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234 lines (176 loc) · 5.59 KB

File metadata and controls

234 lines (176 loc) · 5.59 KB

Whip Build Status

A code generator of state machines.


This tool enables you to

  • generate state machine code in multiple languages for multiple platforms using a unique source file,
  • share the same state names and function names across multiple platforms,
  • generate a graph (dot file for Graphviz) of the state machine.

This tool can help

  • save some time that would otherwise have been needed to write platform-specific code for the same state transitions on each platform,
  • streamline discussions about the state transitions between the teams managing each platform.

Example of features where this tool can be useful:

  • developping the same registration flow for iOS (Swift) and Android (Kotlin).


whip --help
whip --format=swift
whip --format=kotlin
whip --format=dotgraph
whip --format=swiftenum --param=EnumName

Supported output format

  • swift for Swift output.
  • kotlin for Kotlin output for Android. (Depends on android.util.)
  • dotgraph to output a dot file that can be used to generate a graph with GraphViz.
  • swiftenum to generate an enum with the values used in the state machine.


From the source code

mkdir build && cd build
make install

State machine sample

See the graph representation.

Source of the state machine

Contents of a simple state machine ( representing the log in flow of an app.

%class StateMachine
%start Intro::SelectLoginMethod
%enum Page

%map Intro
SelectLoginMethod {
    proceedWithFacebook FacebookLogin::StartFacebook { pushPage(Page.startFacebook) }
    proceedWithEmail EmailLogin::EnterEmail { pushPage(Page.enterEmail) }

%map FacebookLogin
StartFacebook {
    proceed LoggedIn::End {}
    failed Failed { pushPage(Page.failedToLoginWithFacebok) }

Failed {
    back StartFacebook { prevPage() }

%map EmailLogin
EnterEmail {
    proceed [ needSecondAuthentication() ] SecondAuth { pushPage(Page.secondAuthentication) }
    proceed [] LoggedIn::End {}

SecondAuth {
    proceed LoggedIn::End {} 

%map LoggedIn
    Entry { loginFinished() }

The Swift code representing this state machine can be generated by running: whip --format=swift

Implementation in Swift

Implementation of the delegates.

class StateMachineImpl {
    func pushPage(_ page: Page) {
        // Push view controller associated with `page`.
    func popPage() {
        // Pop view controller.
    func needSecondAuthentication() -> Bool {
        // Check value in the context.
        return false
    func loginFinished() {
        // Code to execute when the user is logged in.

enum Page {
    case startFacebook
    case enterEmail
    case failedToLoginWithFacebok
    case secondAuthentication

Note: the Page enum can also be generated by running whip --format=swiftenum --param=Page

Running the state machine

let stateMachine = StateMachine()
let stateMachineImpl = StateMachineImpl()
stateMachine.delegate = stateMachineImpl


State machine language

whiteSpace = ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | comment
comment = "//" anyCharacter* '\n'
word = [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9._:]*
line = anyCharacter* '\n'

stateMachine = metaInfo* map*

metaInfo = "%start" word
  | "%include" line
  | "%class" word
  | "%package" word
  | "%enum" word

map = "%map" word "%%" state* "%%"

state = word entry? exit? '{' transition* '}'
entry = "Entry" '{' pseudoCode '}'
exit = "Exit" '{' pseudoCode '}'
transition = word condition? nextState '{' pseudoCode '}'
condition = '[' pseudoCode ']'
nextState = word | "nil"

Pseudo code language

Language used to define expressions in actions and conditions.


whiteSpace = ' ' | '\t' | '\n'
word = [A-Za-z_] [A-Za-z0-9_]*
string = '"' [^\"\n]* '"'
number = [0-9] [A-Za-z0-9.,]*

expression = scopeAndWord
  | string
  | number
  | functionCall
  | '(' expression ')'
  | '!' expression
  | expression binaryOperator expression
  | expression ';' ( expression | EOF )

scopeAndWord = word
  | word '.' scopeAndWord

functionCall = scopeAndWord '(' argList? ')'

argList = expression
  | expression ',' argList

binaryOperator = "||" | "&&" | "==" | "!=" | "<=" | ">=" | "<" | ">"


  • The operators are left associative and have the same priority as C++.
  • The code generators assume that the words are written in the camel case style, and convert the style if needed for the ouput format.


Updating the Makefiles

Whip uses autotools to generate the Makefiles and the configure script.

If you want to add or remove source files:

  • Edit a located near the directory of the file.
  • Update the Makefiles and the configure script. (You can execute tool/ for this.)

You need autoconf and automake installed in your environment. If you are using Homebrew on macOS, you may want to try:

brew install automake
brew install autoconf
brew install autoconf-archive

Building with Bazel

WORKSPACE and BUILD files for Bazel are included in the repository. Clone the repository and run:

bazel build //src:whip