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Int, Float, BigInt: use optional args and deprecate xxxWithRadix, xxx…
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…WithPrecision etc.
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cknitt committed Apr 7, 2024
1 parent 5d675f7 commit bbc016e
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Showing 13 changed files with 333 additions and 243 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion scripts/DocTests.mjs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ async function main() {
var id =".", "_");
var codes = getCodeBlocks(example);
var results = await Promise.all( function (code, $$int) {
var id$1 = id + "_" + $$int.toString();
var id$1 = id + "_" + $$int.toString(undefined);
return await testCode(id$1, code);
return [
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/Core__BigInt.res
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,8 +50,10 @@ See [`toString`](
external toString: bigint => string = "toString"
@send external toStringWithRadix: (bigint, ~radix: int) => string = "toString"
external toString: (bigint, ~radix: int=?) => string = "toString"

@deprecated("Use `toString` with `~radix` instead") @send
external toStringWithRadix: (bigint, ~radix: int) => string = "toString"

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Core__Dict.resi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ let forEachWithKey: (t<'a>, ('a, string) => unit) => unit
let dict = Dict.fromArray([("key1", 1), ("key2", 2)])
dict->Dict.mapValues(v => v + 10)->Dict.toArray // [("key1", 11), ("key2", 12)]
dict->Dict.mapValues(Int.toString)->Dict.toArray // [("key1", "1"), ("key2", "2")]
dict->Dict.mapValues(v => Int.toString(v))->Dict.toArray // [("key1", "1"), ("key2", "2")]
let mapValues: (t<'a>, 'a => 'b) => t<'b>
25 changes: 15 additions & 10 deletions src/Core__Float.res
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,20 +16,25 @@ let compare = (a: float, b: float) =>
@val external isFinite: float => bool = "isFinite"
@val external parseFloat: 'a => float = "parseFloat"
// parseInt's return type is a float because it can be NaN
@val external parseInt: 'a => float = "parseInt"
@val external parseIntWithRadix: ('a, ~radix: int) => float = "parseInt"
@val external parseInt: ('a, ~radix: int=?) => float = "parseInt"
@deprecated("Use `parseInt` instead") @val
external parseIntWithRadix: ('a, ~radix: int) => float = "parseInt"

@send external toExponential: float => string = "toExponential"
@send external toExponentialWithPrecision: (float, ~digits: int) => string = "toExponential"
@send external toExponential: (float, ~digits: int=?) => string = "toExponential"
@deprecated("Use `toExponential` instead") @send
external toExponentialWithPrecision: (float, ~digits: int) => string = "toExponential"

@send external toFixed: float => string = "toFixed"
@send external toFixedWithPrecision: (float, ~digits: int) => string = "toFixed"
@send external toFixed: (float, ~digits: int=?) => string = "toFixed"
@deprecated("Use `toFixed` instead") @send
external toFixedWithPrecision: (float, ~digits: int) => string = "toFixed"

@send external toPrecision: float => string = "toPrecision"
@send external toPrecisionWithPrecision: (float, ~digits: int) => string = "toPrecision"
@send external toPrecision: (float, ~digits: int=?) => string = "toPrecision"
@deprecated("Use `toPrecision` instead") @send
external toPrecisionWithPrecision: (float, ~digits: int) => string = "toPrecision"

@send external toString: float => string = "toString"
@send external toStringWithRadix: (float, ~radix: int) => string = "toString"
@send external toString: (float, ~radix: int=?) => string = "toString"
@deprecated("Use `toString` instead") @send
external toStringWithRadix: (float, ~radix: int) => string = "toString"
@send external toLocaleString: float => string = "toLocaleString"

let fromString = i =>
Expand Down
62 changes: 48 additions & 14 deletions src/Core__Float.resi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -162,8 +162,11 @@ Float.parseFloat("error")->Float.isNaN // true
external parseFloat: string => float = "parseFloat"

