- Geocoding - page 272
- Calculation AR methods - page 279
- Enum (used for draft, published, archived) - page 291
- hstore with Postgres - page 304
- Passing partials variables - pg 326
Changes to config files require a server restart
It's best practice to put the database.yml file in .gitignore since different developers will have different db settings
- The routing system maps URLs to actions
- Two purposes: maps requests to controller action methods, and it enables the dynamic generation of URLs for use as arugments to methods like link_to and redirect_to
- home page: root 'welcome#index'
- routes are called based on priority, first created = first called.
- just like sinatra, the first route to succeed will get executed. Order does matter
Two ways to make a route:
get 'products/:id', to: 'products#show'
get 'products/:id' => 'products#show'
Params such as :id are known as segment keys
Explicit call to link_to:
link_to 'Products',
controller: 'products',
action: 'show'
id: 1
The explicit version isn't used anymore but it's useful to see for understanding of the named paths.
It's vital to understand link_to doesn't know whether its supplying hard-coded segment values. It just hopes that given what it has it will hit a correct route.
You can redirect routes directly in the routes file:
get '/foo', to: redirect('/bar')
How to use the .:format
def show
@product = Product.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render json: @product.to_json }
If it's a normal request the html view will be rendered, if the request has .json at the end of it then the .json block will be called.
When using routes that have very long paths like: /items/wood/year/1939 Use something called Route Globbing:
get 'items/list/*specs', controller: 'items', action: 'list'
def list
specs = params[:specs]
Lets say you have a query for specific items:
get 'items/q/*specs', controller: 'items', action: 'query'
def query
@items = Item.where(Hash[*params[:specs].split('/')])
if @items.empty?
flash[:error] = "Can't find items with those properties"
render :index
# To show what this is doing:
spec = "base/books/fiction/dickens"
Hash[*spec.split('/')] # will return: { "base" => "books", "fiction" => "dickens" }
The square brackets class method on Hash will convert a one-dimensional array of key/value pairs into a hash! Super useful to know. Ruby knowledge is vital to becoming great rails developer.
Named routes are only to make your life easier as a programmer. Initially it does make things more confusing until you get the hang of it.
Whenever you name a route in routes.rb a new method called name_url gets created for you. Calling the method with passing in the correct parameters will generate the proper path. Additionally, name_path method gets created as well which will just generate the relative path without the protocol and host components
You can name a route using the option :as
# routes
get 'help' => 'help#index', as: 'help'
# in view
link_to 'Help', help_path # path will go to /help
TIP: You can test named routes in the console direction using the special app object
rails c
=> "/help"
=> ""
When to use _url:
Use _url
when using the redirect_to
method. The HTTP spec states: you should provide
full URI. However, _path
will also work just fine.
You can hardcode your link_to
but then you will be avoiding the rails
routing system which will hurt you in the future becaues you will have to find
and replace all instances of that route. For example:
link_to 'Help', '/main/help'
That will work but won't be very sustainable.
Rails Syntactic Sugar for paths:
# routes.rb
get "item/:id" => "items#show", as: "item"
# views
link_to "Auction of #{} ", item_path(id:
# Can be reduced to:
link_to "Auction of #{} ", item_path(
# Can be reduced to:
link_to "Auction of #{} ", item_path(item)
This same pattern can extend to multiple segment keys. Its important they are in the correct order though. Example:
# routes
get "auction/:auction_id/item/:id" => "items#show", as: "item"
# views
link_to "Auction of #{}", item_path(auction, item) # important these
are in the correct order)
# Depending on the item and auction ids you would get something like this:
Overriding the necessity for the ID in params:
# in model
def to_param
will created a munged version of the params for that object
Munged: stripped of punctuation and joined with hyphens
In order to get that item out of the database properly you would want to create a munged_description column to ensure uniqueness.
Item.where(munged_description: params[:id]).first!
Turn this:
get 'auctions/new' => 'auctions#new'
get 'auctions/edit/:id' => 'auctions#edit'
get 'auctions/pause/:id' => 'auctions#pause'
scope controller: :auctions do
get 'auctions/new' => :new
get 'auctions/edit/:id' => :edit
get 'auctions/pause/:id' => :pause
Dry it up even more:
scope path: '/auctions', controller: :auctions do
get 'new' => :new
get 'edit/:id' => :edit
get 'pause/:id' => :pause
Even more syntactic sugar:
scope controller: :auctions do
# becomes
scope :auctions do
# becomes
controller :auctions do
scope path: '/auctions' do
scope '/auctions/ do
# nested implied prefixed paths
scope :auctions, :archived do
# would scope all routes nested to "/auctions/archived"
Will bundle module, name prefix, and path prefix settings into one declaration
namespace :auctions, :controller => :auctions do
get 'new' => :new
get 'edit/:id' => :edit
post 'pause/:id' => :pause
TIP Search for a custom controllers routes: rake routes CONTROLLER=products
Alternatevely go to '/rails/info/routes' when server is running to see all
available routes for your Rails project.
