Contributions are welcomed via pull requests on GitHub. To avoid redundant work, please create an issue first and demand the assignment to yourself.
While opening an issue you need to choose between two categories:
- Feature request: You want to propose a new feature and implement it.
- Describe your intended feature and discuss the design and implementation.
- Bug report: You want to implement a feature or bug-fix for an issue
- Make sure your changes are consistent with the guidelines and follow the RET coding style.
Once you finish implementing a feature or bug-fix, please send a Pull Request to
- Fork your own copy of RET to your account
is your GitHub username. See How to fork a repo - Make changes to the source code
- Review your source code changes before commit
- Create a pull request:
- select base fork as rocmsys/RET
- select base branch as master
- select head fork as USER/RET
- select compare branch as your-name-initials/new-branch-name
- type in the title and comment
- scroll down and review all code change once more
- scroll up and click Create pull request button to submit the pull request
See GitHub help for more details.