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Dimelo iOS SDK master

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.7.8 (January 27th, 2025)

  • Fix: bitcode issues with Xcode 16 (Invalid Executable Errors When Uploading iOS Builds). RD-32486
  • Fix: in some cases clicking on an empty chat was causing an out of bounds error. RD-32418

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.7.7 (November 19th, 2024)

  • Fix: localized strings weren't correctly applied when integrated through CocoaPods. RD-31824
  • Feature: allow to disable the text input via API. RD-30697

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.7.6 (November 6th, 2024)

  • Improvement: support hyperlink on iOS 18. RD-31580
  • Improvement: carousel messages now keep their horizontal scroll position. RD-13222

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.7.5 (October 11th, 2024)

  • Improvement: read messages in the chat with voice-over from bottom to top. RD-30747

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.7.4 (September 25th, 2024)

  • Improvement: add RTL support for structured messages. RD-30722

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.7.3 (August 21th, 2024)

  • Feature: extend support for identity fields. RD-29583:
    • Add the setCompany method. RD-29794
    • Add the setEmail method. RD-29796
    • Add the setFirstname method. RD-29797
    • Add the setLastname method. RD-29798
    • Add the setHomePhone method. RD-30547
    • Add the setMobilePhone method. RD-30549
  • Improvement: add defaultLocale setter to change the application language. RD-29789

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.7.2 (July 29th, 2024)

  • Fix: crash caused by usage of UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions in iOS 17+ (replaced with UIGraphicsImageRenderer). RD-29249

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.7.1 (July 10th, 2024)

  • Fix: receiving a notification while the threads list is displayed with a company message was causing a crash. RD-30308

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.7.0 (July 8th, 2024)

  • Feature: allow to initialize the SDK using the Engage Messaging channel's token. RD-28849
  • add initializeWithToken: token hostName: hostName jwtKeyId: jwtKeyId jwtSecret: jwtSecret delegate: delegate (for adhoc JWT signing).
  • add initializeWithToken: token hostName: hostName delegate: delegate (for remote JWT signing).

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.6.7 (June 11th, 2024)

  • Improvement: threads non-synchronized with the server because of errors are retained and correctly displayed. RD-17134
  • Fix: using UIWindowScene on device running on iOS13+ causes a crash when opening the context menu. RD-30030

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.6.6 (March 14th, 2024)

  • Fix: link in welcome message was not clickable. RD-29202
  • Fix: opening the keyboard was partially hiding the last message in the conversation. RD-28216
  • Fix: the button to scroll to the bottom of the conversation's position wasn't correctly updated when the text input was hidden when closing a thread. RD-28895
  • Improvement: calling sendMessage:(NSString *)messageText will now trigger the dimeloChatDidSendMessage:(NSNotification *)notification callback. RD-28913
  • Feature: add support for thumbs up/down rating on messages generated by Dialogflow virtual agent. RD-28809

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.6.5 (January 15th, 2024)

  • Improvement: use push notifications to update messages when in threads list. RD-17418
  • Feature: add a button to scroll to the bottom of the conversation (disabled by default). RD-27767

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.6.4 (December 7th, 2023)

  • Fix: prevent empty thread from being displayed in threads list. RD-28218
  • Improvement: publish Engage Messaging SDK on Swift Package Manager (SPM). RD-28233
  • Fix: in some cases scroll through messages quickly was causing the keyboard to be hidden. RD-28453
  • Improvement: last message wasn't completely displayed when opening the chat or closing the context menu. RD-27762
  • Fix: agent message containing a single character wasn't aligned with the other messages. RD-17489

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.6.3 (October 5th, 2023)

  • Feature: add support for message deletion. RD-27116
  • Minor: bump Minimum Deployment Target to iOS 11.0 (was iOS 8.0). RD-27130

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.6.2 (March 31th, 2023)

