All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.30.2 (2022-12-05)
- (wip) new comps for getting started page (73569e7)
- (wip) new comps for getting started page (261756c)
- add-sfpage (3e69ab1)
- apis: add proxy route (b639e20)
- images: compiler gets image data before compiling and generates blured placeholder (f7495fc)
- markdown: add support for rendering HTML magic blocks in markdown (1e0fac1)
- api-guides: check if code blocks inside markdown file are correctly formatted (ec5b382)
- api-guides: escape <> occurrences (18d6b36)
- api-guides: escape curly braces inside markdown files (f9491a3)
- api-guides: handle documentations with level-3 headings, but no level-2 headings (3718a87)
- api-guides: only escape curly braces outside magic blocks (3603439)
- api-guides: replace all occurrences of br HTML tags with JSX (6544bb3)
- api-guides: replace br HTML tags with JSX and remove HTML comments (baebbbc)
- api-guides: replace HTML blocks inside markdown files with JSX components (e99c45b)
- api-guides: skip frontmatter when escaping curly braces (e7cf028)
- childrenToString: fix childrenToString when given an undefined parameter (8697d56)
- escapeCurlyBraces: improve check for incorrectly formatted code blocks (b5b65ea)
- escapeCurlyBraces: only escape curly braces outside of code blocks (ce1a3b5)
- implement handleclick and slugprefix (cf99900)
- improve sidebar styles (a3cfc03)
- improve sidebar styles (05cc1c3)
- interface types (6ac0099)
- interface types (ca0389c)
- linting: linting (ba98d73)
- plaiceholder: install nextjs plugin (55aef75)
- plaiceholder: probes for img size before calling plaiceholder (eab2320)
- replaceHTMLBlocks: only match HTML tags, not JSX components (186dea2)
- sidebar-styles (e7ffc30)
- sidebar-styles (973e7f6)
- svg errors (46dafca)
- svg errors (e87d875)
- typo (9ae3b24)
- typo (33d0ba8)
- components: updates links and images for nextjs@13 (bd2b17e)
- images: uses the latest next/image component (dabf538)
- next.config.js: add image remotePattern for all hosts (d6ef6e7)
0.30.1 (2022-12-05)
- (wip) new comps for getting started page (73569e7)
- (wip) new comps for getting started page (261756c)
- add-sfpage (3e69ab1)
- apis: add proxy route (b639e20)
- images: compiler gets image data before compiling and generates blured placeholder (f7495fc)
- markdown: add support for rendering HTML magic blocks in markdown (1e0fac1)
- api-guides: check if code blocks inside markdown file are correctly formatted (ec5b382)
- api-guides: escape <> occurrences (18d6b36)
- api-guides: escape curly braces inside markdown files (f9491a3)
- api-guides: handle documentations with level-3 headings, but no level-2 headings (3718a87)
- api-guides: only escape curly braces outside magic blocks (3603439)
- api-guides: replace all occurrences of br HTML tags with JSX (6544bb3)
- api-guides: replace br HTML tags with JSX and remove HTML comments (baebbbc)
- api-guides: replace HTML blocks inside markdown files with JSX components (e99c45b)
- api-guides: skip frontmatter when escaping curly braces (e7cf028)
- childrenToString: fix childrenToString when given an undefined parameter (8697d56)
- escapeCurlyBraces: improve check for incorrectly formatted code blocks (b5b65ea)
- escapeCurlyBraces: only escape curly braces outside of code blocks (ce1a3b5)
- implement handleclick and slugprefix (cf99900)
- improve sidebar styles (a3cfc03)
- improve sidebar styles (05cc1c3)
- interface types (6ac0099)
- interface types (ca0389c)
- linting: linting (ba98d73)
- plaiceholder: install nextjs plugin (55aef75)
- plaiceholder: probes for img size before calling plaiceholder (eab2320)
- replaceHTMLBlocks: only match HTML tags, not JSX components (186dea2)
- sidebar-styles (e7ffc30)
- sidebar-styles (973e7f6)
- svg errors (46dafca)
- svg errors (e87d875)
- typo (9ae3b24)
- typo (33d0ba8)
- components: updates links and images for nextjs@13 (bd2b17e)
- images: uses the latest next/image component (dabf538)
- next.config.js: add image remotePattern for all hosts (d6ef6e7)
0.30.0 (2022-11-21)
- docs: add the doctype metatag to docs pages to crawling (68dc438)
- search: add search input and results components (e645517)