A resource is a high-level description of the thing you're trying to get hold of when you submit a request.
Advantages of REST:
- Convenience and automatic best practices for you
- A RESTful interface to your applications services for everyone else
Rest allows you to define routes with the same name but with intelligence about their HTTP verbs.
Making sure to use correct HTTP Verb:
- The default request method is GET
- In a
call, the POST method will be used - When you need to, you can specify a request method along with the URL generated by the named route for.
You would need to specify method: :delete
to trigger a destroy action in a
Why some rest routes are singular and some are plural:
- Routes for show, new, edit, and destroy are singular b/c they are being performed on a particular resource.
- The rest of the routes are plural b/c they deal with collections of related resources
TIP: All singular routes require an argument because they need to be able to figure out the id of the member of the collection referenced.
TIP: new
and edit
are really assistant actions. All they are
suppose to do is show the user a form as part of the process of creating or
updating a resource.
You can add except:
and only:
to customize a resources calls in your
routes to just have the exact paths you need.
Singular resources (resource
) are used when you will only have one of
something your app, for example: resource :profile
TIP: When using singular resources make sure to remember all _paths will be singular as well.
resources :auctions do
resources :bids
When nesting resouces you are making a promise that you will now give any link_to's and forms the correct number of paramters.
It's generally a good idea to not nest routes more than 1 layer deep. This is a
topic that is widely debated in the rails community. Example of getting around
double nested is to use the shallow
resources :auctions do
resources :bids do
resources :comments
# could be changed to:
resources :auctions do
resources :bids
resources :bids do
resources :comments
resources :comments
# OR it can be dried up to simply be:
resources :auctions, shallow: true do
resources :bids do
resources :comments
Concerns can be used when multiple resources share the same associations like being able to have comments. For example:
resources :auctions do
resources :bids
resources :comments
resources :image_attachment, only: :index
resources :bids do
resources :comments
# This can be dried up and use Concerns like this:
concern :commentable do
resources :comments
concern :image_attachable do
resources :image_attachments, only: :index
resources :auctions, concerns: [:commentable, :image_attachmentable] do
resources :bids
resources :bids, conerns: :commentable
In this example it appears to be more code but now you can reuse the concerns in future routes that will need that feature.
resources :auctions do
resources :bids do
member do
get :retract
This will add a /auctions/3/bids/4/retract
path that can be used to do
something special.
It will also create a link_to
helper like so:
link_to 'Retract', retract_bid_path(auction, bid)
This will show us the bid that needs to be retracted but in order to actually retract it we will need a POST not a GET. To add a POST as well we add it under the member section like so:
resources :auctions do
resources :bids do
member do
get :retract
post :retract
However, if you have more than one member you will want to switch to match
like this:
resources :auctions do
resources :bids do
member do
match :retract, via: [:get, :post]
This can be even further optimized by passing in :member
as a parameter
resources :auctions do
resources :bids do
match :retract, via: [:get, :post], on: :member
Customizing the action names in the route for a different language:
resources :projects, path_names: { new: 'nuevo', edit: 'cambiar' }
The URL's will change but the names of the generated helper methods do not.
/projects/nuevo(.:format) projects#new
resources :photos, controller: 'images'
Rails has a neat syntax for creating routes for new resources:
resources :reports do
new do
post :preview
This would give you:
preview_new_report POST /reports/new/preview(.:format) reports#preview
In order to make it work we would change the form_for
form_for(report, url: preview_new_report_path) do |f|
f.submit "Preview"
Instead of specifiying in each action what it can respond to you can do this:
class AuctionsController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html, :xml, :json
def index
@auctions = Auction.all
This will dry up the code for each action.
Rack: abstracts away the handling of HTTP requests and responses into a
single, simple call
method that can be used by anything from a plain Ruby
script all the way to Rails itself.
The call
method should return an array with the status code, a hash of all
headers, and an array of the body.
Much of Action Controller is implemented as Rack middleware modules.