  • Fix: some messages could disappear if internet connection was stopped while the message was being sent. RD-20315
  • Fix: some messages were disappearing after successfully retrying to send a message after an error occured. RD-17208
  • Fix: prevent the chat from automatically scrolling to the bottom after clicking the "View previous messages" button. RD-23414
  • Improvement: hide the text input when the retry action sheet is displayed. RD-25229

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.6.1 (January 13th, 2023)

  • Feature: support auto open of richlink survey webview link. RD-24457
  • Fix: system structured messages weren't displayed correctly. RD-24706

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.6.0 (December 8th, 2022)

  • Feature: add support for videos in the gallery selection. RD-23867
  • Feature: add support for documents in the attachment action sheet. RD-23868
  • Design: revamp the attachment action sheet. RD-23869

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.5.1 (December 1st, 2022)

  • Fix: carousel structured messages weren't fully displayed on some devices with smaller screen. RD-24413
  • Improvement: change the "conversation has ended" text color to #A1A1A1. RD-23012
  • Fix: the text input was still displayed when the gallery was opened on iOS 15. RD-24171
  • Improvement: increase the default "Switch to Video" icon size. RD-23293
  • Fix: message customizations couldn't be applied when using a copy of the SDK instance. RD-22068
  • Fix: messages under the "back to all chats" blue header disappears instead of still being visible. RD-20034

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.5.0 (August 18th, 2022)

  • Feature: add support for Switch to Video. RD-22178
  • Fix: the input text placeholder wasn't correctly displayed on iOS 16.0. RD-23151
  • Improvement: do not display "View previous messages" when there are no previous messages. RD-17043

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.4.6 (July 29th, 2022)

  • Fix: the welcome message should be always centered on the available space. RD-16383
  • Fix: text input was becoming visible after scrolling even when it was supposed to stay hidden because of the quick replies disabling its display. RD-19905
  • Fix: prevent customized images from being overridden by the SDK default images (bug introduced in v2.4.4). RD-23036

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.4.5 (May 24th, 2022)

  • Feature: add the openWebView:url heightMode:heightMode method to allow to manually open a WebView within the chat. RD-21669
  • Feature: add a rcShouldDelegateUrlOpening:url event to DimeloDelegate to control whether the Engage Messaging SDK should open a URL or not. RD-21669
  • Fix: in some cases the WebView title wasn't displayed on iOS 15.0. RD-22109
  • Improvement: prevent from sending messageContextInfo if it cannot be serialized into json. RD-21579
  • Improvement: prevent from sending authenticationInfo if it cannot be serialized into json. RD-22075
  • Fix: prevent multiple WebView from opening when structured message button elements are clicked multiple times. RD-21900
  • Fix: customizations can't be applied to quick replies when using a copy of Dimelo instance. RD-21321
  • Fix: remove the 1000 characters restriction on text input accessory view. RD-13970

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.4.4 (March 28th, 2022)

  • Bug introduced: customized images were overridden by the SDK default images. RD-23036
  • Improvement: add arm64 architecture support for simulator on Mac with Apple silicon. RD-21653
  • Fix: input accessory view disappears when attachments are disabled. RD-21118
  • Fix: some images were taking more than the screen size when opened on some devices. RD-20495
  • Fix: prevent old template or carousel reply items from being used when the text input is disabled by a quick reply message. RD-14504
  • Fix: the fragment header gets more opaque the more messages we send. RD-20035
  • Improvement: load SDK image assets asynchronously. RD-20830
  • Fix: inputBarBackgroundColor customization was not correctly applied. RD-20168

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.4.3 (December 22th, 2021)

  • Improvement: open the chat view in a background thread instead of the main thread when tapping the push notification. RD-20528

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.4.2 (October 28th, 2021)

  • Feature: url sent in a structured message (richlink, carousel or template) can now be displayed as an embedded WebView. RD-19248
    • The WebView is opened in full height mode when target is equal to current
  • Feature: support the company message view in the threads list. RD-12758
  • Improvement: display agent name under the unreplied quick reply if the thread is closed. RD-19898
  • Fix: agent name flickers in threads list when the last message is a quick replies. RD-19900
  • Fix: prevent quick replies items from being used when thread is locked in multithread. RD-18409
  • Fix: image is on the bottom of the screen when opening in full screen on some devices (bug introduced in v2.4.1). RD-19843
  • Improvement: add a customizable informative text below the last message when the thread is closed. RD-16690