`parseInt(v)` parse the given `v` and returns a float. Leading whitespace in
`v` is ignored. Returns `NaN` if `v` can't be parsed.
`parseInt(v, ~radix=?)` parse the given `v` and returns a float. Leading
whitespace in this argument `v`is ignored. `radix` specifies the radix base to
use for the formatted number. The value must be in the range [2, 36] (inclusive).
Returns `NaN` if `v` can't be parsed and `radix` is smaller than 2 or bigger
than 36.
See [`parseInt`]( on MDN.
## Examples
Expand All @@ -174,10 +177,14 @@ Float.parseInt(" 3.14 ") // 3.0
Float.parseInt(3) // 3.0
Float.parseInt("3.14some non-digit characters") // 3.0
Float.parseInt("error")->Float.isNaN // true
Float.parseInt("10.0", ~radix=2) // 2.0
Float.parseInt("15 * 3", ~radix=10) // 15.0
Float.parseInt("12", ~radix=13) // 15.0
Float.parseInt("17", ~radix=40)->Float.isNaN // true
external parseInt: 'a => float = "parseInt"
external parseInt: ('a, ~radix: int=?) => float = "parseInt"

`parseIntWithRadix(v, ~radix)` parse the given `v` and returns a float. Leading
Expand All @@ -196,23 +203,32 @@ Float.parseIntWithRadix("12", ~radix=13) // 15.0
Float.parseIntWithRadix("17", ~radix=40)->Float.isNaN // true
@deprecated("Use `parseInt` instead")
external parseIntWithRadix: ('a, ~radix: int) => float = "parseInt"

`toExponential(v)` return a `string` representing the given value in exponential
`toExponential(v, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in
exponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after
the decimal point.
See [`Number.toExponential`]( on MDN.
## Examples
Float.toExponential(1000.0) // "1e+3"
Float.toExponential(-1000.0) // "-1e+3"
Float.toExponential(77.0, ~digits=2) // "7.70e+1"
Float.toExponential(5678.0, ~digits=2) // "5.68e+3"
## Exceptions
- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.
external toExponential: float => string = "toExponential"
external toExponential: (float, ~digits: int=?) => string = "toExponential"

`toExponential(v, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in
Expand All @@ -231,23 +247,31 @@ Float.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678.0, ~digits=2) // "5.68e+3"
- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.
@deprecated("Use `toExponential` instead")
external toExponentialWithPrecision: (float, ~digits: int) => string = "toExponential"

`toFixed(v)` return a `string` representing the given value using fixed-point
`toFixed(v, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given
value using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should
appear after the decimal point.
See [`Number.toFixed`]( on MDN.
## Examples
Float.toFixed(123456.0) // "123456.00"
Float.toFixed(10.0) // "10.00"
Float.toFixed(300.0, ~digits=4) // "300.0000"
Float.toFixed(300.0, ~digits=1) // "300.0"
## Exceptions
- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.
external toFixed: float => string = "toFixed"
external toFixed: (float, ~digits: int=?) => string = "toFixed"

`toFixedWithPrecision(v, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given
Expand All @@ -266,24 +290,32 @@ Float.toFixedWithPrecision(300.0, ~digits=1) // "300.0"
- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.
@deprecated("Use `toFixed` instead")
external toFixedWithPrecision: (float, ~digits: int) => string = "toFixed"

`toPrecision(v)` return a `string` representing the giver value with precision.
This function omits the argument that controls precision, so it behaves like
`toString`. See `toPrecisionWithPrecision` to control precision.
`toPrecision(v, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with
precision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits.
See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.
## Examples
Float.toPrecision(100.0) // "100"
Float.toPrecision(1.0) // "1"
Float.toPrecision(100.0, ~digits=2) // "1.0e+2"
Float.toPrecision(1.0, ~digits=1) // "1"
## Exceptions
- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).
Implementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.
ECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.
external toPrecision: float => string = "toPrecision"
external toPrecision: (float, ~digits: int=?) => string = "toPrecision"

`toPrecisionWithPrecision(v, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with
Expand All @@ -304,6 +336,7 @@ Implementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.
ECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.
@deprecated("Use `toPrecision` instead")
external toPrecisionWithPrecision: (float, ~digits: int) => string = "toPrecision"

Expand All @@ -319,7 +352,7 @@ Float.toString(-1000.0) // "-1000"
external toString: float => string = "toString"
external toString: (float, ~radix: int=?) => string = "toString"

`toStringWithRadix(v, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.
Expand All @@ -338,6 +371,7 @@ Float.toStringWithRadix(123456.0, ~radix=36) // "2n9c"
`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.
@deprecated("Use `toString` with `~radix` instead")
external toStringWithRadix: (float, ~radix: int) => string = "toString"

