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Emiliano Heyns edited this page Nov 17, 2017 · 41 revisions

The Better BibTeX Configuration can be found under the regular Zotero preferences pane, tab 'Better Bib(La)TeX'.

The configuration of Better BibTeX is a little baroque compared to the standard Zotero Bib(La)TeX exporters (which only have hidden preferences). The defaults should just work, but here's an attempt to describe what they do.

Making any change here will drop your entire export cache. This is usually not a problem unless you have a really large library, but you can read about what is involved here.

Citation keys

LaTeX command

default: "cite"

Used for drag-and-drop/quick copy citations. In the Zotero "Export" pane, choose, "Better BibTeX Quick Copy" as the default export format for quick copy, then set the desired LaTeX citation command here. If you set this to citep, drag-and-drop citations will yield \citep{key1,key2,...}

Surround Pandoc citations with brackets

default: off

Surround pandoc quick-copy citations with brackets.

Citation key format

default: "[auth][shorttitle][year]"

Set the pattern used to generate citation keys. The format of the keys is documented here.

Force citation key to ASCII

default: on

If you have deviated from the default citation key format pattern by specifying your own, you may wind up with non-ASCII characters in your citation keys. You can prevent that using the fold function at the appropriate place in your pattern, but checking this checkbox will just apply fold to all your keys.

On conflict, non-pinned keys will be

default: kept (causes key duplicates)

This determines what happens if you pin a key to a value that is already in use in a different reference but not pinned there. Neither are ideal, you just get to pick your poison. If you let BBT change the non-pinned key by adding a postfix character, the citation key changes which could be problematic for existing papers. if you keep the non-pinned key as-is, your library now has duplicate keys.


  • postfixed (causes key changes)
  • kept (causes key duplicates)

QuickCopy format

default: LaTeX

Used for drag-and-drop/quick copy citations. You can select the output format here.



When a reference has both a DOI and an URL, export

default: both

Does what it says on the tin, really. If a reference has both a DOI and an URL, you can choose to have them both exported, or either one of them.


  • both
  • DOI
  • URL

Export BibLaTeX as ASCII

default: off

BibLaTeX actually has really good Unicode support, so you generally want this off. But for some geezers such as me it is simply more pleasing to have things like accented characters translated to their equivalent LaTeX constructs on export.

Export BibTeX as ASCII

default: on

BibTeX has really spotty Unicode support, so you generally want this on. It will translate things like accented characters to their equivalent LaTeX constructs on export.

Assume single-word strings to be externally-defined @string vars, and thus not surrounded by braces

default: off

When enabled, single-word strings will be assumed to be externally-defined @string vars, and thus not surrounded by braces. If you don't know what this means, leave it off.

Disregard name prefixes when sorting

default: off

Name handling is a lot more complex than I had ever thought it to be. A lot more complex. BibTeX has really limited ways of dealing with names with particles (van, von, de, etc). If you turn this on, BBT will add code to have van Gogh sorted under Gogh.

Fields to omit from export (comma-separated)

default: ""

If there are some fields you don't want in your bibtex files (such as note for example), add a list of them here, separated by comma's.

Add URLs to BibTeX export

default: no

BibLaTeX supports urls in your references natively; BibTeX does not. For this reason, URLs are omitted from BibTeX exports by default. Using this setting you can have them added to your exports either in a note field (not as clean, but compatible with BibTeX out of the box), or in an url field (requires extra packages to be loaded, or bibtex will error out).


  • no
  • in a note field
  • in an url field

Include JabRef-specific metadata:

default: no

Export JabRef-specific information fields; timetamps and groups for collections.


  • no
  • for JabRef 3
  • for JabRef 4

Include comments about potential problems with the references

default: off

Generate quality reports for exported references.

Use BibLaTeX extended name format (requires biblatex 3.5)

default: off

Use the extended biber 2.7 format for names with particles - only works in BibLaTeX 3.5 or later. This biblatex has a new (less ambiguous) way to store creator names. It's technically superior, but the LaTeX world moves slowly, so many people won't have it yet. But if you're an early adopter, you can enable it here

Journal abbreviations

Automatically abbreviate journal title if none is set explicitly

default: off

If set, generates journal abbreviations on export using the Zotero journal abbreviator, according to the abbreviation style selected in the list below the checkbox.

Automatic export

Automatic export

default: On Change

Determines when automatic exports are kicked off. Having it disabled still marks auto-exports as needing updates, so when you re-enable it, those exports will start. On-change means exports happen whenever a reference in the export changes/is added/is removed. On idle does more or less what Disabled (that is, no exports but mark as needing changes), but will kick off exports when your computer is idle. You mostly want this if your computer is performance-constrained (aka slow).


  • Disabled
  • On Change
  • When Idle


Warn me when changing citation keys in bulk

default: 10

For those who are curious about what the "Clear/Generate BibTeX key" right-click options do, this will warn you if you are doing this on more than 10 (default) at the same time, to prevent your curiosity from changing all your citation keys at once.


default: ""

Snippet of javascript to run after each reference generation.

Hidden preferences

The following settings are not exposed in the UI, but can be found under Preferences/Advanced/Config editor.

All are prefixed with extensions.zotero.translators.better-bibtex. in the table you will find there


default: ""

Select the style for auto-abbreviation. Only applicable to Juris-M; in Zotero, the style for automatic abbreviation is not configurable.


default: 10

Number of seconds to wait after your system goes idle before kicking off auto-exports.


default: 5

How often the Better BibTeX database should be saved to disk. Defaults to once every 5 seconds. Note that your database is always saved when your computer goes idle, or when you exit Zotero.


default: ""

Enables csquotes support.


default: "a,ab,aboard,about,above,across,after,against,al,along,amid,among,an,and,anti,around,as,at,before,behind,below,beneath,beside,besides,between,beyond,but,by,d,da,das,de,del,dell,dello,dei,degli,della,dell,delle,dem,den,der,des,despite,die,do,down,du,during,ein,eine,einem,einen,einer,eines,el,en,et,except,for,from,gli,i,il,in,inside,into,is,l,la,las,le,les,like,lo,los,near,nor,of,off,on,onto,or,over,past,per,plus,round,save,since,so,some,sur,than,the,through,to,toward,towards,un,una,unas,under,underneath,une,unlike,uno,unos,until,up,upon,versus,via,von,while,with,within,without,yet,zu,zum"

list of words to skip in title when generating citation keys


default: ""

When language alternates are present in Juris-M, this is the language BBT will pick.


default: off

Support for ambiguous dates


default: off

If you're dead-set on ignoring both BibTeX/BibLaTeX best practice and the Zotero recommendations on title/sentence casing, set this preference to "true" to suppress title casing for English references.


default: 100

I've had reports where Zotero notifies extensions that references have changed, but if BBT then actually retrieves those same references, Zotero complains they "haven't been saved yet". Super. This preference sets the number of microseconds BBT should wait after being notified before acting on the changed references.


default: on

Name particle handling

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