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.4.1 (September 30th, 2021)

  • Bug introduced: image is on the bottom of the screen when opening in full screen on some devices. Fixed in v2.4.2. RD-19843
  • BREAKING CHANGE: navigationBarTintColor will change the background color instead of the tint color of the navigation bar for iOS 13+. RD-19664
  • BREAKING CHANGE: provide the new format of packing frameworks (Dimelo.xcframework) for manual integration and abandon the use of Dimelo.framework. RD-18883
    • No change required for CocoaPods integration (the XCFramework will be automatically included).
  • Fix: crash when using a custom leftBarButtonItem when the badge view should not be displayed. RD-19711
  • Fix: use UIBarAppearance APIs to customize the navigation bar introduced in iOS 13. RD-19664
  • Fix: apply the default background color to the navigation bar on iOS 15 for devices with the notch. RD-19664
  • Improvement: add the ability to zoom in/out when opening pictures. RD-19430
  • Fix: crash when internet connection is off (bug introduced in v2.4.0). RD-19670
  • Fix: hide input text when sending quick replies with "disable_text_input": true and threading is enabled. RD-18747
  • Fix: prevent template and carousel reply items from being used when thread is locked in multithread. RD-18411

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.4.0 (August 31th, 2021)

  • Bug introduced: SDK crashes when Internet connection is off. Fixed in v2.4.1. RD-19670

  • BREAKING CHANGE: fetchUnreadCountWithCompletionHandler, dimeloUnreadCountDidChange, dimeloDidBeginNetworkActivity and dimeloDidEndNetworkActivity callbacks must be called in main thread when updating UI. RD-18723

  • Improvement: move fetchUnreadCountWithCompletionHandler and dimeloUnreadCountDidChange methods out of the main thread. RD-18723

  • Improvement: send the file extension with the filename when sending an attachment. RD-16648

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.3.0 (April 9th, 2021)

  • Fix: fix the VoiceOver on the send button. RD-17295
  • Feature: add threading support. RD-16271:
    • Add enableThreads flag to enable or disable the threading. RD-16274
    • Add embeddedAsFragment flag to set to embed or not the Dimelo view as a fragment. RD-12753
    • Add multiple customization keys (listed in RD-16262
    • Set a context_data identity_initiated_thread: true when clicking on the "new conversation" button. RD-16235
    • Hide the "new conversation" button based on the "Allow multiple conversations in parallel" ED configuration with a maximum of three parallel open threads. RD-16249
  • Fix: cannot reply via the notification when the application is in background or killed. RD-17032 RD-17127
  • Improvement: display the "Done" button by default to close the chat. RD-16466
  • Fix: fix attachment icon padding when safe area is available. RD-16689

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.2.0 (January 13th, 2021)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: minimum iOS version supported is now iOS 8.0. RD-12776
  • Improvement: drop usage of UIActionSheet in favor of UIAlertController. RD-12776
  • Feature: display a spinner when the message is being sent. RD-14386
  • Fix: fix a bug where the message would disappear when the server returns a 500 error and then re-appears. RD-14386
  • Fix: fix a bug where the retry menu would be automatically displayed when message sending encountered an error. RD-14386
  • Fix: "Waiting for connection" prompt was sometimes shown even though there was no network issue. RD-14386
  • Improvement: put the timestamp in regular when its format is customized. RD-15600
  • Fix: display the timestamp label when its format is customized. RD-15600
  • Feature: add text color customization for welcome message (default color is #A1A1A1). RD-14482

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.1.1 (November 6th, 2020)

  • Improvement: use the new PHPickerViewController on device running on iOS14+. RD-15062
  • Fix: video player stuck mid-animation when going out of fullscreen mode. RD-15383

