project: type: book book: title: "rOpenSci Community Contributing Guide" description: "A guide to help people find ways to contribute to rOpenSci" author-meta: "Stefanie Butland & Steffi LaZerte" favicon: "favicon/favicon.ico" cover-image: images/contrib_guide_cover.png cover-image-alt: | Contributing guide cover featuring hexagonal panels each with a different person doing something different: lab work, computer work, field work, waving, hanging out with a dog/cat reader-mode: true site-url: repo-url: repo-actions: [edit, issue] open-graph: true twitter-card: site: "@rOpenSci" creator: "@rOpenSci" image: images/contrib_guide_cover.png image-alt: "Contributing guide cover featuring hexagonal panels each with a different person doing something different: lab work, computer work, field work, waving, hanging out with a dog/cat." chapters: - index.qmd - welcome.qmd - intro.qmd - motivations.qmd - resources.qmd - appendix.qmd - part: Appendix chapters: - bibliography.qmd - news.qmd format: html: theme: [cosmo, custom.scss] code-link: true include-in-header: "matomo.html"