This document is a shortcut getting started document for using the simple source management commands in iForGit. The simple source managemenr commands can be used to do local source checkouts between libraries for development purposes with or without using Git commands. Sometimes it's easier for a development team to start with something like simple source checkout/checkin and creating snapshots prior to implementing Git for version control. These commands can still be used once Git has been implemented as well to checkout/checkin source between development and production libraries.
The simple source archive snapshot command MBRARC can be used to quickly grab a snapshot copy of any source member and place it into the source archive file before making changes or doing other work on the source. This is a nice way to capture a copy of an existing source member before making changes. Snapshot archive copies are auto-named (Mxxxxxxxxx) and created in the GITSRCARC source physical file located in the IFORGIT or other library. An audit log entry is also placed into the GITSRCARCP file in the IFORGIT library. The archive source member text also holds the original source member information.
The simple source checkout command MBRCHKO can be used to check out and copy a source member from a production source location to a developer library. The original production source member can optionally be removed from the production source while being worked on in the developer library as well if desired to keep other developers from making changes to a source member while it's being worked on. A snapshot archive copy of the original source member is made prior to checkout. And if the destination source member is replaced during checkout an archive copy also gets snapshotted by default before checkout. Snapshot archive copies are auto-named (Mxxxxxxxxx) and created in the GITSRCARC source physical file located in the IFORGIT or other library. A snapshot audit log entry is also placed into the GITSRCARCP file in the IFORGIT library. The archive source member text also holds the original source member information.
The simple source checkin command MBRCHKI can be used to check in and copy a source member from a development source location to the production library. The development source member can optionally be removed from the development source after being worked on in the developer library after it's been checked in to production if no further work will be done on the source. A snapshot of the development source member is made prior to checkin. And if the production source member is replaced during checkin it also gets snapshotted before checkin. Snapshot archive copies are auto-named (Mxxxxxxxxx) and created in the GITSRCARC source physical file located in the IFORGIT or other library. An audit log entry is also placed into the GITSRCARCP file in the IFORGIT library. The archive source member text also holds the original source member information.
This CL command can be used to quickly grab a snapshot copy of any source member and place it into the source archive source file IFORGIT/GITSRCARC or other custom archive source file using an automatically named source member.
This is a good way to quickly snapshot a source member without having to copy and rename it to something meaningful.
Snapshot archive copies are auto-named (Mxxxxxxxxx) and created in the GITSRCARC source physical file located in the IFORGIT or other library. An audit log entry is also placed into the GITSRCARCP file in the IFORGIT library. The archive source member text also holds the original source member information.
The following example snapshots a source member named MYSOURCE1 to the IFORGIT/GITSRCARC table from QGPL/QRPGLESRC. The source member name in the archive is automatically created. The generated archive member name is shown on the command line after processing the archive snapshot.
SRCFILE - The source file to capture source member from.
SRCMBR - The source member to capture to the archive source file.
ARCSRCFILE - The archive source file to capture source member to. *DEFAULT
captures the source members to the IFORGIT/GITSRCARC archive source file with a unique member name. Ex: M000000001
The source file value can be changed if desired to place GITSRCARC in a different library by changing the DFTARCFILE
data area values and creating the new archive source file in the appropriate library via the CRTSRCPF command.
❗The archive source file should be created with 198
column record length or more if possible to accomodate your longest source file members without truncation.
This CL command can be used to make a copy of a production source member to a developer library for development.
A copy of the original source member is created in a developer library in the selected source physical file.
Optionally the production source member can be removed from the original library location during development if you don't want anyone else using the source member while it's being edited.
The following example checks out a source member named MBR001R from source file MYSOURCE1/QRPGLESRC to a developer source file: DEVSOURCE1/QRPGLESRC. Since ARCHIVE is set to *YES the source member is archived and the member name in the archive is automatically created. Since replace is *NO, the destination source member will not be replaced if it exists. And the production copy is not removed from its original location because RMVPRDCOPY is *NO.
SRCFILE - The source file to check out production source member from.
SRCMBR - The source member name to check out.
TOSRCFILE - The developer/development source file to copy source member to during checkout. This source file will usually be located in a develop library or shared development library.
TOSRCMBR - The source member name when checked out. Usually this name should be *SAME or the same as the SRCMBR value unless you want to change the source member during checkout.
REPLACE - Replace the destination development source member if it exists.
Should the command replace the destination development source member if it exists ?