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.1.0 (October 7th, 2020)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: remove disruptive UNNotificationCenter callbacks and replace them by helper methods to handle Engage Digital Messaging notifications. RD-15000
  • Improvement: move Push Notifications related documentation to and add guidance on how to integrate new notification helper methods. RD-15000

Dimelo iOS SDK 2.0.0 (July 21th, 2020)

  • Feature: tapping the error icon alongside a message now allows to retry the message sending request. RD-9309
  • Feature: support the structured messages (quick reply, template, carousel and rich link) RD-12831:
    • Add multiple customization keys (listed in
    • The input accessory view is hidden when a quick reply disabling it is sent
    • Support gif and deeplinks in structured messages
  • Feature: new design RD-12834:
    • Support agent avatar (showAgentAvatarImage = YES | NO defaults to YES)
    • Support messages grouping (text, image, location, attachment, structured)
    • Add hourTimeFont and hourTimeTextColor keys to customize the hour part of the date
    • Add agentTimeFont and agentTimeColor keys to customize the time next to the agent name
    • Replace the send button by an icon. Use the existing sendTintColor (when active) and disabledSendButtonColor keys to customize the send icon
    • Add rcHintInputText key to customize the hint text in the input accessory view
    • Add rcToday localization key for the date
    • Automatically apply system date and time to the chat date and time
    • Welcome message is now displayed in the middle of the screen
    • Make the default colors compatible with the dark mode

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.9.5 (May 13th, 2020)

  • Fix: dismiss share action sheet when the chat disappear. RD-12606
  • Feature: add agentAttachmentTitleInsets to customize insets for file name and size label inside the agent cell
  • Fix: apply an ellipsis to attachments filename to fit them in the screen
  • Improvement: add space in bottom safe area on compatible devices. RD-11208
  • Improvement: use WKWebView instead of UIWebView in AttachmentViewController on device running on iOS 8+. RD-11066
  • Fix: race condition when rotating the screen was breaking the attachment layout in AttachmentViewController. RD-11066

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.9.4 (January 20th, 2020)

  • Fix: the SDK now takes the application's current notification categories into account when adding its own notification category. RD-12110
  • Fix: text input is not resized well when rotating device during attachment prompt. RD-11957
  • Fix: force the display of the location, gallery and camera view in full screen mode on iOS13+ devices to avoid bug where input accessory view is not displayed anymore after opening one of these views. RD-11495
  • Feature: allow to initialize the Dimelo instance using a hostname RD-10821:
  • add initializeWithApiKeyAndHostName: apiKey hostName: hostName delegate: delegate method to configure Dimelo with an api key and a hostname.
  • add initializeWithApiSecretAndHostName: apiSecret hostName: hostName delegate: delegate method to configure Dimelo with an api secret and a hostname.
  • Feature: add enableLightStatusBarStyle option to set the light status bar style. RD-11345
  • Feature: add dimeloAttachmentSizeLabelMegaByteUnit and dimeloAttachmentSizeLabelKiloByteUnit keys to customize the size unit of the attachment. RD-11671
  • Improvement: open gallery or camera view on the main thread. RD-11488
  • Fix: add initializeWithApiSecret: secret domainName: domainName delegate: delegate and initializeWithApiKey: apiKey domainName: domainName delegate: delegate to be used in swift call. RD-10978

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.9.3 (October 7, 2019)

  • Fix: Input text overlap on tab bar when using a UITabBarController. RD-10632
  • Fix: Input text disappears when using a UITabBarController. RD-10632
  • Fix: crash when opening Apple Maps when a location is tapped on iOS 13+ devices. RD-11335
  • Fix: race condition when rotating the screen while scrolling was breaking the layout. RD-10992
  • Feature: support foreground notification on iOS 10+ devices
  • Feature: add text customization for notification direct reply button and placeholder on iOS 10+ devices. RD-10887
  • Fix: prevent direct reply notification crash on iOS 8. RD-10669

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.9.2 (June 18, 2019)

