This is a flexible UIView and UIButton subclass to add customized buttons and toolbars to your UITextFields/UITextViews. This project was inspired by the toolbar seen in iOctocat.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like RFKeyboardToolbar in your projects.
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod "RFKeyboardToolbar", "~> 1.3"
Just drag the RFKeyboardToolbar folder into your project and import it.
#import 'RFKeyboardToolbar.h'
RFKeyboardToolbar is pretty easy to use with your UITextFields or UITextViews. After you've imported RFKeyboardToolbar
, you can add a toolbar to anything that has an inputAccessoryView.
I've commented on the initialization below, to help you get a better understanding of it.
// Create a new RFToolbarButton
RFToolbarButton *exampleButton = [RFToolbarButton buttonWithTitle:@"Example"];
// Add a button target to the exampleButton
[exampleButton addEventHandler:^{
// Do anything in this block here
[_textView insertText:@"You pressed a button!"];
} forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
// Create an RFKeyboardToolbar, adding all of your buttons, and set it as your inputAcessoryView
_textView.inputAccessoryView = [RFKeyboardToolbar toolbarWithButtons:@[exampleButton]];
// Add the UITextView/UITextField
[self.view addSubview:_textView];
Hope you enjoy it! Please Fork and send Pull Requests!
- [Rudd Fawcett (@ruddfawcett)] ( - Creator
- [Brandon Butler (@Hackmodford)] (
- [Jesús A. Álvarez (@zydeco)] (
RFKeyboardToolbar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.