This repository has the data and code developed for a project assessing github usage in pubmed papers. This work was (mostly) completed during OHBM 2019 hackathon.
The data directory contains a series of csv files that describe basic details of the pubmed papers. These papers can be obtained at the BioC API.
Because getting papers from the API takes a while, you can also download a subset of fulltext papers from this googledrive link (large-ish download. ~300mb). All of these papers are ones that contain the text string github
. In the original corpus, there are about 20k papers that contain matches to this string. At present, the zipped directory contains ~17k. Each file in this zip directory contains 100 papers as a list of json objects and can be read as below:
with open('git_papes/papes_0.txt') as infile:
dat = json.load(infile)