  • Improvement: open Apple Maps when a location is tapped. RD-10535
  • Fix: remove unused white space above messages in chat view. RD-10336
  • Improvement: better support for iPhone X safe area in landscape mode. RD-10284

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.9.1 (January 16, 2019)

  • Improvement: better resizing of input text size according to the entered text. 10117
  • Improvement: disable network calls to Dimelo mobile API when source is disabled. RD-9139
  • Fix: compiler Warning: umbrella header for module 'Dimelo' does not include header 'DimeloChatInputAccessoryView.h' (#31)
  • Fix: prevent sending empty body in send message request. RD-9226

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.9.0 (November 2, 2018)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: new mandatory domain name configuration (first part of your Dimelo Digital URL: RD-9197:
    • setApiSecret: apiSecret is now deprecated in favor of initWithApiSecret: secret domainName: domainName delegate: delegate.
    • setApiKey: apiKey is now deprecated in favor of initWithApiKey: apiKey domainName: domainName delegate: delegate.
    • setHostname: hostName is not available anymore.
  • Feature: add disableNotification attribute to disable the notification permission prompt. RD-9913
  • Feature: add local draft saving for unsent text messages. RD-9024
  • Improvement: log a warning when an invalid key is used for installations or users extra values. RD-9765

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.8.0 (August 7, 2018)

  • Fix: resize input text size according to the entered text.
  • Enhancement: show notification when using a wrong installation identifier.

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.7.9 (June 6, 2018)

  • Fix: rare crash when notification is clicked. RD-9511
  • Feature: support the right to left alignment for text message. RD-9395
  • Feature: add navigationBarTitleFont and navigationBarItemTitleFont to customize the navigationBar and the navigationBar item titles fonts. RD-9357

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.7.8 (April 4, 2018)

  • Fix: prevent multiple tap on attachements from opening multiple zoom views. RD-9268
  • Fix: Text entry field disappears by clicking on the local notification. RD-9255
  • Improvement: disable sending empty message in dictation mode. RD-9231
  • Fix: fix bitcode error message when the ENABLE_BITCODE flag is enabled (#22). RD-9242
  • Fix: always ask the GPS, the camera and the photo gallery permissions when it is refused for the first time. RD-9192
  • Fix: center the GPS button on device running on iOS older than 11. RD-9192

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.7.7 (February 1, 2018)

  • Improvement: update cocoapods to use Dimelo.framework. RD-8932
  • Fix: fix crash when using safeAreaInsets on device running on iOS older than 11.
  • Fix: fix ui bug when the keyboard height decrease in talk mode. RD-9034 RD-9035

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.7.6 (November 7th, 2017)

  • Fix: Support safe area for iPhone X when local notification is shown.
  • Enhancement: When using server-side authentication parse JWT token and set user informations with its content
  • Feature: Support any kind of attachment for agent only
  • Feature: add onOpen and onClose callback
  • Enhancement: Add the interactive push notification with direct reply
  • Feature: Add new API to send a customer message
  • Feature: Support French and German localizations with the possibility to customize them

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.7.5 (August 29th, 2017)

  • Fix: change CFBundleSupportedPlatforms key from iphonesimulators to iPhoneOS

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.7.4 (August 17th, 2017)

  • Fix: improve image quality
  • Fix: missing binary for simulator architecture in Dimelo.framework

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.7.3 (August 14th, 2017)

  • Fix: internal sdk header version

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.7.2 (August 14th, 2017)

  • Fix: rare crash at first message receive on low memory device(#8)
  • Fix: prevent some push notifications to be lost if the SDK is not properly initialized (no userIdentifier)

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.7.1 (February 15th, 2017)

  • Fix: now, only attachments (images and locations) are clickable, not the entire UICollectionViewCell content (before, clicking an empty space would open the attachment, which does not make sense).
  • Fix: The view displaying the image attachment didn't keep the ratio of the image. This is now fixed.
  • Enhancement: Better handling of server-side failures. In very particular case, the server might refuse the attachment the user tries to send and return a 400 error. Until now, the application would try to send the message undefinitely. Now, the application will only retry to send the message 3 times if the message is impacted by an error 400+. If all attemps are reached, the message will be marked as unsent (by opening a dialog window and displaying a warning icon next to the message) and the application will process the next messages. Offline messages are not concerned by this change.
  • Fix: display of unsent images was broken. Now fixed.
  • Better: rename Unsent label into "Waiting for connection". The previous one was confusing.

