Cycle Server on Azure scripts and templates
Azure CLI 2.0 installed and configured with an Azure subscription
$ az ad sp create-for-rbac --name CycleCloudApp --years 1
Save the output -- you'll need the appId, password and tenant id.
"appId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"displayName": "CycleCloudApp",
"name": "http://CycleCloudApp",
"password": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"tenant": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
- Azure subscription ID.
The easiest way to retrieve it:
$ az account list -o table
Clone the repo
git clone{githubuser}/azcycle.git
Edit vms-params.json:
- You need to update three parameters:
, andrsaPublicKey
- Obtain
from your Cycle team contact. rsaPublicKey
is the SSH public key corresponding to the private key you will use to log into the VMs.
- You need to update three parameters:
Create a resource group in the region of your choice:
az group create --name "{RESOURCE-GROUP}" --location "{REGION}"
Build the Virtual Network and subnets. By default the vnet is named cyclevnet . Update the {githubuser} value with your github user name
az group deployment create --name "vnet_deployment" --resource-group "{RESOURCE-GROUP}" --template-uri{githubuser}/azcycle/master/deploy-vnet.json --parameters vnet-params.json
Build the VMs. Update the {githubuser} value with your github user name
az group deployment create --name "vms_deployment" --resource-group "{RESOURCE-GROUP}" --template-uri{githubuser}/azcycle/master/deploy-vms.json --parameters vms-params.json
To connect to the CycleCloud webserver, first retrieve the FQDN of the CycleServer VM from the Azure Portal, then browse to https://cycleserverfqdn/. The installation uses a self-signed SSL certificate which may show up with a warning in your browser.
This installation comes with a temporary license.
When you first log into the CycleCloud webserver and it asks for a Cycle Computing account, ignore and click on Next if you do not have an account.
- Click on Clusters in the top menu bar. A notice will appear that you currently do not have a cloud provider set up.
- Click the link to add your subscription.
From the drop-down, select Microsoft Azure as the provider. Enter the Subscription ID, Tenant ID, Application ID, and Application Secret. If you do now have these, look at the Pre-requisites section above on instructions to retrieve these. The service principal password is the Application Secret.
Add the Storage Account and Storage Container to use for storing configuration and application data for your cluster. If it does not already exist, the container will be created.
Check the “Set Default” option to make this azure subscription the default. Once you have completed setting the parameters for your Azure account, click Save to continue.
The CycleCloud CLI is required for importing custom cluster templates, and is installed in the cycleserver VM. SSH access into this VM is not directly accessible -- you have to first SSH into the admin jumpbox to reach it.
In the Azure portal, retrieve the full DNS name of the admin jump box. You can then SSH on it with the cycleadmin user with the SSH key you provided. Once on the jumbox
$ ssh cycleserver
Initialize CycleCloud CLI
$ cyclecloud initialize
- The Cycle Server installation logs are located in the /var/lib/waagent/custom-script/download/0 directory.
- Build your cluster in Cycle by using the provided templates