Step 1: Creating tests. Looks something like this:
This is assuming we have a lesson model and we are trying to import lessons in markdown for our app. First we are creating a data folder in our spec folder to store all our sample lessons which we will be importing in our tests.
describe '.import!' do
let(:sample_lessons_dir) { Rails.root.join("spec/data/sample_lessons") }
it "creates a new lesson" do
Lesson.import!(File.join(sample_lessons_dir, "expressions"))
expect(Lesson.count).to eq(1)
lesson = Lesson.find_by!(slug: "expressions")
expect(lesson.title).to eq("Expressions")
expect(lesson.type).to eq("article")
expect(lesson.description).to eq("bloop.")
expect(lesson.body).to eq("beep boop i'm an expression\n")
expect(lesson.position).to eq(1)
Step 2: Build the import method! So first we tell the import method to fetch all the attributes needed to build a lesson using the .lesson.yml file
def self.import!(source_dir)
attributes = YAML.load_file(File.join(source_dir, ".lesson.yml"))
In this method I am using the source_dir (the name of the directory of the lesson being uploaded) as the slug for the lessons. Then it's using the .lesson.yml in order to build all the attributes for a lesson.
def self.import!(source_dir)
slug = File.basename(source_dir)
attributes = YAML.load_file(File.join(source_dir, ".lesson.yml"))
content =, "#{slug}.md"))
lesson = Lesson.find_or_initialize_by(slug: slug)
lesson.slug = slug
lesson.body = content
lesson.title = attributes["title"]
lesson.lesson_type = attributes["type"]
lesson.description = attributes["description"]!
Here is what the .lesson.yml looks like:
title: "Variable Assignment"
type: "article"
description: "How to assign variables in Ruby"
tags: "ruby, variables"
Finally the last step is to make the actual rake task that will import all the lessons into the DB. That looks like this:
namespace :rocket_ship do
desc "Import lessons from the db/lessons directory"
task import_lessons: :environment do
curriculum_dir = Rails.root.join(ENV["LESSON_DIRECTORY"])
Note: I also created an import_all! method that looks through whatever the directory lesson is and imports all of the lessons.