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.7.0 (February 6th, 2017)

  • Feature: GIF can now be displayed when clicking on the relevant attachment. GIF images have a small label that helps to easily which images are GIF and which are not.
  • Fix display bug when applying trimming on a sent message
  • Enhancement: Provide .framework for easier integration

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.6.1 (January 25th, 2017)

  • Fix: Fix consumeReceivedRemoteNotification sometimes returning NO while it should.

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.6.0 (January 18th, 2017)

  • Feature: Make attachments optional. It is now possible to disable the ability to send images and/or photos and/or location.
  • Fix: Rollback the installationId fix of v1.5.1 and apply another one instead based on userIdentifier: notification that provides a different userIdentifier than the current one will be skipped.

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.5.2 (December 19th, 2016)

  • Fix: Patch blinking effect of the welcome message at application startup.

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.5.1 (December 9th, 2016)

  • Feature: Ability to set language (useful for welcome message feature for example)
  • Fix: Check installationId when receiving a new notification. Only process notifications where the notificationId matches the current installationId.
  • Fix: Solve an issue causing the background of the Dimelo Chat not to be displayed in a particular case.

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.5.0 (November 24th, 2016)

  • Feature: Add ability to define a welcome message which is displayed whenever the conversation is empty.
  • Improvement: Better handling of Camera, Gallery and Location permissions (do not display the associated actions if the permissions are not provided).
  • Improvement: Harmonize customization options with what is available for the Android SDK.

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.4.0 (October 19, 2016)

  • Feature: add the unreadCount feature to poll the number of unread messages
  • Feature: add ability to customize the text color of the send button (on disabled state)

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.3.1 (September 12, 2016)

  • Fix: remove call to containsString (iOS 7 compatibility)
  • Fix: remove location and share image titles (bring it on par with the Android SDK)

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.3.0 (June 14, 2016)

  • Feature: remove local cache file
  • Better: No more incompatibility with existing versions of TTTAttributedLabel
  • Better: documentation and code samples are now more clear
  • Better: bitcode support
  • Fix: Manually setting JWT token with {{dimelo.jwt=}} now sends the new info to the server for update

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.2.5 (January 29, 2016)

  • Fix: close keyboard when opening attachment dialog

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.2.4 (June 26, 2015)

  • Fix: image sent were gone after killing the app

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.2.3 (April 1, 2015)

  • Fix: update badge count if different from the unreadCount returned by the server

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.2.2 (March 10, 2015)

  • Fix: adding location as a first message was crashing the SDK
  • Fix: multiple environment + offline messages created discrepency between chat view, connection status and messages to be sent.

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.2.1 (March 4, 2015)

  • Doc: better onboarding
  • Fix: DimeloConfig.plist usage remain optional

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.2.0 (February 26, 2015)

  • Feature: geolocation attachment now takes radius into account
  • Feature: geolocation can be manually selected via address
  • Feature: Radius selected during geolocation is sent to the agent console
  • Improvement: a image is now displayed during map calculation for nicer UX
  • Doc: complete configuration plist is now included, empty configuration is not included
  • Fix: scroll up to history is no longer automatically scrolled down every 15s

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.1.0 (February 09, 2015)

  • Improvement: iOS SDK now rely on plist for customization rather than raw APIs
  • Feature: Real support for offline messages
  • Feature: Geolocation can now be shared and read
  • Fix: imagePicker properly supported under iOS8

Dimelo iOS SDK 1.0.1 (November 26, 2014)

  • Fix: developmentAPNS flag was not preserved across registration
  • Fix: iOS8 APNs deviceToken was not requested again if app was requested in a previous installation