# global dark theme - you can modify it, but don't remove [global dark] editorCss=body { color: black; background-color: #939393;} # Note title editor style when inactive noteTitleEditorInactiveCss=background-color: #939393; QLineEdit {background-color: transparent; border-radius: 0px;} QLineEdit:hover {border: 1px solid #808080; background-color: white; border-radius: 4px;} # Note title editor when it has user focus. noteTitleEditorActiveCss=QLineEdit {border: 1px solid #808080; background-color: white; border-radius: 4px;} # searchInputCss= background-color: #939393; QLineEdit { padding-right: 1px; } ## Search across notes text input field mainWindowCss=background-color: #939393; ## Default window menuCss=QMenu {background-color: #939393; } ## Window menu mainToolbarCss= background-color: #939393; ## Main toolbar #noteAuthorInactiveCss=background-color: transparent; border-radius: 0px; ## Color when author field doesn't have focus #noteAuthorActiveCss=border: 1px solid #808080; background-color: white; border-radius: 4px; ## color when author field has focus #colorMenuCss= ## style sheet for font & highlight color chooser buttons when open. #dateMenuCss= ## date & time chooser for a note. #dateMenuActiveCss=QDateTimeEdit {border: 1px solid #808080; background-color: white; border-radius: 4px;} QDateTimeEdit::up-button {width: 14px;} QDateTimeEdit::down-button{width: 14px;} ## Date editor CSS when active #dateMenuInactiveCss=QDateTimeEdit {background-color: transparent; border-radius: 1px;} QDateTimeEdit:hover {border: 1px solid #808080; background-color: white; border-radius: 4px;} QDateTimeEdit::up-button {width: 0px; image:none;} QDateTimeEdit::down-button{width: 0px; image: none;} ## Date editor CSS when inactive editorButtonBarCss=background-color: #939393; ## Note editor button bar #nodeAttributesExpandButtonCss= ## small expand button on note editor #fontNameComboBoxCss= ## note editor combo box that shows available fonts #fontSizeComboBoxCss= ## note editor combo box that shows available font sizes #noteLocationCss=QToolButton {background-color: transparent; border-radius: 0px; border:none; margin 0px; padding: 4px} ## Note geographical coordinates #notebookMenuButtonCss=QPushButton {text-align:left;} ## Notebook menu button used to change a note's notebook. #reminderButtonCss=QPushButton {text-align: left;} ## Button used to show the reminder dialog. #urlEditorCss= ## Note URL in editor. #noteTagViewerCss= ## Existing tags in the note editor #noteTagAddActiveCss=QLineEdit {border: 1px solid #808080; background-color: white; border-radius: 4px;} ## Style when the user clicks on the tag-add field in the note editor. #noteTagAddInactiveCss=QLineEdit {background-color: transparent; border-radius: 0px;} ## Style when the new tag field in the note editor is inactive. #externalNoteWindowCss= ## External window opened for a note. #shortcutsTreeCss=QTreeView {border-image:none; image:none;} ## Shortcuts tree list #findReplaceCss= ## Find/Replace in note line edits #attributeTreeCss= ## Attribute selection tree #browserWindowCss= ## Overall note browser window (note+buttons above it). #notebookTreeCss= ## Notebook selection tree #savedSearchTreeCss= ## Saved search tree noteTableViewCss=background-color: #939393; ## Grid of notes noteTableViewHeaderCss=background-color: #939393; ## Heading for note table grid #noteTabCss= ## Note tab header #tagTreeCss= ## Tag selection tree #trashTreeCss= ## Trash selection tree #noteContentsCss= ## Note contents QWebView #trayMenuCss= ## Tray icon popup menu #treeWidgetEditorCss= ## Used when changing a tree item name treeWidgetPanelCss=background-color: #939393; ## Left panel that holds