Expand Down
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions src/Core__Int.mjs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ function compare(a, b) {

function fromString(radix, x) {
function fromString(x, radix) {
var maybeInt = radix !== undefined ? parseInt(x, radix) : parseInt(x);
if (isNaN(maybeInt) || maybeInt > 2147483647 || maybeInt < -2147483648) {
return ;
Expand All @@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ function fromString(radix, x) {

function rangeWithOptions(start, end, options) {
function range(start, end, optionsOpt) {
var options = optionsOpt !== undefined ? optionsOpt : ({});
var isInverted = start > end;
var n = options.step;
var step;
Expand All @@ -48,17 +49,17 @@ function rangeWithOptions(start, end, options) {
} else if (step === 0) {
length = options.inclusive === true ? 1 : 0;
} else {
var range = isInverted ? start - end | 0 : end - start | 0;
var range$1 = options.inclusive === true ? range + 1 | 0 : range;
length = Math.ceil(range$1 / PervasivesU.abs(step)) | 0;
var range$1 = isInverted ? start - end | 0 : end - start | 0;
var range$2 = options.inclusive === true ? range$1 + 1 | 0 : range$1;
length = Math.ceil(range$2 / PervasivesU.abs(step)) | 0;
return Core__Array.fromInitializer(length, (function (i) {
return start + Math.imul(i, step) | 0;

function range(start, end) {
return rangeWithOptions(start, end, {});
function rangeWithOptions(start, end, options) {
return range(start, end, options);

function clamp(min, max, value) {
Expand Down
31 changes: 19 additions & 12 deletions src/Core__Int.res
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,27 +8,32 @@ let equal = (a: int, b: int) => a === b
let compare = (a: int, b: int) =>
a < b ? Core__Ordering.less : a > b ? Core__Ordering.greater : Core__Ordering.equal

@send external toExponential: int => string = "toExponential"
@send external toExponentialWithPrecision: (int, ~digits: int) => string = "toExponential"
@send external toExponential: (int, ~digits: int=?) => string = "toExponential"
@deprecated("Use `toExponential` instead") @send
external toExponentialWithPrecision: (int, ~digits: int) => string = "toExponential"

@send external toFixed: int => string = "toFixed"
@send external toFixedWithPrecision: (int, ~digits: int) => string = "toFixed"
@send external toFixed: (int, ~digits: int=?) => string = "toFixed"
@deprecated("Use `toFixed` instead") @send
external toFixedWithPrecision: (int, ~digits: int) => string = "toFixed"

@send external toPrecision: int => string = "toPrecision"
@send external toPrecisionWithPrecision: (int, ~digits: int) => string = "toPrecision"
@send external toPrecision: (int, ~digits: int=?) => string = "toPrecision"
@deprecated("Use `toPrecision` instead") @send
external toPrecisionWithPrecision: (int, ~digits: int) => string = "toPrecision"

@send external toString: int => string = "toString"
@send external toStringWithRadix: (int, ~radix: int) => string = "toString"
@send external toString: (int, ~radix: int=?) => string = "toString"
@deprecated("Use `toString` instead") @send
external toStringWithRadix: (int, ~radix: int) => string = "toString"
@send external toLocaleString: int => string = "toLocaleString"

external toFloat: int => float = "%identity"
external fromFloat: float => int = "%intoffloat"

let fromString = (~radix=?, x) => {
let fromString = (x, ~radix=?) => {
let maybeInt = switch radix {
| Some(radix) => Core__Float.parseIntWithRadix(x, ~radix)
| Some(radix) => Core__Float.parseInt(x, ~radix)
| None => Core__Float.parseInt(x)

if Core__Float.isNaN(maybeInt) {
} else if maybeInt > Constants.maxValue->toFloat || maybeInt < Constants.minValue->toFloat {
Expand All @@ -42,7 +47,8 @@ let fromString = (~radix=?, x) => {
external mod: (int, int) => int = "%modint"

type rangeOptions = {step?: int, inclusive?: bool}
let rangeWithOptions = (start, end, options) => {

let range = (start, end, ~options: rangeOptions={}) => {
let isInverted = start > end

let step = switch options.step {
Expand All @@ -65,7 +71,8 @@ let rangeWithOptions = (start, end, options) => {
Core__Array.fromInitializer(~length, i => start + i * step)

let range = (start, end) => rangeWithOptions(start, end, {})
@deprecated("Use `range` instead") @send
let rangeWithOptions = (start, end, options) => range(start, end, ~options)

let clamp = (~min=?, ~max=?, value): int => {
let value = switch max {
Expand Down

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