- Do not allow an existing destination source member to be overwritten. This will stop the check out if the destination member exists.
- Replace the destination source member if it's already checked out to the developer location. This will overwrite the destination source member with the current copy from production. You can potentially lose changes in your development library. However an archive snapshot will be taken before replacement if the ARCHIVE parameter is set to *YES.
SKIPEXIST - Skip existing dev source mbrs.
Should the command skip copying the destination development source member if it exists ?
- Don't skip copying the source member. It must always be copied and/or replaced.
- Skip copying the production source member if it exists. This option allows you to complete the checkout process without actually copying the source member if it already exists in the developer or development library. This is good to use if you somehow already have a copy of the source in your dev library and perhaps want to get a snapshot of the prod version of the source and maybe you want to remove the prod version so it can't be accessed from the prod library until it's checked back in.
RMVPRDCPY - Remove source member from prod.
Should the command remove the source member from the production source file and library after successfuly checked out to the developer library.
- Don't remove the prod source member after checkout to dev location. This means multiple people can check out the same source member to work on it. However the source archive will make sure backup copies are captured in case of developer conflict during checkin.
- Remove the source member from the prod source file after successful checkout. This means a developer can check out the master version of a source member and place it into the development library so they have it exclusively for editing until they check it back in to the source library. And the production member gets removed after a successfuly checkout copy.
ARCHIVE - Copy to archive source file Should an archive version of the prod and dev source members get created before checkout ?
- Don't create an archive source copy before checkout.
❗If you select this option, no archive copy of your source member gets created, so you have no source member backup.
- Create an archive source copy before checkout. If you select this option, an archive of an existing production and dev source member gets created for archive/backup purposes.
ARCSRCFILE - The archive source file to capture source member to. *DEFAULT
captures the source members to the IFORGIT/GITSRCARC archive source file with a unique member name. Ex: M000000001
The source file value can be changed if desired to place GITSRCARC in a different library by changing the DFTARCFILE
data area values and creating the new archive source file in the appropriate library via the CRTSRCPF command.
❗The archive source file should be created with 198
column record length or more if possible to accomodate your longest source file members without truncation.
This CL command can be used to make a copy of a production source member to a developer library for development.
A copy of the original source member is created in a developer library in the selected source physical file.
Optionally the production source member can be removed from the original library location during development if you don't want anyone else using the source member while it's being edited.
The following example checks out a source member named MBR001R from source file DEVSOURCE1/QRPGLESRC to a production source file: MYSOURCE1/QRPGLESRC. Since ARCHIVE is set to *YES the source member is archived and the member name in the archive is automatically created. Since replace is *NO, the destination source member will not be replaced if it exists. And the develpoment copy is not removed from its location because RMVPRDCOPY is *NO.
SRCFILE - The development source file to check in source member from.
SRCMBR - The source member to check in.
TOSRCFILE - The production source file to copy source member to during checkin. This source file will usually be located in a production library.
TOSRCMBR - The source member name when checked in. Usually this name should be *SAME or the same as the SRCMBR value unless you want to change the source member during checkin.
REPLACE - Replace the destination production source member if it exists.
Should the command replace the destination production source member if it exists ?
- Do not allow an existing destination source member to be overwritten. This will stop the check out if the destination member exists.
- Replace the destination source member in the production location. This will overwrite the destination production source member with the current copy from development. You can potentially lose changes in your production library.
RMVDEVCPY - Remove source member from development location.
Should the command remove the source member from the development source file and library after successfuly checked in to the production library.
- Don't remove the dev source member after checkin to prod location.
- Remove the source member from the dev source file after successful checkin.
ARCHIVE - Copy to archive source file Should an archive version of the prod and dev source members get created before checkin ?
- Don't create an archive source copy before checkin.
❗If you select this option, no archive copy of your source member gets created, so you have no source member backup.
- Create an archive source copy before checkin. If you select this option, an archive of an existing production and dev source member gets created for archive/backup purposes.
ARCSRCFILE - The archive source file to capture source member to. *DEFAULT
captures the source members to the IFORGIT/GITSRCARC archive source file with a unique member name. Ex: M000000001
The source file value can be changed if desired to place GITSRCARC in a different library by changing the DFTARCFILE
data area values and creating the new archive source file in the appropriate library via the CRTSRCPF command.
❗The archive source file should be created with 198
column record length or more if possible to accomodate your longest source file members without truncation.