diff --git a/uk_bin_collection/uk_bin_collection/councils/NorthTynesideCouncil.py b/uk_bin_collection/uk_bin_collection/councils/NorthTynesideCouncil.py index 97ef54e83c..07ee012001 100644 --- a/uk_bin_collection/uk_bin_collection/councils/NorthTynesideCouncil.py +++ b/uk_bin_collection/uk_bin_collection/councils/NorthTynesideCouncil.py @@ -8,214 +8,136 @@ from uk_bin_collection.uk_bin_collection.get_bin_data import AbstractGetBinDataClass -# import the wonderful Beautiful Soup and the URL grabber class CouncilClass(AbstractGetBinDataClass): - """ - Concrete classes have to implement all abstract operations of the - base class. They can also override some operations with a default - implementation. - """ def parse_data(self, page: str, **kwargs) -> dict: - requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() - data = {"bins": []} + user_uprn = kwargs.get("uprn") user_postcode = kwargs.get("postcode") check_uprn(user_uprn) check_postcode(user_postcode) - # Get form data + requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() s = requests.Session() - cookies = { - "ntc-cookie-policy": "1", - "SSESS6ec6d5d2d471c0357053d5993a839bce": "qBdR7XhmSMd5_PDBIqG0It2R0Fq67igrejRY-WOcskE", - "has_js": "1", - } - headers = { - "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8", - "Accept-Language": "en-GB,en;q=0.7", - "Cache-Control": "max-age=0", - "Connection": "keep-alive", - "Origin": "https://my.northtyneside.gov.uk", - "Referer": "https://my.northtyneside.gov.uk/category/81/bin-collection-dates", - "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "document", - "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "navigate", - "Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin", - "Sec-Fetch-User": "?1", - "Sec-GPC": "1", - "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", - "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", - "sec-ch-ua": '"Not?A_Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="108", "Brave";v="108"', - "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", - "sec-ch-ua-platform": '"Windows"', - } - ajax_data = { - "postcode": user_postcode, - "form_build_id": "form-BQ47tM0NKADE0s8toYkdSef3QBn6lDM-yBseqIOho80", - "form_id": "ntc_address_wizard", - "_triggering_element_name": "op", - "_triggering_element_value": "Find", - "ajax_html_ids[]": [ - "ntc-web-my", - "skip-link", - "navbar", - "navbar-collapse", - "search-block-form", - "ntc-web-search-input-label", - "ntc-web-search-input", - "ui-id-1", - "ntc-web-main", - "main-content", - "block-system-main", - "web-drupal-content", - "web-drupal-content-main", - "node-4024", - "block-ntc-address-ntc-address-finder", - "wizard-form-wrapper", - "ntc-address-wizard", - "edit-postcode", - "edit-find", - 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"ajax_page_state[js][sites/all/themes/bootstrap/js/misc/_progress.js]": "1", - "ajax_page_state[js][sites/all/modules/field_group/field_group.js]": "1", - "ajax_page_state[js][sites/all/modules/search_autocomplete/js/jquery.autocomplete.js]": "1", - "ajax_page_state[js][sites/all/themes/ntc_bootstrap/scripts/NTC.jquery.contentMenuScroller.js]": "1", - "ajax_page_state[js][sites/all/themes/ntc_bootstrap/scripts/NTC.jquery.alertClose.js]": "1", - "ajax_page_state[js][sites/all/themes/ntc_bootstrap/scripts/NTC.jquery.activeTrail.js]": "1", - "ajax_page_state[js][sites/all/themes/ntc_bootstrap/scripts/NTC.jquery.expandLinkToDiv.js]": "1", - "ajax_page_state[js][sites/all/themes/ntc_bootstrap/scripts/NTC.jquery.events.js]": "1", - "ajax_page_state[js][sites/all/themes/ntc_bootstrap/scripts/cookieconsent.js]": "1", - "ajax_page_state[js][sites/all/themes/ntc_bootstrap/scripts/google-analytics.js]": "1", - "ajax_page_state[js][sites/all/themes/ntc_bootstrap/scripts/ios-orientationchange-fix.js]": "1", - "ajax_page_state[js][sites/all/themes/bootstrap/js/misc/ajax.js]": "1", - "ajax_page_state[jquery_version]": "1.10", - } - uprn_data = { - "house_number": "0000" + f"{user_uprn}", - "op": "Use", - "form_build_id": "form-BQ47tM0NKADE0s8toYkdSef3QBn6lDM-yBseqIOho80", - "form_id": "ntc_address_wizard", - } - collections = [] - response = s.post( - "https://my.northtyneside.gov.uk/system/ajax", - # cookies=cookies, - headers=headers, - data=ajax_data, - verify=False, + # Get the first form + response = s.get( + "https://my.northtyneside.gov.uk/category/81/bin-collection-dates", + verify = False, ) + + # Find the form ID and submit with a postcode + soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, features="html.parser") + form_build_id = soup.find("input", {"name": "form_build_id"})["value"] response = s.post( "https://my.northtyneside.gov.uk/category/81/bin-collection-dates", - # cookies=cookies, - headers=headers, - data=uprn_data, - verify=False, + data = { + "postcode": user_postcode, + "op": "Find", + "form_build_id": form_build_id, + "form_id": "ntc_address_wizard", + }, + verify = False, ) - response = s.get( + + # Find the form ID and submit with the UPRN + soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, features="html.parser") + form_build_id = soup.find("input", {"name": "form_build_id"})["value"] + response = s.post( "https://my.northtyneside.gov.uk/category/81/bin-collection-dates", - # cookies=cookies, - headers=headers, - data=uprn_data, - verify=False, + data = { + "house_number": f"0000{user_uprn}", + "op": "Use", + "form_build_id": form_build_id, + "form_id": "ntc_address_wizard", + }, + verify = False, ) - # Parse form page and get the day of week text + # Parse form page and get the day of week and week offsets soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, features="html.parser") - soup.prettify() - bin_text = soup.find("section", {"class": "block block-ntc-bins clearfix"}) - regular_text = bin_text.select("p:nth-child(2) > strong")[0].text.strip() - x = bin_text.select("p:nth-child(4) > strong") - if len(bin_text.select("p:nth-child(4) > strong")) == 1: - special_text = bin_text.select("p:nth-child(4) > strong")[0].text.strip() - else: - special_text = bin_text.select("p:nth-child(5) > strong")[0].text.strip() - - # Since calendar only shows until end of March 2024, work out how many weeks that is - weeks_total = math.floor((datetime(2024, 4, 1) - datetime.now()).days / 7) + info_section = soup.find("section", {"class": "block block-ntc-bins clearfix"}) + + regular_day, garden_day, special_day = None, None, None + # Get day of week and week label for refuse, garden and special collections. + # Week label is A or B. Convert that to an int to use as an offset. + for anchor in info_section.findAll("a"): + if anchor.text.startswith("Refuse and Recycling"): + regular_day = anchor.text.strip().split()[-3] + if anchor.text.strip().split()[-1] == "A": + regular_week = 0 + else: + regular_week = 1 + elif anchor.text.startswith("Garden Waste"): + garden_day = anchor.text.strip().split()[-3] + if anchor.text.strip().split()[-1] == "A": + garden_week = 0 + else: + garden_week = 1 + for para in info_section.findAll("p"): + if para.text.startswith("Your special collections day"): + special_day = para.find("strong").text.strip() + + # The regular calendar only shows until end of March 2026, work out how many weeks that is + weeks_total = math.floor((datetime(2026, 4, 1) - datetime.now()).days / 7) + # The garden calendar only shows until end of November 2024, work out how many weeks that is + garden_weeks_total = math.floor((datetime(2024, 12, 1) - datetime.now()).days / 7) + + regular_collections, garden_collections, special_collections = [], [], [] # Convert day text to series of dates using previous calculation - regular_collections = get_weekday_dates_in_period( - datetime.today(), - days_of_week.get(regular_text.capitalize()), - amount=weeks_total, - ) - special_collections = get_weekday_dates_in_period( - datetime.today(), days_of_week.get(special_text.capitalize()) - ) + if regular_day is not None: + regular_collections = get_weekday_dates_in_period( + datetime.today(), + days_of_week.get(regular_day.capitalize()), + amount=weeks_total, + ) + if garden_day is not None: + garden_collections = get_weekday_dates_in_period( + datetime.today(), + days_of_week.get(garden_day.capitalize()), + amount=garden_weeks_total, + ) + if special_day is not None: + special_collections = get_weekday_dates_in_period( + datetime.today(), + days_of_week.get(special_day.capitalize()), + amount=weeks_total, + ) - # Differentiate between regular and recycling bins + collections = [] + + # Add regular collections, and differentiate between regular and recycling bins for item in regular_collections: item_as_date = datetime.strptime(item, date_format) # Check if holiday (calendar only has one day that's a holiday, and it's moved to the next day) if is_holiday(item_as_date, Region.ENG): item_as_date += timedelta(days=1) - # Use the isoweek number to separate collections - at the time of writing 11th Jan is week 2, which - # is for the grey bin - if (item_as_date.date().isocalendar()[1] % 2) == 0: - collections.append(("Regular bin (green)", item_as_date)) - + # Use the isoweek number to separate collections based on week label. + if (item_as_date.date().isocalendar()[1] % 2) == regular_week: + collections.append(("Refuse (green)", item_as_date)) else: - collections.append(("Recycling bin (grey)", item_as_date)) + collections.append(("Recycling (grey)", item_as_date)) + + # Add garden collections + for item in garden_collections: + item_as_date = datetime.strptime(item, date_format) + # Garden collections do not move for bank holidays + if (item_as_date.date().isocalendar()[1] % 2) == garden_week: + collections.append(("Garden Waste (brown)", item_as_date)) - # Add the special collection dates to the collection tuple + # Add special collections collections += [ - ("Special collection (bookable)", datetime.strptime(item, date_format)) + ("Special Collection (bookable)", datetime.strptime(item, date_format)) for item in special_collections ] - # Sort the collections tuple by date, the add to dictionary and return - ordered_data = sorted(collections, key=lambda x: x[1]) - data = {"bins": []} - for item in ordered_data: - dict_data = { - "type": item[0], - "collectionDate": item[1].strftime(date_format), - } - data["bins"].append(dict_data) - - return data + return { + "bins": [ + { + "type": item[0], + "collectionDate": item[1].strftime(date_format), + } + for item in sorted(collections, key=lambda x: x[1]) + ] + } \ No newline at end of file