Easily author and add Parameterized Jobs to the src/jobs directory.
Each YAML file within this directory will be treated as an orb job, with a name which matches its filename.
Jobs may invoke orb commands and other steps to fully automate tasks with minimal user configuration.
Name: quality_gate_job
Generic quality gate job
- resource_class: circleci resource_class, default is medium.
- executor: circleci executor
- cache_name: Not required. If not specified cache will not be used/created.
- cache_path: Not required. If not specified cache will not be created.
- quality_checks: is a list of steps to run. The default is:
For applications that already have defined Makefile and above defined targets usage is quite simple. Otherwise there are two paths to add custom steps to configuration or to add Makefile(recommended).
In this example you configure:
- user defined executor
- custom name
- custom steps
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/quality_gate_job:
executor: cypress-with-gcloud
name: integration-test
context: dev
- ric-orb/auth_gke
- run:
name: Install newman
command: npm install newman --global
- ric-orb/gke_port_forward:
port: 8080
namespace: payment
target: svc/mysvc-api-svc
- run:
name: Run integration tests
command: make test-integration
- deploy_dev
In this example you configure default settings, and only required parameters are added:
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/quality_gate_job:
executor: go
context: dev
Cache example:
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/quality_gate_job:
executor: go
context: dev
cache_name: dependency-cache-{{ checksum "go.sum" }}
cache_path: "$GOPATH/pkg/mod"
Name: docker_build_push
- image_name: The Docker image name (without the path, e.g. search-solr)
- path: Path to directory containing dockerfile (also working directory). Default is "."
- docker_hub_username: Docker hub credentials. Default is context variable $DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME
- docker_hub_password: Docker hub credentials. Default is context variable $DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD
- docker_version: Default is '' (which defaults to CircleCI's default)
- docker_layer_caching: for enabling docker layer caching. Default is true
This job builds and pushes Docker image to private Docker hub. It uses docker for building and pushing.
# ...
- ric-orb/docker_build_push:
image_name: my_image
For a specific (maven) module:
# ...
- ric-orb/docker_build_push:
image_name: my_image
path: my_maven_module
Name: build_push_image (TODO: should be called isopod_build_push, but that would be a breaking change)
- path: Path to directory containing isopod.yml file. NOTE: this directory will be the working directory for isopod (i.e. dockerfile is also expected there, and should be executable directly from that directory). Default is
- isopod_config: Name of the isopod config file. Default is isopod.yml
- isopod_version: isopod version in executor. Not required. Default is latest
- docker_hub_username: username for public docker registry(Docker Hub), default is value of context variable $DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME
- docker_hub_password: password for public docker registry(Docker Hub), default is value of context variable $DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD
- cache_name: Not required. If not specified cache will not be used/created
- maven_credentials: environment/context variable name (just the name, not the actual variable!) which holds base64 encoded content for .m2/settings.xml file. Default is ARTIFACTORY_MAVEN_CREDENTIALS which already defined in our contexts
- npm_credentials: environment/context variable name (just the name, not the actual variable!) which holds base64 encoded content for .npmrc file. Default is NPM_RC which already defined in our contexts
- docker_version: see docs. Default is '' (which defaults to CircleCI's default)
- docker_layer_caching: for enabling docker layer caching. Default is true
- prebuild_steps: the list of steps that are executed to prepare building image/application. Default is none
- postbuild_steps: the list of steps that are executed after building image/application. Default is none
- docker_template: The ricardo-orbs has some "templates" for standard Dockerfiles for some languages. If you want to use one, set the corresponding enum value here (see the code for the values currently available). Note that if you want to use a Dockerfile from a template, you also need to remove the Dockerfile from your repository and add
to the repo's.gitignore
, to prevent Isopod from throwing a "working directory not clean" error. - repository_version: The version of the ricardo-orbs from which to get the Dockerfiles, it can be a tag or a branch. Only makes sense if
is used.
This job builds docker image and pushes the image to the private docker registry. Uses *isopod *****executor from orb. Attaches root workspace to access existing build outputs.