TIP use rake middleware
to see which Rack filters are enabled for your
Action Dispatch - dispatches requests, example:
get 'foo', to: 'foo#index'
# Has a dispatcher instance associated with it whose call method ends up
When in doubt, Render. If Rails can't find an action for a controller it will assume the action was empty and try to render the view with the appropriate name before throwing an error.
This means: every action has an implied render command in it like this:
def index
render 'demo/index'
Great example of convention over configuration. Rails does this to make the developers life easier, as long as the developer knows it is going to be happening
When calling render template: is implied
render template: '/products/index.html.haml'
# is equivalent to:
render '/products/index.html.haml'
render 'products/index.html.haml'
render 'products/index.html'
render 'index'
render :index
All of those renders will show the index view when called within the products controller.
You can add a flash to a redirect_to method by:
redirect_to post_url(@post), alert: "Post created"
TIP in Rails 4 you can add custom flash types by doing this:
class ApplicationController
add_flash_types :error
When you add a flash type a special accessor becomes available to redirect_to just like :alert and :notice
Sharing of instance variables between controllers and views: Rails loops through the controller objects variables and for each one, it creates an instance variable for the view object with the same name and the same data.
Callbacks should be made private or protected so they won't get called as public actions on your controller
You can setup callbacks with this macro style in top of file:
before_action :require_authentication
If you want to add callback that called no matter what, the Application Controller would be the place to put them since all other controllers inherit from there.
Callbacks can be used on specific actions with the :only or :except options.
- AR will expect an id column to use as the primary key.
Instead of using :default in migrations it makes more sense to set defaults in the actual models. You can override the attributes like this:
class TimesheetEntry < ActiveRecord::Base
def category
read_attribute(:category) || 'n/a'
class TimesheetEntry < ActiveRecord::Base
def message=(txt)
write_attribute(:message, txt + ' in bed')
class TimesheetEntry < ActiveRecord::Base
def message=(txt)
self[:message] = txt + ' in bed'
def category
self[:category] || 'n/a'
will insert a record in db if necessary or update an existing record
with the same primary key.
uses SQL directly and does not load the AR object. Thus it is
faster. #destory
loads the object first and then destroys it, it will
trigger before_destroy
callbacks and dependant associations will be
destroyed as well. There is a difference between the two!
Locking: a term for techniques that prevent concurrent users of an pp from overwriting each others work.
How to pass in multiple parameters to a where clause:
Product.where("name = :name AND sku = :sku AND created_at > :date",
name: "Space Toilet", sku: 80808, date: '2009-01-01')
Order is defaulted to ascending:
Timesheet.order(:created_at) # will be ascending
# Rails 4 added feature to do desending:
Timesheet.order(created_at: :desc)
Pagination can be implemented with #limit
and #offest
Timesheet.limit(10).offset(10) # will return the second set of 10 rows
Extending a module into all Models:
module Pagination
def page(number)
scope = Model.all.extending(Pagination)[:page])
Preventing N + 1 Queries:
# First degree associations
users = Users.where(login: "mack").includes(:billable_weeks)
# Second degree associations
users = Users.where(login: "mack").includes(:billable_weeks)
class EmailValidator < ActiveRecord::Validator
def validate()
email_field = options[:attr]
record.errors[email_field] << 'is not valid' unless
record.send(email_field) =~ /\A(^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_with EmailValidator, attr: :email
Overriding custom validation messages:
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_uniqueness_of :uesrname, message: "is already taken"
Using Scopes:
class Timesheet < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :submitted, -> { where(submitted: true) }
# Will return array of all submitted timesheets
Instead of using scope you can also create a class method instead:
def self.delinquent
where('timesheets_updated_at < ?', 1.week.ago)
# returns delinquent users
Passing a scope a parameter:
scope :newer_than, ->(date) { where('start_date > >', date) }
Scopes can be chained together for reuse within scope definitions themselves:
class Timesheet < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :submitted, -> { where(submitted: true) }
scope :underutilized, -> { submitted.where('total_hours < 40') }
Scopes are automatically available in has_many relationships
If you return false (not nil) from a callback method then AR halts the execution chain.
Preventing records from being deleted:
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
before_destroy do
self.update_attribute(:deleted_at, Time.current)
false # this will halt the execution chain
Open-Closed Principle: Write code that is open for extension but closed for modification.
In order to activate STI all you need to do is include a type:string column in the parent class.