- search-input: add hits keys (6278f99)
- search-input: input size on hover overlapping docs button (cb11b6d)
- package.json: add search dependencies (b043d96)
- search-input: add clickOutSide behavior (7e82f42)
- header: update the search component (9596dc8)
- search-input: rename variables and remove unnecessary ESLint rule disable (7de2d02)
- landing-page-tests: remove conflicting and unnecessary testing (f27c21f)
0.29.2 (2022-10-07)
- layout: add support for rendering the sidebar conditionally (100f1bb)
- sidebar: remove duplicate sidebar from search and release notes pages (b1c6bc9)
- add yarn.lock (9b6ee7c)
0.29.1 (2022-10-06)
- remove console.log from code (b9568ad)
0.29.0 (2022-10-01)
- project: Project now needs
file with github app parameters
- debug (112ecea)
- debug (46b41a1)
- debug (4e4d50f)
- debug (90a5ab6)
- debug (836b85a)
- debug (2a6bde2)
- debug (d12724a)
- debug (b2d50e9)
- debug (0af82d8)
- debug (9ac51f7)
- debug (c0dadf3)
- debug: debug (2f308a4)
- debyg (f4867ff)
- project: refactors api-guides data fetching architecture (432100d)
- rerun checks (021c98b)
- api-guides: removes json library from highlight.js (710b668)
- debug (17ce301)
- debug (f1507de)
- octokit: checks if netlify and unescapes env variable (7a4f7cd)
- octokit: uses replace instead of unescape (17b594f)
- replace env variables if needed (45445bf)
- still debugging (0f8e038)
- still debugging (6ac9ed8)
- still debugging (9d75c0a)
- use base64 for privatekey in netlify (ae35a61)
- use split/join instead of replace (f440e59)
- workflows: set env (1b3e139)
- yarn.lock: easy rebase (26fa0b8)
- next.config: increase staticstaticPageGenerationTimeout to 3600 so we can wait for github (9f89163)
- debug netlify env variables (e92a216)
- navigation: remove try catch (8dc3333)
- navigation: removes top level async (0668486)
- octokit: trow error for missing env variables (586ab9d)
- package: add dependencies:
highlight.js, highlightjs-curl, next-plugin-preval, octokit
(dedd884) - refactor config (2279958)
0.28.0 (2022-09-14)
- api-reference: add new open api examples and pass the Medium font to the rapidoc component (66ee73e)
- docs: add new open api examples (0c49bdc)
0.27.2 (2022-09-06)
0.27.1 (2022-08-29)
- _app.tsx: custom app uses shared Layout component (c92f643)
- layout.tsx: adds Layout file (045764a)
- layout: layout includes theme provider (6601d95)
- header: update mutationObserver to detect body style changes (0e4b8a1)
- rapidoc: update version (17c534e)
- pages: use shared Layout component for every page (a7f8bbe)
0.27.0 (2022-08-27)
- navigation api (2839630)
- next.config.js: navigation s3 store url in config (fbc6b62)
- package.json: add swr (1eeb1bf)
- pages: pages use sidebarfallback feature (f893f14)
- sidebar: navigation data from api (8d929f0)
- sidebar: sidebar context uses swr config (a09e972)
- yarn.lock: yarn lock (1198850)
0.26.1 (2022-08-15)
- yarn.lock: update (f90c742)
- markdown-renderer: use next-mdx-remote to render mdx (1130536)
- github actions: updated github actions to use node 14.x (8e36eaa)
- next.config.js: add valid image sources (661e575)
- package.json: add next-mdx-remote to dependencies (5c9d9cc)
0.26.0 (2022-08-11)
- add a match-path compatible with the checkout API page (b5f99cd)
- update api-reference page with sidebarContextProvider (ec6fd4b)
- switch from Rapidoc to Rapidoc-mini (be9d142)
- update rapidoc test to suit rapidoc-mini's characteristics (35d5c30)
0.25.1 (2022-08-10)
0.25.0 (2022-08-10)
- method-category: create the MethodCategory component (c4b7241)
- sidebar-section: add the method filter behavior (3518899)
- api-reference: put the sidebar on this page (b7238c8)
- sidebar-section: change the filter section to appear only in the API Reference section (f0b9a83)
- sidebar-section: sidebar width to auto adjust (0a5196e)
- sidebar: put the right cleanup function to the sidebar timer (6ccc4d0)
- sidebar: sidebar-items style and update sidebar mock to testing (95ea33e)
- sidebar-section: componentize the filter (75fae03)
- sidebar: fix typo in sidebar data prop (f2058b0)
- sidebar: update the sidebar structure with the new json master (1f94305)
0.24.0 (2022-08-05)
