This repo is turning archieve. For further dojo version (0.4.0 ~) check out Dojo Examples repo.
We have each piece as a seperate entity
- White pawn 1 ( Entity )
- Piece ( Component )
- Position ( Component )
We have Game entity with auth
- Game 1 ( Entity )
- Game ( Component )
- GameTurn ( Component )
- PlayersId ( Component )
Initiate ( System )
- Initiate Game
- Generate Game Enitity
- Initiate Pieces
- Initiate Game
Execute Move ( System )
- Generate Board Cache
- Generate Possible moves
- If there is piece need to occupy, kill piece
- Check if next position is eligible to moves
- Check Piece is owned by caller
- Check is caller's turn
- Update the position of the piece
Give up ( System )
- Check caller's color and set winner of opponent