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :commentable, polymorphic: true
NOTE: There is no Commentable
class in our application. It's named that way
to describe the interface of objects that will be associated with comments.
class Timesheet < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, as: :commentable
class BillableWeek < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, as: :commentable
We specifiy the polymorphism with the as:
Migration for comments:
create table :comments do |t|
t.text :body
t.integer :commentable
t.string :commentable_type
There is a shortcut for your migrations to make it even easier given by AR API
t.references :commentable, polymorphic: true
Enum can be used as a state machine inside rails.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
enum status: %i(draft published archived)
create_table :posts do |t|
t.integer :status, default: 0
# => "draft"
# => true
# See page 291 for more example
Refactoring into Modules for common behavior:
module Commentable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
has_many :comments, as: :commentable
class Timesheet < ActiveRecord::Base
include Commentable
# The include will now work since we extended activesupport concern. If we
hadn't dont that the has_many class method would of been called in the incorrect
scope. It would of been called in the scope of module Commentable and not the
class Timesheet
TIP ActiveModel::Conversion and ActiveModel::Naming should be extended into non AR::Base models so that the view helpers can still determine paths, routes, and naming.
UUID: universally unique identifier - a 128-bit value that is unlikely to be generated twice.
To set a column as a UUID:
add_column :table_name, :unique_identifier, :uuid
Folders after app/views/ are linked up to specific controllers, the files inside those folders are linked to specific actions inside that controller
# in applicaiton.html.haml
= yield :left
= yield
= yield :right
Then to add content to one of the other yields you simply call content_for
in the view passing in the proper symbol.
- content_for :left do
%h2 Navigation
- content_for :right do
%h2 Help
In addition to sidebars it's a good idea to yield :head
in case you have any
page specific head data you want in, ex: Facebook Open Graph.
Conditional output:
- if show_subtitle?
%h2= article.subtitle
Shorter one-liner version:
%h2= article.subtitle if show_subtitle?
Problem is if it returns nil then there will be empty h2
tags on the page
Taking advantage of controller and action names in your CSS:
%body{ class: "#{controller.controller_name} #{controller.action_name}" }
# Body will look like:
<body class="timesheets index">
Haml has a helper method to do the above:
%body{ class: page_class }
With that added CSS you can customize things like background images per page using some sass fun:
body {
.timesheets .header {
background: image1
.expense_reports .header {
background: image2
Because flashes are used so commonly you can add them to the redirect_to
method to save time:
redirect_to root_path, notice: "Welcome, you are signed in"
There are also special accessors for notice and alert since they are used so much:
def create
flash.notice = "Welcome"
flash.alert = "Login invalid"
Knowing that we can display flash messages in our layouts like so:
- if flash.notice
.notice= flash.notice
- if flash.alert
.notice.alert= flash.alert
= yield
In older versions of rails render :partial
was the syntax. Now you can pass
in a string to render the correct partials. render 'partial'
Partial template names must begin with an underscore. Leave the underscore OUT when referring to them.
Generally best practice to encapsulate a partial inside a well-defined div or semantically significant container. Will help with understanding how it will render and with CSS later on.
When creating partials that will be used in multiple views, stick them in a shared folder and render like this:
# app/views/shared/_captcha.html.haml
# app/views/users/new.html.haml
= render 'shared/captcha'
TIP: Providing fallback to prevent nil iteration:
= render(entries) || "No entries exist"
Ordering a rendered collection with the _counter
= div_for(entry) do
"#{entry_counter}: #{entry.description}
#{distance_of_time_in_words_to_now entry.created_at} ago"
Methods for generating HTML that links views to assets such as images, js, stylesheets, and feeds.
Custom Favicon:
favicon_link_tag '/myicon.ico'
Setting up path to javascript files:
javascript_include_tag 'xml1hr'
# => src="/assets/xmlhr.js"
# Setting explicit pathes:
javascript_include_tag 'common', '/elsewhere/cools'
# => src="/assets/common.js"
# => src="/elswhere/cools.js"
These rules all also apply to stylessheet_link_tag
Image Paths:
image_path("edit.png") # => /assets/edit.png
image_path("icons/edit.png") # => /images/icons/edit.png
image_path("/icons/edit.png") # => /icons/edit.png
Image Tags:
image_tag('icon.png') # => src="/assets/icon.png"
image_tag('/photos/icon.gif') # => src="/photos/icon.gif"
See page 341 for more asset tag/path helper methods
Dynamically decide whether layout will have columns:
%body{class: content_for?(:right_col) ? 'one-column' : 'two-column'
= yield
= yield :right_col
TIP: distance_of_time_in_words_to_now
has been aliased to time_ago_in_words
One use case:
%small= "#{time_ago_in_words(review.created)at)} ago"
Can be used with classes other than Active Record models, again in order to do that you would want to mixin ActiveModel::Model to your class.
