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Create ABB Work Zones

Levi Armstrong edited this page Mar 9, 2017 · 2 revisions

Create a permanent work zone

Permanent work zones cannot be disable using RAPID code.

  1. Create POWER_ON Event

    • Control Panel > Configuration

    • Topic > Controller > Event Routine

    • Select Add and fill out the information below:

      Parameter Name Value
      Event POWER_ON
      Routine wzone_power_on
      Task T_ROB1
      All Tasks No
      All Motion Tasks No
  2. Add a module to T_ROB1 and the follow code to it:

        VAR wzstationary work_zone;
        PROC wzone_power_on()
            VAR shapedata wz_volume;
            CONST pos table_c1:=[1220,610,-500];
            CONST pos table_c2:=[-610,-610, 5000];
            WZBoxDef \Outside, wz_volume, table_c1, table_c2;
            WZLimSup \Stat, work_zone, wz_volume;
            TPWrite "World Zones Setup";

Create a temporary work zone

Temporary work zones can be disable and enabled using RAPID commands.

  • At the top of your module outside the program add the code below.

    VAR wztemporary work_zone;
  • At the top of your program add the code below. Also see manual for addition shapes.

    VAR shapedata wz_volume;
    CONST pos table_c1:=[1220,610,-500];
    CONST pos table_c2:=[-610,-610, 5000];
    WZBoxDef \Outside, wz_volume, table_c1, table_c2;
    WZLimSup \Temp, work_zone, wz_volume;
    WZEnable work_zone;

    Note: To disable the work zone add the command WZDisable work_zone and to enable it again add the command WZEnable work_zone.

  • Full Example

    MODULE mGodel_DemoMain
        VAR wztemporary work_zone;
        PROC Godel_Main()
            !Active World Zone work_volume
            VAR shapedata wz_volume;
            CONST pos table_c1:=[1220,610,-500];
            CONST pos table_c2:=[-610,-610, 5000];
            WZBoxDef \Outside, wz_volume, table_c1, table_c2;
            WZLimSup \Temp, work_zone, wz_volume;
            WZEnable work_zone;
            !Delete Files if they exist
            IF IsFile("HOME:/PARTMODULES/mGodelBlend.mod") RemoveFile "HOME:/PARTMODULES/mGodelBlend.mod";
            IF ModExist("mGodel_Blend") EraseModule("mGodel_Blend");
            WHILE true DO
              !Wait for Blend File
              WaitUntil IsFile("HOME:/PARTMODULES/mGodelBlend.mod");
              WaitTime 0.25;
              Load "HOME:/PartModules" \File:="mGodelBlend.MOD";
              UnLoad "HOME:/PartModules" \File:="mGodelBlend.MOD";
              RemoveFile "HOME:/PARTMODULES/mGodelBlend.mod";
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