- contributors: add contributors to mobile breakpoints (09d9612)
- on-this-page: add arrows and close icons (cf60c14)
- on-this-page: add component to API Guide pages (edde134)
- on-this-page: add height and with animation (d229bd3)
- on-this-page: add mobile TOC and contributors component (dd3b12c)
- on-this-page: change icon (c782cff)
- on-this-page: change layout on first breakpoint (1b48e91)
- on-this-page: close on this page when user clicks a heading (8f5bc78)
- on-this-page: fix button text-icon orientation (9c6acb5)
- on-this-page: fix style bugs on TOC and contributors component (d413414)
- on-this-page: improve height and width animations (b223188)
- on-this-page: remove contributors from component (a8b2f7e)
- on-this-page: move strings to JSON (b2df44d)
0.23.0 (2022-08-01)
- release-section: update the getData method to return release date inside of the release card (9f647ef)
- release-note: add the hover behavior on release title/arrow and fix the days elapsed logic (6225ac5)
- release section: add the days elapsed text in messages and add one example to release data (24231e9)
0.22.1 (2022-07-29)
0.22.0 (2022-07-25)
- tooltip: add the sx prop to tooltip component (d5db1d9)
- sidebar: sidebar-section title and the icon description behavior on medium screens (df88d6b)
- sidebar: update the sidebar style (65e7b30)
0.21.0 (2022-07-22)
- header: update header style (add32a2)
0.20.0 (2022-07-14)
0.19.1 (2022-07-11)
- documentation-card: fix description size on large screens (f66b3b3)
- documentation-section-card: fix card margin and description size (7a84191)
- language.json: update documentation cards description (de39630)
- constants: update the documentation/updates description messages (ebb7ee8)
- documentation-card: card type (fc46fc6)
- documentation-card: enforce the containerType (4823f68)
0.19.0 (2022-07-11)
- font: update brand-ui version with new font (7fafd26)
0.18.1 (2022-07-11)
- documentation-section-card: add tooltip on description overflow (a8af997)
- documentation-section-card: use the translated description as tooltip label (65bcafb)
- tooltip: update tooltip on cards (7fab2d9)
0.18.0 (2022-07-08)
- vtex-io: add hover and active animations to whats next cards (d8cd9df)
- vtex-io: add whats next card component (45990ba)
- vtex-io: add whats next cards data (42befc0)
- vtex-io: add whats next cards to VTEX IO page (2459341)
- vtex-io: add caret and fix card styles (a072d35)
- whats-next-card: fix shadow on hover (fc725a9)
- whats-next-cards: fix caret color (2f6f0b1)
- whats-next-card: remove duplicate type (564737c)
0.17.3 (2022-07-05)
- sidebar: fix multiple active elements (b1f7672)
- search: rename search context file (071d28e)
- sidebar: remove firstActive from sidebar elements props (9747b63)
- sidebar: remove unecessary variables from sidebar context (4d03501)
- sidebar: rename sidebar context (68389de)
0.17.2 (2022-06-30)
- documentation-page: page margin in mobile screen (d2d5c13)
0.17.1 (2022-06-22)
- header: change DOM access to reference access (232343c)
0.17.0 (2022-06-22)
- add string utils (a63d1b2)
- api-guide: add table of contents component (a25f3e7)
- api-guides: add another API guide example page (73b9bbd)
- api-guides: add table of contents to documentation pages (bad66b9)
- api-guides: track visible headers and allow anchor links (0d66276)
- table-of-contents: add height transition animation (7c68d91)
- api-guides: fix active item when clicking a title inside the table of contents (6a324cf)
- api-guides: fix API guide pages right container width (ec2ac63)
- string-utils: fix bug in removeHTML (149438b)
- string-utils: fix slugify bugs (b6a556e)
- table-of-contents: fix bugs when scrolling fast or following anchor links (2335fcc)
- table-of-contents: fix style bugs and add responsivity (006dfb3)
- table-of-contents: fix viewport margins and scrolling-up bugs (3800ff0)
- table-of-contents: remove ':' from title (072e01b)
- api-guides: move markdown components to another file and rename headers to headings (66026d2)
- table-of-contents: move headers array to context (62f1059)
- api-guides: fix prettier issue (6572084)
- dependencies: add react-animate-height (e13fac6)
