synchronized {
result = Some(exit)
class Runtime(interpreter: Interpreter)
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {
def unsafeRunAsync[E, A](
io: => IO[E, A]
k: Exit[E, A] => Unit
): Unit = {
val fiber = new Fiber(interpreter, ec)
fiber.schedule(io, List(_ => io))
def unsafeRun[E, A](io: => IO[E, A]): Exit[E, A] = {
val oneShot = OneShot.make[Exit[E, A]]
bloop run runtime -m com.github.runtologist.demo.DemoAdd
bloop run runtime -m com.github.runtologist.demo.DemoDiv
On error, fail right away, no recovery for now.
class Fail[E, A](val fill: (() => ZTrace) => Cause[E])
extends IO[E, A]
case (f: Fail[_, _], _, _, fiber) =>
// tracing not implemented
val e: Cause[_] =
f.fill(() => ZTrace(fiberId = fiber.id, Nil, Nil, None))
val exit: Exit[_, _] = Exit.halt(cause)
bloop run runtime -m com.github.runtologist.demo.DemoDiv
bloop run runtime -m com.github.runtologist.demo.DemoAddAll
class Fork[E, A](val value: IO[E, A]) extends UIO[Fiber[E, A]]
class EffectAsync[E, A](
val register: (IO[E, A] => Unit) => Option[IO[E, A]]
) extends IO[E, A]
case (f: ZIO.Fork[_, _, _], v, stack, parent) =>
val fiber = new Fiber(parent.interpreter, parent.ec)
fiber.schedule(v, List(_ => f.value))
Step(fiber, stack)
case (ea: ZIO.EffectAsync[_, _, _], _, stack, fiber) =>
val callback: IO[_, _] => Unit =
io => fiber.schedule((), stack.prepended(_ => io))
ea.register(callback) match {
case None => Suspend
case Some(io) => Step((), stack.prepended(_ => io))
class Fiber[E, A](...) {
override def await: UIO[Exit[E, A]] =
UIO.effectAsyncMaybe { k: (IO[E, A] => Unit) =>
result.synchronized {
result.fold[Option[UIO[Exit[E, A]]]] {
register(exit => k(UIO.succeed(exit)))
}(r => Some(UIO.succeed(r)))
First step: Cooperative yielding
def addAll(ns: N*): UIO[N] =
ns.toList match {
case Nil => UIO.succeed(Zero)
case n :: Nil => UIO.succeed(n)
case list =>
val (l, r) = list.splitAt(ns.length / 2)
for {
lsf <- addAll(l: _*).fork
rsf <- addAll(r: _*).fork
ls <- lsf.join
rs <- rsf.join
_ <- ZIO.yieldNow
s <- AddMul.add(ls, rs)
} yield s
val doYield: Interpreter = {
case (Yield, _, stack, fiber) =>
fiber.schedule((), stack)
bloop run runtime -m com.github.runtologist.demo.DemoAllAddCoop
class FairInterpreter(underlying: Interpreter, max: Int = 10)
extends Interpreter {
var count = max
override def apply(
param: (IO[Any, Any], Any, Stack, Fiber[Any, Any])
): Interpretation =
underlying.apply(param) match {
case Suspend => Suspend
case r @ Return(_) => r
case Step(v, stack) if count < 1 =>
count = max
param._4.schedule(v, stack)
case s @ Step(_, _) =>
count -= 1
bloop run runtime -m com.github.runtologist.demo.DemoAddAllFair
val program: IO[Nothing, String] =
.flatMap(r => UIO.succeed(r.toString))
.catchAll(_ => UIO.succeed("Oh no, division by Zero!"))
class Fold[R, E, E2, A, B](
val value: ZIO[R, E, A],
val failure: Cause[E] => ZIO[R, E2, B],
val success: A => ZIO[R, E2, B]
) extends ZIO[R, E2, B]
with Function[A, ZIO[R, E2, B]] {
def apply(v: A): ZIO[R, E2, B] = success(v)
case (fold: ZIO.Fold, v, stack, _) =>
val newStack =
.prepended((_: Any) => fold.value)
Step(v, newStack)
case (fail: ZIO.Fail[_, _], _, stack, fiber) =>
val cause =
fail.fill(() => ZTrace(fiberId = fiber.id, Nil, Nil, None))
val tailWithFold =
stack.dropWhile(f => !f.isInstanceOf[ZIO.Fold])
tailWithFold match {
case (handler: ZIO.Fold) :: tail =>
val newStack = tail.prepended(handler.failure)
Step(cause, newStack)
case _ =>
val exit = Exit.halt(cause)
bloop run runtime -m com.github.runtologist.demo.DemoDivFold
- Fiber Traces
- Fiber Locals
- Environmental Effects
- Interruptible/Uninterruptible regions
- EC pinning (really!)
- Fiber Dumps
- Manged Resources