Example with:
- custom pre-build steps
- disabling docker_layer_caching
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/build_push_image:
name: docker
- run:
name: Copy env variable to .env file (to be used in Docker image by Sentry Webpack plugin)
command: printenv > .env.sentry
docker_layer_caching: false
context: dev
- maven_build_test
Example with all default:
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/build_push_image:
context: dev
- quality-gate
Example with custom properties:
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/build_push_image:
context: dev
isopod_version: "0.31.2"
docker_version: "20.10.17"
isopod_config: isopod.yaml
docker_hub_username: ${MY_DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME}
docker_hub_password: ${MY_DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD}
private_hub_url: ${PDOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}
cache_name: dependency-cache-{{ checksum "go.sum" }}
- maven_build_test
Example for building docker image from java build outputs (as saved to workspace by maven_build_test job) for a specific app from a monorepo:
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/build_push_image:
context: dev
path: "myapp"
isopod_version: "0.31.2"
docker_version: "20.10.17"
- maven_build_test
Name: deploy_job (TODO: should be called isopod_deploy, but that would be a breaking change)
- path: Path to directory containing isopod.yml file. Default is "."
- isopod_config: Name of the isopod config file. Default is isopod.yml
- isopod_version: isopod version in executor. Not required. Default is latest
- env: environment for which deployment is executed. Values: prod, dev. Default is dev
- predeploy_steps: steps that are executed to prepare deployment. Default is none
- postdeploy_steps: steps that are executed after deployment. Default is none
- slack_notify_success: flag to send slack message if job is successful. Default is false
- slack_ok_webhook: the slack webhook used to send slack message on success. Default is value from context variable $SLACK_WEBHOOK
- slack_ok_branches: comma separated list of branches for which successful slack message will be sent. Default is master,main
- slack_notify_failure: flag to send slack message when job fails. Default is false
- slack_fail_webhook: the slack webhook used to send slack message on failure. Default is value from context variable $SLACK_WEBHOOK
- slack_fail_branches: comma separated list of branches for which failure slack message will be sent. Default is master,main
- work_dir: working directory for default deployment (with the isopod). This should be relative to the job working directory. Default is
This job executes deployment on GKE. It can send Slack message on success/failure.
Deployment to prod with specific isopod version:
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/deploy_job:
isopod_version: 0.31.2
env: prod
context: prod
- integration-test
Deployment with Slack notifications:
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/deploy_job:
env: prod
context: prod
- deploy_dev
slack_notify_success: true
slack_notify_failure: true
Slack failure on team channel:
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/deploy_job:
env: prod
context: prod
- deploy_dev
slack_notify_failure: true
slack_fail_webhook: http://...ddd.d.
Custom steps:
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/deploy_job:
env: dev
context: dev
- run:
command: echo hello world
- run:
command: echo adieu world
- docker
Deploys java image for a specific app with a specific isopod config file from a monorepo:
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/deploy_job:
context: dev
path: "myapp"
isopod_config: "isopod.yml"
isopod_version: "0.31.2"
env: "dev"
- build_push_image
Name: push_build_to_bucket_job
- isopod_version: isopod version in executor. Not required. Default is latest
- bucket_name: name of the bucket where assets will be pushed, default is value of context variable GCLOUD_WEB_ASSETS_BUCKET_NAME
- bucket_path: bucket's path where assets will be pushed, default is /static-assets
- app_name: this is a folder name for application's assets, the convention is to use a github repo name
- source: path to source of assets
All default
This will push static assets from ./build/assets
into production bucket ricardo-web-assets/static-assets/my-ricardo-spa
using gsutil rsync. the latest isopod image will be used as executor.
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/push_build_to_bucket_job:
context: prod
source: ./build/assets
app_name: my-ricardo-spa
Custom isopod version and custom bucket
This will push static assets from ./build/assets
into production bucket custom-bucket/custom/path/my-ricardo-spa
, the isopod v0.20.4 image will be used as executor.
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/push_build_to_bucket_job:
context: prod
source: ./build/assets
app_name: my-ricardo-spa
isopod_version: 0.20.4
bucket_name: custom-bucket
bucket_path: /custom/path
Name: maven_build_test
- path: Path of maven module for the app, or "." for single-app-repo. Default: "."
- cache_key_prefix: Prefix for the maven artifacts cache-key (used in combination with checksum of pom.xml). No caching if blank. Default: blank
- executor: Executor for the build. Values: ric-orb/maven_docker (default; more lightweight), ric-orb/maven_vm (required by builds leveraging testcontainers and therefore depending on docker) or your custom executor
Builds java sources using a docker builder
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/maven_build_test:
context: dev
cache_key_prefix: "myrepo"
executor: ric-orb/maven_docker
Builds java sources using a VM builder
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/maven_build_test:
context: dev
cache_key_prefix: "myrepo"
executor: ric-orb/maven_vm
Builds java sources using a custom executor
# ...
- image: cimg/openjdk:17.0.4
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/maven_build_test:
context: dev
cache_key_prefix: "myrepo"
executor: jdk17
Builds java sources for a specific app from a monorepo
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/maven_build_test:
context: dev
path: "myapp"
cache_key_prefix: "myrepo"
Name: maven_deploy_artifact
- path: Path of maven module for the app, or "." for single-app-repo. Default: "."
