Towards Completeness: A Generalizable Action Proposal Generator for Zero-Shot Temporal Action Localization
Official repository of ICPR 2024 paper "Towards Completeness: A Generalizable Action Proposal Generator for Zero-Shot Temporal Action Localization".
We propose a novel Generalizable Action Proposal generator named GAP, which can generate more complete action proposals for unseen action categories compared with previous works. Our GAP is designed with a query-based architecture, enabling it to generate action proposals in a holistic way. The GAP eliminates the need for hand-crafted post-processing, supporting seamless integration with CLIP to solve ZSTAL. Furthermore, we propose a novel Staitc-Dynamic Rectifying module, which integrates generalizable static and dynamic information to improve the completeness of action proposals for unseen categories.
- [2024.10.13] 🎊 The training/test scripts, pre-trained ckpts and video features are available.
- [2024.08.21] 🥳 Code of GAP is initial released.
- [2024.07.06] 🎉 Our work is accepted by ICPR 2024.
- Python 3.8 and Pytorch 2.0.1 are used.
- We conduct the environments on a single 1080Ti GPU.
- Create the anaconda environment as what we used, as bellow:
conda create -n gap python=3.8
conda install pytorch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install -r requirements.txt
- The features that extracted via CLIP for
dataset can be downloaded. - After downloading, modify the
inconfig file
to your own path.
- Download the pre-trained
. - Create the default folder ./ckpt and put the downloaded pre-trained models into ./ckpt.
- Run the test scripts:
# Thumos14
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --model_name "Train_Thumos14" --cfg_path "./config/Thumos14_CLIP_zs_75_8frame.yaml" --batch_size 16 --postprocess_type "class_agnostic" --postprocess_topk 100 --num_queries 40 --enc_layers 2 --dec_layers 5 --norm_embed --exp_logit_scale --proposals_weight_type "after_softmax" --enable_classAgnostic --enable_refine --refine_drop_saResidual --salient_loss
# ActivityNet1.3
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --model_name "Train_ActivityNet13" --cfg_path "./config/ActivityNet13_CLIP_zs_75.yaml" --batch_size 16 --target_type "prompt" --num_queries 30 --postprocess_type "class_agnostic" --postprocess_topk 100 --rescale_length 300 --enc_layers 2 --dec_layers 2 --enable_backbone --norm_embed --exp_logit_scale --proposals_weight_type "after_softmax" --enable_classAgnostic --enable_refine --refine_drop_saResidual --salient_loss
- Thumos14
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --model_name "Train_Thumos14" --cfg_path "./config/Thumos14_CLIP_zs_75_8frame.yaml" --save_result --batch_size 16 --lr 1e-4 --epochs 100 --postprocess_type "class_agnostic" --postprocess_topk 100 --num_queries 40 --enc_layers 2 --dec_layers 5 --actionness_loss_coef 3 --norm_embed --exp_logit_scale --proposals_weight_type "after_softmax" --enable_classAgnostic --enable_refine --refine_drop_saResidual --salient_loss --salient_loss_coef 3
- ActivityNet1.3
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --model_name "Train_ActivityNet13" --cfg_path "./config/ActivityNet13_CLIP_zs_75.yaml" --save_result --batch_size 16 --target_type "prompt" --lr 5e-5 --epochs 100 --num_queries 30 --postprocess_type "class_agnostic" --postprocess_topk 100 --rescale_length 300 --enc_layers 2 --dec_layers 2 --enable_backbone --lr_backbone 1e-2 --norm_embed --exp_logit_scale --proposals_weight_type "after_softmax" --enable_classAgnostic --actionness_loss_coef 3 --enable_refine --refine_drop_saResidual --salient_loss
We would like to thank the contributors to the Conditional DETR and video_features for their open research and exploration.
If you find GAP useful for your research and applications, please cite using this BibTeX:
title={Towards Completeness: A Generalizable Action Proposal Generator for Zero-Shot Temporal Action Localization},
author={Du, Jia-Run and Lin, Kun-Yu and Meng, Jingke and Zheng, Wei-Shi},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.13777},