0.16.0 (2022-06-21)
- feedback-modal: add the feedback modal component (cbd3290)
- feedback-modal: add the modal position on large screens (fc72a53)
- feedback-section: link the modal component in the feedback section (75bb86d)
- hooks: add the useClickOutside hook (67bf548)
- feedback-modal: change the input to textarea (45d4299)
- feedback-modal: feedback modal props (ec1db9f)
- feedback-modal: fix the modal arrow position on cross-browser (c6af71f)
- feedback-section: fix the dislike button margin (b20506a)
- feedback-section: requested changes (d60b65a)
- feedback-section: set button active when modal is open (dff88cc)
- header: fix header opening when the modal opens (69a8c3a)
- useclickoutside: remove eventListener on cleanup function (f7570f5)
- feedback-modal: centralize the modal with the chosen button (29995b6)
- global.css: add the body class to block scrolling (6b57679)
0.15.2 (2022-06-14)
0.15.1 (2022-06-14)
- rapidoc-request-section: update rapidoc version (36f681d)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (fde9a03)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (d547e0e)
0.15.0 (2022-06-14)
- feedback icons: add the edit and like icons (e1170a8)
- feedback-section: add the component to api-guides page (791b988)
- feedbacksection: create the feedback section (89d45ad)
- feedbacksection: the logic of the feedback choice (f69475f)
- likeselectedicon: add the icon with the feedback response (49e3df3)
- feedback-section: fix like button margin (b3a3d56)
- feedback-section: external link security and like margin (0bca739)
- language.json: add the feedback texts to language file (ba97a09)
0.14.0 (2022-06-13)
- constants: adds new release examples (2236abe)
- release-note: adds new props (556f6af)
- release-note: calls date function and adds styles (cb07760)
- release-note: create getDate function (f92a9db)
- release-note: hides releases that shouldn't appear (b64337d)
- release-styles: create arrow styles and fix description width (0126e2e)
- release-toggle: create toggle for open and close the release description (edd2c2e)
- context: remove unnecessary values from context (ed208d9)
- release-icons: fix icons color (f7df051)
- release-note: changes type date to string (70bd1b5)
- release-note: fix spacing (a29314c)
- release-note: fix timeline width (0090705)
- release-note: fix update type (0ad0e70)
- release-notes: fix spacing and color (db2e8ba)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (60f85c8)
0.13.1 (2022-06-10)
- rapidoc-auth: add correct styles to rapidoc's authentication page (b59e575)
0.13.0 (2022-06-06)
- add see also section at the bottom of an api-guide documentation (ad9db35)
- adjust the width of see-also-section and documentation-card components (271f0e0)
- documentation-card: adjust titleContainer marginBottom attribute (bf6c6d7)
- see-also-section: adjust section margin and title font-weight (cd9d091)
- adapt documentation-card component to work properly in the see-also-section component (ab578ff)
- rename two components (130e1d7)
- add a test for an api guides page and update the value of a selector (dcff4d0)
0.12.1 (2022-06-01)
- gitignore: remove rapidoc-min.js file from version control (40dc2fd)
- rapidoc: remove style overrides related to method-path section (8f136fe)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (4415654)
0.12.0 (2022-05-30)
- vtex-io: add correct layout to VTEX IO page (eb9d444)
- vtex-io: add linear gradient to welcome image (4528650)
- vtex-io: fix style bugs on first breakpoint (ee4ffd3)
- vtex-io: fix width of line that separates the welcome and content sections (d1d32c8)
0.11.0 (2022-05-27)
- add custom tooltip component (02f5a82)
- api-guides: fix tooltip in contributors component (3cc7b83)
0.10.0 (2022-05-27)
- messages: adds release messages (754d1d7)
- release-note: create release component and styles (e6150aa)
- release-note: create release temporary data (9778224)
- release-note: create release type (c0d41b9)
- release-page: create release page and route (a1fb7bc)
- release-section: create release section and styles (4d5217d)
- styles: create release styles (3f973cd)
