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Reverb is an event-driven, asynchronous workflow engine that orchestrates the logic and infrastructure developers need to build complex background tasks. Users define tasks as multi-step functions in their repository, and Reverb handles triggering and executing them step-by-step. The service is self-hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and is deployable with one command using our CLI tool.

Please check out our website to learn more!

Deploying & Using Reverb

There are three steps to fully deploying Reverb.

  1. Deploy base infrastructure
  2. Script functions
  3. Deploy function server

Deploying Base Infrastructure

This project uses node and npm.

To deploy the base AWS infrastructure just follow these steps:

  1. Follow this guide for getting started with the AWS CDK. This will have you:
  1. Download the Reverb CLI tool with the command:
$ npm install -g @reverb-app/cli
  1. Run the command:
$ reverb-cli cdk:deploy

By following the above steps, the reverb-cli will download the Reverb CDK project and deploy the engine infrastructure to your AWS account. This will deploy an empty functions server as well, which you will need to replace by following the steps below.

Script Functions

To download the template project, run the command:

$ npm create reverb <app-name>

<app-name> is whatever directory name you want it to be stored in. This command will download the template project for you.

Change directories to <app-name> and then run:

npm install

This will install the dependencies of the application.

Inside the template, there is a sample demonstrating how to define functions along with a README with detailed instructions. There is a docker compose file available to test your functions server locally. Once you are done defining functions, you can move on to the next step.

Auto-Deploy Functions Server

  1. Create a GitHub repository for your functions server.

  2. Configure these secrets in the GitHub repository:

  • DOCKER_USER is your Docker Hub username.
  • DOCKER_PASS is your Docker Hub access key.
  • DOCKER_TAG is the tag name you wish to give your functions servers image (<USER>/<APP> is the usual format).
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID is the access key for an AWS IAM account with lambda:InvokeFunction allowed. Preferably, that being its only permission.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY is the secret key tied to the above access key.
  • UPDATE_LAMBDA_NAME is the Lambda name output by the reverb-cli tool when it deploys. You can use the command reverb-cli api:show to retrieve this information at a later time.
  • ENVIRONMENT being a JSON formatted array of environmental variable objects. If you have no needed environmental variables, please set this to [].
  1. Push your functions code to the main branch of the GitHub repository.

By pushing to a GitHub repository with the above secrets in place, the GitHub Action should fire and automate the deployment of your functions server. You may also run the Action manually. Each updated version of the server just needs to be pushed to main for it to automatically redeploy.

Reverb's Three Nodes

Reverb’s functionality is organized in a three-node pattern. The three nodes are the Ingress Server, the Graphile Workers Server and the Functions Server.

Ingress Server

Unlike the Reverb CDK for AWS, this directory is configured for local development, and thus does not provide any authentication requirements to access its API endpoints. If installing on production servers, make sure to implement any security features your application needs.

This server provides API endpoints for enqueueing your application's Reverb triggers, including events and webhooks. It also provides an endpoint for retrieving logs related to your events and workflows. Note that if you are using the Reverb CDK for AWS, any changes made to the ingress server must instead be made to the ingress Lambda initialized by that tool, as it is independent from the code in this directory.

Graphile Workers Server

This server hosts Graphile Worker runners that are responsible for managing your Postgres job queue and processing your application's Reverb workflows. These include jobs triggered by events, cron, or steps within the Reverb step functions you've defined in your codebase.

Functions Server

This server hosts your application's Reverb workflow definitions and contains all the code needed to create these jobs from the provided template. The jobs will be called from the Graphile Worker Server which host the Graphile Worker runners.

The Sample Server provides you with an index.ts file, which serves as a template where you can define functions and the events or cron jobs that will trigger them. Additionally, index.ts will boot up the Functions Server.

A function can be a single function invocation or can consist of multiple steps**._ Each step will need to be awaited._**

Steps can run code, delay execution, invoke another workflow, or emit an event.