- cache_key_prefix: Prefix for the maven artifacts cache-key (used in combination with checksum of pom_file). No caching if blank. Default: blank
- pom_file: The pom file to be used for the maven build, the checksum used as part of the cache key is calculated from it. Default: "pom.xml"
- executor: Executor for the build. Values: ric-orb/maven_docker (default; more lightweight), ric-orb/maven_vm (required by builds leveraging testcontainers and therefore depending on docker) or your custom executor
Deploy Java artifact using a docker builder
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/maven_deploy_artifact:
context: dev
cache_key_prefix: "myrepo"
executor: ric-orb/maven_docker
Deploy Java artifact using a VM builder
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/maven_deploy_artifact:
context: dev
cache_key_prefix: "myrepo"
executor: ric-orb/maven_vm
Deploy Java artifact using a custom executor
# ...
- image: cimg/openjdk:17.0.4
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/maven_deploy_artifact:
context: dev
cache_key_prefix: "myrepo"
executor: jdk17
Deploy Java artifact for a specific module from a monorepo
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/maven_deploy_artifact:
context: dev
path: "mymodule"
cache_key_prefix: "myrepo"
Deploy Java artifact using a different pom file
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/maven_deploy_artifact:
context: dev
pom_file: "another-pom.xml"
cache_key_prefix: "myrepo"
Name: maven_assert_snapshot_version
Checks that the Maven project (of the provided pom file) has a SNAPSHOT version, otherwise it fails. Typically used to force that branch builds of library modules have a -SNAPSHOT version when manually deployed.
- pom_file: The pom file to use. Default: "pom.xml"
- ric-orb/maven_assert_snapshot_version:
context: dev
Name: no_op
Parameters: none
Does nothing. Because sometimes you need a job, but you have nothing to do…
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/no_op
Name: go_build_test
- executor: circleci executor
- additional_tests: is a list of additional steps to run, e.g. run tests on common. The default is: empty list
- work_dir: working directory for executing build and test commands
Job runs install_build_test
command, runs additional steps if there are any, and persist resulting app
file to workspace (to be used by subsequent jobs)
In this example you configure:
- user defined executor
- custom steps
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/go_build_test:
name: go/default
tag: '1.19'
context: dev
- run:
name: Running tests on common
command: make test
working_directory: common
This example uses default settings and only the minimum required configuration is added:
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/quality_gate_job:
name: go/default
tag: '1.19'
context: dev
Name: codeql
- executor: CircleCI Executor to execute CodeQL. As the code to be analyzed also needs to be built, ensure using an executor that is capable of building the code
- language: Specify the identifier for the language to create a database for, one of:
, andruby
to analyzeTypeScript
code). See Supported languages and frameworks - pre-init-steps: Steps to execute prior to creating the database. This is usually used to restore a cache of dependencies used when building
- build-command: Use to specify the build command or script that invokes the build process for the codebase. If absent, tries to automatically build. Not needed for Python and JavaScript/TypeScript analysis
This example uses auto compile functionality to build the code
- ric-orb/codeql:
context: dev
executor: jdk17
language: java
- ric-orb/maven_restore_artifacts:
prefix: foo
path: path-to-directory
This example shows an example for Go
- ric-orb/codeql:
context: dev
name: go/default
tag: '1.19'
language: go
build-command: 'make install && make build'
- restore_cache:
- 'go-mod-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum foo/go.sum" }}'
- 'go-mod-{{ arch }}-'
This example shows an example for javascript, where also a build of the code is not necessary
- ric-orb/codeql:
context: dev
executor: js
language: javascript
Name: js_deploy_storybook
- ressource_class: Resource allowed to circle-ci for this step (small, medium, medium+, large, xlarge, 2xlarge, 2xlarge+)
All default
This will create an artifact of your current version of Storybook with a medium resource class. To open it check the Artifact tab of this step in circle-ci, find the index file and click on it.
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/js_deploy_storybook:
name: Deploy Storybook
- setup
Custom resource_class version
# ...
# ...
- ric-orb/js_deploy_storybook:
name: Deploy Storybook
resource_class: xlarge
- setup