- update-functions: moves days elapsed function to utils (ee1e003)
- release-note: fix styles names (84aaf7c)
- release-note: styles adjusts and move release notes to the correct page (199b5ce)
0.9.2 (2022-05-19)
- rapidoc: add script to fetch rapidoc-min.js from vtexdocs/RapiDoc (7ea1238)
0.9.1 (2022-05-19)
- cypress-workflow: replace npm commands with yarn (ad280d8)
- cypress-workflow: update yarn install command (5c05067)
0.9.0 (2022-05-19)
- api-guides: add contributors component (b8482e4)
- api-guides: add transition effect to contributors component toggle (11f27d3)
- api-guides: change API guides documentation page layout (3f87916)
- api-guides: fix contributors component toggle animation speed (584f8a8)
- markdown-renderer: fix image width inside markdown (d82dc58)
- sidebar: fix sidebar changing width and appearing ing first breakpoint (6e2ed6d)
- markdown-renderer: disable no-img-element (aa4babd)
0.8.3 (2022-05-10)
- last-updates: add documentation updates and release notes pages (d8bbbd4)
- last-updates: render one card for each type of update (ed9aa2c)
0.8.2 (2022-05-09)
- rapidoc: add tag attributes and css styles to RapiDoc elements (f1a5364)
0.8.1 (2022-05-09)
- change landing page title (d220a0a)
- add a test to simulate user navigation in an API reference page (07db875)
0.8.0 (2022-05-06)
- search-page-filter: add the filter logic (f217f27)
- search-page-filter: add the occurrence count feature (536484e)
- search-section: fix the all-results filter (81ecd55)
- search-resuls: move the mocked data to outside of component (cda163e)
0.7.0 (2022-05-02)
- searchcontext: create the SearchContext (262bf3b)
- search-components: update paths after rebase (7300bfc)
- allresults section: code refactoring to make all-results section as SearchSection componen (e8c881c)
- search-results: create the SearchResults component (5ead14b)
- searchcontext: remove unnecessary function (b82b43e)
- searchcontext: update the filter type in searchContext (658f2ba)
- update rebase (81dd140)
0.6.0 (2022-05-02)
- api-reference: move OpenAPI specs to /docs/api-reference (5829e87)
0.5.2 (2022-04-28)
- add three tests to the landing page (5e5e9d1)
- add a selector attribute in tested components (6e6baed)
- set src/tests/cypress as test folder (3a79203)
0.5.1 (2022-04-28)
- sidebar: add the sidebar props (6da63ff)
- create constants.ts and refact the typings (c06bb03)
- documentation: refactoring the cards data structure and update the type (ff98bdf)
- search: update the documentation/notes data and update the types (4cff017)
- sidebar: create the SideBarIcon component and refactor the data structure (83bb99f)
0.5.0 (2022-04-26)
- search-page: export icon data and call the searchsection component (bb18fda)
- search-section: create the search-section component (449140b)
- search-section: implement hover effect (881b857)
- search-sections: create the search-sections component (0756d9c)
- search-sections: make the all-results element clickable (3c4336a)
- sidebar: fix items title type (a480b45)
- types: split the DocTitle type and refact the search components types (5735dec)
- search-section: add the border-radius to this component on hover (13ed2c9)
0.4.1 (2022-04-25)
- footer: adds a box on footer component and fix responsiveness (a900854)
- footer: adjust link padding (402304e)
0.4.0 (2022-04-20)
- header: add custom scrollbar to dropdown menu (712ef8d)
- header: add Docs dropdown menu (96eb711)
- header: add interactivity to Docs button (939a1c3)
- header: hide dropdown on route change (0f9afe2)
- header: show dropdown menu on hover and fix its styles (5aa1830)
- header: add pointer cursor to Docs button (e28964d)
- header: fix dropdown menu card description text color on hover (143237a)
- header: fix dropdown menu position on Safari (9faf99f)
- header: fix scroll propagation from dropdown menu (5a253f9)
- header: remove shadow from top of dropdown menu and fix hiding bug (33df8b8)
- header: show dropdown menu scrollbar only on dropdown hover (39082ca)
- header: show dropdown menu scrollbar only on hover (c2c68bb)
- header: replace line with border (0f24929)
0.3.1 (2022-04-18)
- hamburger-menu: fix the portuguese name (cdbe7c2)
