Tool used to Convert a WPA cap/pcap/pcapng capture file to a hashcat hcwpax/hccapx file (re)written in Python (based on c version)
usage: --input capture.cap --export {hcwpax,hccapx}
[--output capture.hcwpax] [--all]
[--filter-by filter-by filter]
[--group-by {none,bssid,essid,handshake}]
[--quiet] [--version] [--help]
Convert a WPA cap/pcap/pcapng capture file to a hashcat hcwpax/hccapx file
required arguments:
--input capture.cap, -i capture.cap
Input capture file
--export {hcwpax,hccapx}, -x {hcwpax,hccapx}
optional arguments:
--output capture.hcwpax, -o capture.hcwpax
Output file
--all, -a Export all handshakes even unauthenticated ones
--filter-by filter-by filter, -f filter-by filter
--filter-by {bssid XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, essid ESSID}
--group-by {none,bssid,essid,handshake}, -g {none,bssid,essid,handshake}
--quiet, -q Enable quiet mode (print only output files/data)
--version, -v show program's version number and exit
--help, -h show this help message and exit
- Supports cap/pcap/pcapng
- Supports combined cap/pcap/pcapng files
- Supports gz compressed cap/pcap/pcapng files
- Export as hccapx (hashcat mode = 2500)
- Export as hcwpax (hashcat mode = 22000)
- Export only authenticated handshakes or all handshakes
- Output files can be filtered/grouped
- Supports hcxdumptool
We have a capture file 'capture.cap' which includes 4 handshakes:
1 | 00:00:00:00:AA:AA | Wifi | N |
2 | 00:00:00:00:AA:AA | Wifi | Y |
3 | 00:00:00:00:BB:BB | Internet | Y |
4 | 00:00:00:00:CC:CC | Wifi | Y |
By default the original c version write all the hccapx into one file no matter what. If you need a single separated handshake you will have to use a hex editor and take the required 393 bytes by yourself.. Well not anymore
Also the original c version export all the handshakes even if they are not authenticated, in this python version it's a bit different, as the default is to ignore unauthenticated handshakes but can be exported by using the --all flag
python3 -i capture.cap --group-by handshake -x hccapx
Output files:
00-00-00-00-AA-AA_0.hccapx // 2
00-00-00-00-BB-BB_0.hccapx // 3
00-00-00-00-CC-CC_0.hccapx // 4
python3 -i capture.cap --group-by handshake -x hccapx --all
Output files:
00-00-00-00-AA-AA_0.hccapx // 1
00-00-00-00-AA-AA_1.hccapx // 2
00-00-00-00-BB-BB_0.hccapx // 3
00-00-00-00-CC-CC_0.hccapx // 4
python3 -i capture.cap --group-by none -x hccapx --all
Output files:
capture.hccapx // 1, 2, 3 and 4
python3 -i capture.cap --group-by bssid -x hccapx --all
Output files:
00-00-00-00-AA-AA.hccapx // 1 and 2
00-00-00-00-BB-BB.hccapx // 3
00-00-00-00-CC-CC.hccapx // 4
python3 -i capture.cap --group-by essid -x hccapx --all
Output files:
Wifi.hccapx // 1, 2 and 4
Internet.hccapx // 3
python3 -i capture.cap --group-by essid --filter-by bssid 00:00:00:00:CC:CC -x hccapx --all
Output files:
Wifi.hccapx // 4
- --group-by does not effect hcwpax (WPA*01 & WPA*02) output
- --all does not effect hcwpax (WPA*01) output
- use --quiet for better performance
- Enhance performance and the way the script deals with structures
- Fix performance issues when dealing with big capture files
- Custom output file formats