= f.text_field :first_name
# gets expanded to:
= text_field :person, :first_name
If you want resulting params hash posted to your controller to be named based on
something other than the class name of the object you pass to form_for
, you
can pass an symbol in:
= form_for person, as: :client do |F|
= f.text_field :first_name
# gets expanded to:
= text_field :client, :first_name, object: person
: The url the form is submitted to. May pass a named route directly
: A namspace that will be prefixed with an underscore on the
generated HTML id of the form.
: Optional HTML attributes for the form tag.
: Optional form builder class
TIP: The preferred way to use form_for
is to rely on automated resource
identification, which will use conventions and named routes instead of manually
configuring the :url
Creating nested forms - see page 363 All other helpers can be found after nested forms
= select(:post, :person_id, Person.all.collect { |p| [, ] },
{ include_blank: true }
That will create a drop down with all the People's names and id's, the first
dropdown will be blank because of include_blank: true
number_to_percentage(number, options = {})
excerpt(text, phrase, options={})
highlight(text, phrases, options={})
pluralize(count, singular, plural=nil)
truncate(text, options={}, &block)
if text is longer than the length option
the text will be truncated to the length specified and the last three characters
will be replaced with :omission (default: ...)
word_wrap(text, options={})
wraps text into lines no longer than the
:line_width option.
button_to(name, options, html_options, &block)
: If no :method is given it
will default to a post.
button_to "Delete Image", { action: "delete", id: },
method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }
# => <form method="post" action="/images/delete/1" class="button_to">
: returns true if the current request URI was
generated by the given options.
Example: (assuming we're currently rendering /shop/checkout)
current_page?(action: 'process')
# => false
current_page?(action: 'checkout') # controller is implied
# => true
current_page?(controller: 'shop', action: 'checkout')
# => true
link_to(name, options, html_options, &block)
: Creates a link tag of the
given name using a URL created by the set of options.
symbol specify an alternative HTTP verb other than GET.
true allows unobtrusive JS driver to make an Ajax request to the
URL instead of following a link.
'Question?' JS
: creates a link tag using the same options as link_to but the
first parameter is a condition.
: creates a link tag using the same options as link_to but the
first parameter is a condition.
Linking back unless current:
link_to_unless_current("Comment", { controller: 'comments', action: 'new' }) do
link_to("Go back", posts_path)
mail_to(email_address, name = nil, html_options = {}, &block)
TIP: If you pass the magic symbol, :back
, to any method that uses
url_for under the covers, the user will be returned back to the last requested
As you develop your app when you start to see a lot of duplication in the views, that is a great opportunity to extract it out into helper methods. Helper methods are basically custom, app-level, API for your view code.
def page_title(name)
content_for(:title) { name }
content_tag('h1', name)
# application layout
%title= yield :title
Default photo view helper
def photo_for(user, size=:thumb)
if user.profile_photo
src = user.profile_photo.public_filename(size)
src = 'user_placeholder.png'
link_to(image_tag(src), user_path(user))
TIP: In order to create custom view helpers you need to create a directory
called helpers
inside the app directory. The universal helper will be
called ``application_helper.rb''
Here is an example of a generic helper:
module ApplicationHelper
def some_method
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_action :devise_permitted_paramters, if: :devise_controller?
def devise_permitted_paramters
devise_paramter_sanitizer.for(:sign_up) << :phone_number
Adding multiple paramters:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_action :devise_permitted_paramters, if: :devise_controller?
def devise_permitted_paramters
devise_paramter_sanitizer.for(:sign_in) { |user| user.permit(:email,
:password, :remember_me, :username) }
Faster testing with Devise:
# spec/support/devise.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Devise::TestHelpers, type: :controller
# this will create some helper methods like sign_in and sign_out
Displaying errors in HAML:
= form_for [@assignment, @submission] do |f|
- if @submission.errors.any?
%p The solution couldn't be submitted.
- @submission.errors.full_messages.each do |message|
%li= message
= f.label :body, "Solution"
= f.text_area :body
= f.submit "Submit"
When you use #update you can change multiple objects by passing in an array of object ids and corresponding hashes of what to update. #update_attribute is used to just update a single attribute on a single object and finally update_attributes is used to update multiple attributes of a single object.