- refactored constraint integration
- play a graph: visualize incremental build up of a graph, i.e. visualize BFS or DFS [DONE for BFS: 2017-11-27] algorithm
- updated PDDLExporter [2017-12-19]
- gui
- added ColorChooser ( QColorDialog cannot be used with the Delegate mechanism, therefore had to go a different route)
- add setting of edge path style via QSettings
- organization model
- added Analyser infrastructure with Heuristics,StatusSample,AtomicAgent and Agent [2017-12-22]
- added EnergyProviderPolicy: to define how to compute energy reduction for
all power providers [2018-01-06]
- since an individual atomic agent might not even have a power source, a policy has to define which atomic agent has to contribute to the power (or later perform a flow-based optimization on top of the solution, e.g. to allow to optimally design the power flow)
- so for each 'agent' -- map energy consumption equally, but relatively to the overall capacity --> this can be a source of investigation (allow to shift power between the power supplies) - update facets with model pool (rules) [done]
- added TransportProviderPolicy: to define which system to use provider the 'core' transport functionality of an agent
- computation of reconfiguration cost / provide a time estimate [2018-01-09]
- templ::Role moved to organization_model::AtomicAgent
- gui: updated recent files menu
- general constraints are added to the Mission
- computing of a solution
- general mechanism for additional constraints, e.g., meta constraints which are lazily translated into low level gecode constraints
- construction heuristic
- analysing a solution
- organization model analyser
- identify active systems (primary required functionality, backup (kind of backup: hotswap, ....), active power supply/battery to draw from)
- compute time/cost for wait/operation ( done for transfer/reconfiguration)
- organization model analyser
- optimizing a solution
- executing a solution
- focus on edge-based constraint definition, e.g., from [F,A]@[t0,t1), [F,A]@[t1,t2) [F,A]@[t1]
general mechanism for additional constraints, e.g., meta constraints [ongoing] which are lazily translated into low level gecode constraints
general representation for a solution:
- a la chronicle/timelines, spacetime::network
- spacetime-network: t0-l0 -- t1-l0: constraint from fluent time resource (functionality && resource)
- local reconfiguration:
- input commodities and transport -- local need -- output commodities and transport
- time (quantified)
multi-commodity flow group for the same items - unless there is a constrained to split them?
- -> actually temporal / parallel use will be prevented by multicommodity flow anyhow
- -> so it comes down to selecting multi-robot team
- -> allows to account for unification constraints, i.e. a particular item needs to be routed through x,y
- -> we might have to life with this 'overconstraining' since otherwise we are not able to properly deal with unification in the multi-commodity min-cost flow
effect of transition location
- when edge capacity is exhausted --> identify bottleneck, e.g., request additional support
- construction heuristic
- per se a construction heuristic defines the construction of a solution according to some 'rules', but does not try to improve upon this particular solution
- our construction heuristic is first build on the temporal/model/role/ approach
- create an (infeasible) solution
- local search to improve solution:
- create a neighbourhood for a solution
- check if the neighbourhood is a valid solution
- conflict based refined is one option, which is used to apply only a
minimal set of resources -- however, to actually solve the problem we
can: add another mobile system, add immobile units -- but only with
restrictions due to the capacities
- take a plan and step through it --> see organization model analyser
- allow to compute general distribution, e.g., to estimate recovery
- allow to configure loss of individual items -- check the effect on the
current plan: fatal, ability to recover (with the existing set of
resources -- after replanning)
- identify waiting times
- show estimated values for value at time t
Atomic agents (Table View)
position, energy level, mass, travelled distance, wait/stand time, current activity, current time
[Agent 0] [Composite With Role] [pos][energy][mass][distance travelled][distance to nxt goal][total wait time][transition | wait | reconfigure | functionality performance][time]
[Agent 1] [Composite Agent] [pos][energy][mass][distance travelled][distance to nxt goal][total wait time][transition | wait | reconfigure | functionality performance][time]
Composite agents (Tree View) -- # of agents (dormant or active)
[Coalition: ....] --> ModelInstance: representation of a coalition including models and instance ids
1. OrganizationModel: (linear interpolation) input: from position - to positions, start time - end time, (on/off), activity: [join,split,active-wait,active-operative,dormant], --> output: mass, travelled distance, activity time, available functionality, metric query (at a given time t)
- allow to compute the metric
- min/avg/max distance to relevant resources
- redundancy (min/avg/max)
2. Analyser
- send action command to all robotic systems
- monitor state and retrieve current status
- embed pictograms as icons: QGraphicsPixmapItem https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5960074/qimage-in-a-qgraphics-scene
- alternatively use color icons and allow customization [Done]
- functionality constraints, e.g., manipulation only available with maximum of n payloads or locomotion only available with mass maximum
- functional property requirement
- hasTransportCapacity max 10 Actor [DONE]
- mass max 100kg -- locomotion [DONE]
- swrl rule --> how to define in owl
- https://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Data_Range_Extension:_Linear_Equations + MathML
- SherpaTT with mass > 100 has max 0 locomotion (SherpaTT and mass > 100)
- define for each dataProperty, which operation should be used to define to merge properties: sum,min,max,avg,
- might conflict with the functional saturation bound, e.g.
- using class expression editor of protege: Locomotion and mass some double[<= 100]
<owl:Class rdf:about="http://www.rock-robotics.org/2015/12/projects/TransTerrA#Locomotion100kg">
<owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="&om-schema;Locomotion"/>
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&om-schema;mass"/>
<owl:onDatatype rdf:resource="&xsd;double"/>
<owl:withRestrictions rdf:parseType="Collection">
<xsd:maxInclusive rdf:datatype="&xsd;double">100.0</xsd:maxInclusive>
payload-items have to be moved to locations, where no system is initially moving towards -- feature-req: iterative repair, e.g., fix by adding a transport service requirement to this location if no initial solution can be found [ONGOING RESTRUCTURING OF SEARCH]
add CardinalityConstraints on functionality in order to allow for a quantification of the functionality -- e.g. for transport add a min capacity for payload transport or similar
allow for threading, i.e. start search per thread
use A* based search using the violations for a distance to a proper solution
compute safety metric (here: redundancy level) for individual transitions -- feature-req: compute metric with respect to the required functionality (along the timeline) -- howto: compute timeline per role --> compute sum of services --> compute metric along one the timeline with respect to this sum of services
strengthen individual transitions, i.e., improve metric by recipe -- feature-req: iterative planning, e.g., fix by adding a dedicated requirement (for a payload) to boost the redundancy -- check what contributes most to the metric with respect to the required functionality (along the timeline)
compute plans for individual systems -- feature-req: compute duration of activities, assign time bounds
identify critical path