shortcuts, notebooks, tags, saved searches & trash. ### Icons #windowIcon=windowIcon0.png ## Main window icon #passwordIcon=password.png ## Small password lock icon #homeIcon=home.png ## Home button on main button bar #leftArrowIcon=left_arrow.png ## Left arrow on main button bar #rightArrowIcon=right_arrow.png ## Right arrow on main button bar #synchronizeIcon=synchronize.png ## Spinning sync button #filecloseIcon=fileclose.png ## Very small "x" next to tag names in the editor #tagIcon=tag.png ## Icon for tags #searchIcon=lens.png ## Search icon #trashIcon=trash.png ## trashcan for deleted notes #attributesIcon=attribute.png ## Gear icon for attributes #upArrowSmallIcon=up_arrow_small.png ## Small up arrow #downArrowSmallIcon=down_arrow_small.png ## Small down arrow #undoIcon=undo.png ## Undo button on editor button bar #redoIcon=redo.png ## Redo button on editor button bar #boldIcon=bold.png ## Bold icon on editor button bar #bulletListIcon=bulletList.png ## Bullet list icon on editor button bar #copyIcon=copy.png ## Copy icon on editor button bar #cutIcon=cut.png ## Cut icon on editor button bar #hlineIcon=hline.png ## Horizontal line on editor button bar #fontHighlightIcon=fontHilight.png ## Font Hilight icon on editor button bar #fontColorIcon=fontColor.png ## Font color icon on editor button bar #shiftRightIcon=indent.png ## Indent button on editor button bar #centerAlignIcon=justifyCenter.png ## Center justify icon on editor button bar #leftAlignIcon=justifyLeft.png ## Left justify icon on editor button bar #rightAlignIcon=justifyRight.png ## Right justify on icon button bar #linkIcon=link.png ## Paper clip link icon on editor button bar #numberListIcon=numberList.png ## Number list on icon on editor button bar #shiftLeftIcon=outdent.png ## Outdent icon on editor button bar #underlineIcon=underline.png ## Underline icon on editor button bar #strikethroughIcon=strikethrough.png ## Strikethrough icon on editor button bar #spellCheckIcon=spellCheck.png ## Spell check on editor button bar #pasteIcon=paste.png ## Paste icon on editor button bar #todoIcon=todo.png ## To-do icon on editor button bar #italicsIcon=italic.png ## Italics icon on editor button bar #newNoteIcon=newNote.png ## New note icon on main button bar #trunkIcon=trunk.png ## Open Evernote Trunk icon #usageIcon=usage.png ## Usage icon on main button bar #blackDotIcon=black_dot.png ## Small black dot used in main note list #notebookSmallIcon=iconza-notebook-green.png ## Small notebook icon #notebookLocalIcon=local-notebook.png ## local notebook icon #notebookLinkedIcon=linked-notebook.png ## linked notebook icon #notebookConflictIcon=notebook-conflict.png ## conflict notebook icon #notebookSharedIcon=public-notebook.png ## Public notebook icon #stackIcon=stack-green.png ## Stack icon #silhouetteIcon=silhouette.png ## Person outline for linked notebooks #eraserIcon=eraser.png ## Eraser icon on editor button bar #gridIcon=grid.png ## Table icon on editor button bar #navigationIcon=navigation.png ## GPS navigator icon in note editor #splashLogoImage=splash_logo.png ## Splash screen logo #alarmclockIcon=alarmclock.png ## Alarm clock icon for reminders #printerIcon=printer.png ## Printer icon in main button bar #deleteIcon=delete.png ## Delete note icon #expandedIcon=expanded.png ## Down arrow used to expand & collapse note attribute editor #collapsedIcon=collapsed.png ## Up arrow used to expand & collapse note attribute editor #htmlentitiesIcon=htmlentities.png ## HTML entities icon on editor button bar #favoritesIcon=favorites.png ## Favorites icon #trayIcon=trayicon.png ## Small tray icon. ##editorFontColor=white ## Editor font color ##editorBackgroundColor=black ## Editor background color