I am using a TDD approach so before developing any feature I build an integration test. I use http://www.seleniumhq.org/ for the integration tests and run tests via https://codecept.io/
The test stack I am using is: Selenium server installed on my development machine with the chrome plugin configured codecept using the webdriver plugin
To run the tests you must:
- Start a Standalone Selenium server. I am using the Webdriver and the server should support at least one browser
- Start the python application (run ../app/run_app_developer.sh from ./app directory)
- Start the webfrontend application (run quasar dev in the ./webfrontend directory)
- In the integration directory run "codeceptjs run --steps"
Quick start for codecept: https://codecept.io/quickstart/ To generate a new test, go to the integrationtests directory and run
codeceptjs gt
To generate a new page object
codeceptjs gpo