- cloudfoundry-community/firehose-to-syslog
- Send firehose events from Cloud Foundry to syslog.
- cloudfoundry-community/stackdriver-tools
- A service that connects to the Cloud Foundry firehose and sends logs and metrics to Google Stackdriver.
- ECSTeam/influxdb-nozzle
- A Java-based Cloud Foundry Firehose nozzle that writes to InfluxDB.
- cloudfoundry-incubator/datadog-firehose-nozzle
- CF component to forward metrics from the Loggregator Firehose to DataDog.
- cloudfoundry-community/splunk-firehose-nozzle
- Send CF component metrics, CF app logs, and CF app metrics to Splunk.
- honeycombio/cloudfoundry-honeycomb-nozzle
- A Nozzle for draining logs and metrics from Cloud Foundry Loggregator firehose to Honeycomb.
- rakutentech/kafka-firehose-nozzle
- Nozzle to send logs and metrics to Kafka topics