Building a container with an invalid platform should fail. Podman happily builds it.
Podman totally ignores the parameter (i.e. doesn't forward it to Buildah).
When patching it through to Buildah's Architecture
build option it's ignored by Buildah.
Docker's response:
400 {"message":"\"foobar\": unknown operating system or architecture: invalid argument"}
Killing a container sometimes changes to state 'stopped' and sometimes to 'exited'. It should be 'exited'.
Running touch /test
in a container also changes /etc (see container diff)
Some test started getting flaky around beginning of June 2021.
exemplary error:
500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.40/containers/23526eab673a42f9a90c5caff84c215da46f77ab6ff1153190fc928d0d63aba9/start: Internal Server Error ("error configuring network namespace for container 23526eab673a42f9a90c5caff84c215da46f77ab6ff1153190fc928d0d63aba9: failed to Statfs "/run/user/1000/netns/cni-a78e37ad-923c-5099-e2ba-18ff619d9a6e": no such file or directory")
other tests exhibit similar behaviour:
- CreateContainerTest.test_valid_no_log_driver_specified
- StartContainerTest.test_run_shlex_command
- AttachContainerTest.test_attach_no_stream
- PruneTest.test_prune_containers
- ContainerCollectionTest.test_run_with_named_volume
- ContainerTest.test_commit
exemplary error:
500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.40/containers/6abe322fc4312da127ba97455a8e533153681aed269835283ef2a3a41ec23a30/start: Internal Server Error ("error configuring network namespace for container 6abe322fc4312da127ba97455a8e533153681aed269835283ef2a3a41ec23a30: failed to set bridge addr: "cni-podman1" already has an IP address different from"*
other tests exhibit similar behaviour:
- TestNetworks.test_connect_with_ipv4_address
- TestNetworks.test_create_with_ipv6_address
2022-01-07 Podman 4.0.0-dev:
Podman always uses cached layers and ignores the cachefrom