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Required environment variables

Riccardo Graziosi edited this page Aug 5, 2022 · 13 revisions

Note 1: check whether a file named .env is present in the root directory of Astuto. If not, create it. You can copy the template of .env-example.

Note 2: each time you change an environment variable inside .env you need to stop docker containers and run script/ to start them again.

Note 3: you should never use double quotation marks, even for strings with multiple words

You have to define the following environment variables inside the .env file.

Name Possible values Description
BASE_URL string Base URL of the Astuto instance (e.g: If you're in development, use: http://localhost:3000
ENVIRONMENT development, production The environment in which Astuto has to run. If you don't know what it is, use production. You must run script/ after changing this.
SECRET_KEY_BASE string of 64 chars Copy the 64 random hex characters from this website.
POSTGRES_USER string Username to access the database. It will also be the name of the database.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD string Password to access the database.
EMAIL_CONFIRMATION true, false whether your user will have to confirm their email addresses or not. Since email delivery is not yet configured in Astuto, set it to false for the time being.
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