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Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

You can contribute in many ways:

Types of Contributions

Report Bugs

Report bugs at

If you are reporting a bug, please include:

  • Your operating system name and version.
  • Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting.
  • Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.

Fix Bugs

Look through the GitHub issues for bugs. Anything tagged with "bug" and "help wanted" is open to whoever wants to implement it.

Implement Features

Look through the GitHub issues for features. Anything tagged with "enhancement" and "help wanted" is open to whoever wants to implement it.

Write Documentation

clisops could always use more documentation, whether as part of the official clisops docs, in docstrings, or even on the web in blog posts, articles, and such.

Submit Feedback

The best way to send feedback is to file an issue at

If you are proposing a feature:

  • Explain in detail how it would work.
  • Keep the scope as narrow as possible, to make it easier to implement.
  • Remember that this is a volunteer-driven project, and that contributions are welcome :)

Get Started!

Ready to contribute? Here's how to set up clisops for local development.

  1. Fork the clisops repo on GitHub.

  2. Clone your fork locally:

    $ git clone [email protected]:roocs/clisops.git
  3. Install your local copy into a virtualenv. Assuming you have virtualenvwrapper installed, this is how you set up your fork for local development:

    # For virtualenv environments:
    $ mkvirtualenv clisops
    # For Anaconda/Miniconda environments:
    $ conda create -n clisops python=(3.9, 3.10, 3.11, etc.)
    $ cd clisops/
    $ pip install -e .
  4. Create a branch for local development:

    $ git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature

    Now you can make your changes locally!

  5. When you are done making changes, check that you verify your changes with flake8 and black and run the tests, including testing other Python versions with tox:

    # For virtualenv environments:
    $ pip install flake8 black pytest pytest-loguru tox
    # For Anaconda/Miniconda environments:
    $ conda install -c conda-forge flake8 black pytest pytest-loguru tox
    $ flake8 clisops tests
    $ black clisops tests
    $ pytest
    $ tox
  6. Before committing your changes, we ask that you install pre-commit in your virtualenv. Pre-commit runs git hooks that ensure that your code resembles that of the project and catches and corrects any small errors or inconsistencies when you git commit:

    # For virtualenv environments:
    $ pip install pre-commit
    # For Anaconda/Miniconda environments:
    $ conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit
    $ pre-commit install
    $ pre-commit run --all-files
  7. Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub:

    $ git add *
    $ git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes."
    # `pre-commit` will run checks at this point:
    # if no errors are found, changes will be committed.
    # if errors are found, modifications will be made. Simply `git commit` again.
    $ git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature
  8. Submit a pull request through the GitHub website.


clisops uses the loguru library as its primary logging engine. In order to integrate this kind of logging in processes, we can use their logger:

from loguru import logger

logger.warning("This a warning message!")

The mechanism for enabling log reporting in scripts/notebooks using loguru is as follows:

import sys
from loguru import logger

LEVEL = "INFO || DEBUG || WARNING || etc."
logger.add(sys.stdout, level=LEVEL)  # for logging to stdout
# or
logger.add("my_log_file.log", level=LEVEL, enqueue=True)  # for logging to a file

For convenience, a preset logger configuration can be enabled via clisops.enable_logging().

from clisops import enable_logging


Pull Request Guidelines

Before you submit a pull request, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Open an issue on our GitHub repository with your issue that you'd like to fix or feature that you'd like to implement.

  2. Perform the changes, commit and push them either to new a branch within roocs/clisops or to your personal fork of clisops.


    Try to keep your contributions within the scope of the issue that you are addressing. While it might be tempting to fix other aspects of the library as it comes up, it's better to simply to flag the problems in case others are already working on it.

    Consider adding a "# TODO:" comment if the need arises.

  3. Pull requests should raise test coverage for the clisops library. Code coverage is an indicator of how extensively tested the library is. If you are adding a new set of functions, they must be tested and coverage percentage should not significantly decrease.

  4. If the pull request adds functionality, your functions should include docstring explanations. So long as the docstrings are syntactically correct, sphinx-autodoc will be able to automatically parse the information. Please ensure that the docstrings adhere to one of the following standards:

    The version history should also be updated. Remember to add the feature or bug fixes explanation to the appropriate section in the HISTORY.rst.

  5. The pull request should work for Python 3.9+ as well as raise test coverage. Pull requests are also checked for documentation build status and for PEP8 compliance.

    The build statuses and build errors for pull requests can be found at:


    PEP8 and black formatting is strongly enforced. Ensure that your changes pass Flake8 and Black tests prior to pushing your final commits to your branch. Code formatting errors are treated as build errors and will block your pull request from being accepted.


To run a subset of tests:

$ pytest tests.test_clisops


A reminder for the maintainers on how to bump the version.

In order to update and release the library to PyPI, it's good to use a semantic versioning scheme.

The method we use is as follows:


Major releases denote major changes resulting in a stable API;

Minor is to be used when adding a module, process or set of components;

Patch should be used for bug fixes and optimizations;


A reminder for the maintainers on how to deploy. This section is only relevant for maintainers when they are producing a new point release for the package.

  1. Create a new branch from master (e.g. prepare-release-v1.2.3).

  2. Update the HISTORY.rst file to change the unreleased section to the current date.

  3. Create a pull request from your branch to master.

  4. Once the pull request is merged, create a new release on GitHub. On the main branch, run:

    $ bump-my-version bump minor # In most cases, we will be releasing a minor version
    $ git push
    $ git push --tags

    This will trigger the CI to build the package and upload it to TestPyPI. In order to upload to PyPI, this can be done by publishing a new version on GitHub. This will then trigger the workflow to build and upload the package to PyPI.

  5. Once the release is published, it will go into a staging mode on Github Actions. Admins can then approve the release (an e-mail will be sent) and it will be published on PyPI.

The Manual Approach

From the command line in your distribution, simply run the following from the clone's main dev branch:

# To build the packages (sources and wheel)
$ python -m flit build

# To upload to PyPI
$ python -m flit publish dist/*

The new version based off of the version checked out will now be available via pip ($ pip install clisops).

Releasing on conda-forge

Initial Release

In order to prepare an initial release on conda-forge, we strongly suggest consulting the following links:

Subsequent releases

If the conda-forge feedstock recipe is built from PyPI, then when a new release is published on PyPI, regro-cf-autotick-bot will open Pull Requests automatically on the conda-forge feedstock. It is up to the conda-forge feedstock maintainers to verify that the package is building properly before merging the Pull Request to the main branch.

Before updating the main conda-forge recipe, we strongly suggest performing the following checks:
  • Ensure that dependencies and dependency versions correspond with those of the tagged version, with open or pinned versions for the host requirements.
  • If possible, configure tests within the conda-forge build CI (e.g. imports: clisops, commands: pytest clisops)