This package provides a firebase cloud functions project with a callable cloud function wrapper that handles role permission and the required fields validation for Rowy action columns.
yarn add rowy-actions
This library can be used as an alternative to directly using functions.https.onCall function to deploy a callable cloud functions for use in Rowy action fields. It can be installed and used in an existing firebase cloud functions project
// import and intialize firebase admin SDK
import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
import callableAction from "rowy-actions";
export const ExampleCallableAction = callableAction(async ({row, callableData, context}) =>{
const {ref, column, schemaDocPath, action} = callableData;
row, // docSnapshot of the called column
context, // callable context contains data such as the time and the user running the action
ref, // contains document id and other references related to the row
column, // contains key of the action column
schemaDocPath, // table schema Doc Path
action, // latest action state
// switch statement can be used to perform different processes based on the state of the action cell
switch (action) {
case "run":
case "undo":
case "redo":
return {
success: true, // return if the operation was success
message: "hello world", // message shown in snackbar on Rowy after the completion of action
cellStatus: "greeted", // optional cell label, to indicate the latest state of the cell/row
newState: "redo", // "redo" | "undo" | "disabled" are options set the behavior of action button next time it runs
To experiment with this package you can clone this repo then modify the example here.
git clone
cd RowyActions/functions
yarn install
firebase deploy --only functions --project [projectId]