This package creates the high-level process path for surface blending.
- Note: If package godel_polygon_offset is used, start its node:
- rosrun godel_polygon_offset godel_polygon_offset_node
- rosrun rviz rviz (use path_visualization.rviz in test)
- rosrun godel_process_path_generation process_visualization_node --demo
- Pointcloud of a surface.
- Outside edge of surface is assumed to be boundary.
- Internal edges are currently ignored, but will be incorporated as features in the future.
- Tool radius or diameter
- Desired offset for each loop (absolute)
- Safe height for rapid transit moves
- ProcessPlan for the entire surface.
- ProcessPlan should be sent to TrajectoryPlanner for trajectory planning.
- Input: pcl::Mesh
- Actions
- fitMeshToPlane
- Plane represented by origin at COM of mesh, and plane normal
- flattenToPlane(vector<points/vertices>)
- transformTo2D(vector<points>)
- fIndPointOnExternalBoundary(const &pcl::mesh)
- extractExternalBoundary(const &pcl::mesh, etc)
- fitMeshToPlane
- Member Variables
- pcl::Mesh pointcloud
- transform (calculated from FitMeshToPlane)
- transform from global coordinates to local plane coordinates
- vector<pcl::points> boundary