- hamburguer-menu: change name component and file (246d612)
- header: adds hamburguer menu to header (762da5a)
- header: fix header responsiveness (1324f72)
- header: remove right links and fix logo size (9eb4af0)
0.3.0 (2022-04-13)
- search-bar: add the redirect on enter click (023b2a4)
- search-component: add the search card component (4822982)
- search-page: first version of search page structure (0bcc086)
- fix some warnings (2dc4fd9)
- typings: add the methods type (5034383)
- search-page: fix the divider style (d26d4c1)
0.2.2 (2022-04-13)
- move search box placeholder string to json (3483b4a)
- move the hard-coded strings to a json file (33f4182)
0.2.1 (2022-04-12)
- readme: add a project summary (features, patterns...) and contribution guide (01307bc)
- readme: define a file naming convention (43f922d)
- readme: fix 'concepts and features' section topics spacing (4dbb378)
- readme: fix typo and release labels table column (9a207f4)
- readme: fix typos (547161a)
- readme: refactor some sections to make them more practical (5a3a9aa)
- readme: update 'code linting and format' section (38f3851)
- readme: update directory tree to remove 'public/' from 'src/' (7fb2fad)
0.2.0 (2022-04-11)
- icons: add the sidebar toggle icon (5662f0b)
- sidebar: add sidebar component (cab8fbc)
- sidebar: add sidebar to api-guides page (1bea6a6)
- sidebar: add the initial structure of sidebar section and add the help icon (1f63110)
- sidebar: add the section divider (6034326)
- sidebar: add the sidebar elements component (034100b)
- sidebar: add the sidebar toggle animation (6fbd14b)
- sidebar: create a context to manipulate sidebar logic (fa38b07)
- sidebar: add element hover and toggle subitem list on click in parent (d6e96f8)
- sidebar: fix element pointer on hover (4d4f65d)
- sidebar: fix sidebar element hover (2d4d449)
- sidebar: fix the screen adjust when sidebar is closed (6c117b5)
- sidebar: change variable names and add union type (cbf45ac)
- sidebar: remove unecessary code and adjust sidebar elements structure (1d799aa)
0.1.5 (2022-04-07)
- landing-page: add responsivity for tablet screens (b6290ad)
- landing-page: add responsivity for the fourth breakpoint (ed45c55)
- landing-page: add responsivity for the third breakpoint (12e2818)
- landing-page: add responsivity to large screens (94f006e)
- landing-page: add the landing page version for mobile screens (7c29f9f)
- landing-page: fix card icons in safari browser (c5a02f9)
- landing-page: fix last updates card width (c18b9b4)
- landing-page: fix newsletter border and last updates card structure (1af7b1f)
- landing-page: responsive style adjustments (fa89513)
0.1.4 (2022-04-06)
- lighthouse: fix lighthouse mobile and adds desktop (d380e46)
0.1.3 (2022-04-05)
- src/pages/index.tsx: add page title (579a648)
- add favicon (4e97b32)
0.1.2 (2022-04-05)
- api-reference: add default rendering of Catalog and Checkout APIs (2d6264b)
- change kebab-case props to camelCase format in icons (95c4d22)
- documentation cards and education section styles (a3c8265)
- education cards: education cards style (b74c01b)
- education-section names (a1be16a)
- header height name (dc1b4da)
- header optimization and fix righlinks structure (b6d6aa0)
- header responsive structure (51b0257)
- icon-related warnings (f9d42e7)
- landing-page optimization (60291e7)
- last-update key conflict and put header and footer to root (1e95167)
- last-updates-card: add missing shadow effect to Last Updates section cards (3c214dd)
- lastupdatescard: fix Last Updates section cards layout (e0bc062)
- new structure of subcomponents in education-section (808ef3d)
- open external links in another tab (f51c9c1)
- add sharp package for image optimization (3d46d11)
- rebase landing-page (ca29ee2)
- remove sharp dependency (0ad0e99)
- versioning: add commit-msg hook to Husky for running Commitlint (4d0e777)
- versioning: add Commitizen + script to help writing commits (cf21fbb)
- versioning: add Commitlint to lint commit messages (e83f32e)
- versioning: add Standard Version and release script (fdacbfe)
- versioning: update sections names (9dee46a)
- icons: move icons to components directory and solve lint issues (f284162)