The program 'templ-gui' is the frontend to the planning and permits to trigger the planning and visualize and inspect resulting final and intermediate solutions.
Mission editing can be done via: File->New->MissionEditor
Save the resulting mission into an xml file.
File->Import->Import Mission
You first have to import/view a mission and remain on the corresponding view. Then press play to plan. You can then monitor the progress in the console window, which will finally report the log directory, which you will need to visualize a solution.
After planning has been completed, the resulting solutions can be viewed. Browse to the results / log folder of the plan execution and selected a session from the numbered folders. Note, that the log files will record the outputs of all solutions, so that you can also visualize invalid solutions.
`` $> cd /tmp/20200504_214321+0200-templ/
$> ls 0 1 search-statistics.log solution_analysis.log specs
$> cd 0
$> ls 20200504-21:43:21+0200-transport-network.status multicommodity-min-cost-flow-final-flow.gexf multicommodity-min-cost-flow.problem transhipment-flow-network.gexf final_plan.gexf multicommodity-min-cost-flow.gexf multicommodity-min-cost-flow.solution final_solution_network.gexf multicommodity-min-cost-flow-init.gexf transport-network-solution-0.gexf
The actual solution is contained in 'final_solution_network.gexf'