Please follow these instructions before participating in the workshop.
- Install miniforge for example by following these instructions: (just the first part about Installation of miniforge)
- Start miniforge
- Set up a python environment with some basic libraries
conda create -n omero -c conda-forge omero-py ipykernel matplotlib numpy pip
- Activate the omero environment
conda activate omero
- Install ezomero and juypter labs (more information about installing jupyterLab can be found here
pip install ezomero
pip install jupyterlab
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=omero
- Optional (to upload data)
- Prepare sample data to upload to OMERO
- Install OMERO.insight:
Clone to your local computer and open the notebooks in nbs
with jupyter lab:
Open Miniforge prompt
conda activate omero
jupyter lab