This is my website for my programming class
The website is static meaning you can test it in your browser by opening the html files. However, there are a lot of generated files. Those are generated by python 3 without any additional module. The generated files are read-only and should therefore not be modified.
To generate the files, dowload the last version of python on
Then, on windows, double-click the generate.bat
whereas on Mac or Linux, type bash generate
or ./generate
if you made the file executable, make sure the python3
command is available.
You can help with the english translation by modifying the non read only files.
The translation system is rather simple, a string like {{bonjour|hello}}
means that generate will write bonjour
to the french file and hello
in the english one.
By default, generate will look for all files called NAME.multilang.EXT
and generate
and NAME.en.EXT