Enables management of sagepay admin and report panel through API.
You need to read the API document here: Customised reporting and admin API
The API uses a tiny subset of XML syntax.
npm install --save sagepay-admin-api-client
const SagepayAdminApiClient = require("sagepay-admin-api-client");
const client = new SagepayAdminApiClient({
user: "username",
password: "password",
vendor: "vendorname"
command: "version"
.then(res => {
if (res.errorcode === '0000')
console.log("Test connection succeed!");
console.log("Connection failed!");
The class that provides access to the SagePay Administration and Reporting API.
const foo = new SagepayAdminApiClient(options);
Creates a new instance.
Required, values to pass with the request.options.endpoint
Optional, defaults to the live system.options.user
Required, passed as theuser
to the API.options.password
Required, used to sign the requests.options.vendor
Required, passed as thevendor
to the API.options.command
Required, the SagePay API requires this at a minimum.
let foo = client.request(options);
Makes a request and returns a promise that resolves to the response.