diff --git a/800.renames-and-merges/m.yaml b/800.renames-and-merges/m.yaml index 12e2d4637..b61db7e92 100644 --- a/800.renames-and-merges/m.yaml +++ b/800.renames-and-merges/m.yaml @@ -163,8 +163,9 @@ - { setname: mozo, name: mozo-gtk2, addflavor: true } - { setname: mozo, name: mozo-dev, weak_devel: true } - { setname: mozvoikko, name: [browser-plugin-mozvoikko,firefox-ext-mozvoikko] } -- { setname: mpc, name: [mpd-mpc,mpclient,mpc-client,mpcli] } +- { setname: mpc, name: [mpd-mpc,mpclient,mpc-client,mpcli,musicpc] } - { setname: mpd, name: [mpd-light,mpd-light-pulse,mpd-minimal,mpd-server-minimal,mpd-sidplay], addflavor: true } +- { setname: mpd, name: musicpd } - { setname: mpeg-lib, name: [libmpeg, mpeg] } - { setname: mpfr, name: [mpfr3,mpfr4,libmpfr] } - { setname: mpich, name: mpich-default } diff --git a/850.split-ambiguities/m.yaml b/850.split-ambiguities/m.yaml index 47dfc2ded..8933cdb58 100644 --- a/850.split-ambiguities/m.yaml +++ b/850.split-ambiguities/m.yaml @@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ - { name: mog, setname: mazeofgalious, wwwpart: braingames } - { name: mog, warning: "please classify me" } -- { name: mpd, wwwpart: [musicpd,mpd.wikia.com], setname: musicpd } -- { name: mpd, category: [media-sound,Sound,audio], setname: musicpd } +- { name: mpd, wwwpart: [musicpd,mpd.wikia.com], addflag: classified } +- { name: mpd, category: [media-sound,Sound,audio], addflag: classified } - { name: mpd, wwwpart: cs.arizona.edu/mpd, setname: mpd-compiler } -- { name: mpd, warning: "please classify me" } # nothing should be left here -- { name: musicpd, setname: mpd } # still use more canonical name +- { name: mpd, ruleset: [kaos,pld,solus], addflag: classified } +- { name: mpd, noflag: classified, warning: "please classify me" } - { name: mtree, wwwpart: deis.unibo.it, setname: m-tree } - { name: mtree, wwwpart: archiecobbs, setname: mtree-port } @@ -90,15 +90,15 @@ - { name: mp3check, wwwpart: icculus, setname: mp3check-icculus } -- { name: mpc, wwwpart: [musicpd,mpd.wikia.com], setname: musicpc } -- { name: mpc, category: [media-sound,Sound,audio,Sound/Players,universe/sound], setname: musicpc } +- { name: mpc, wwwpart: [musicpd,mpd.wikia.com], addflag: classified } +- { name: mpc, category: [media-sound,Sound,audio,Sound/Players,universe/sound], addflag: classified } - { name: mpc, wwwpart: multiprecision.org, setname: gnumpc } - { name: mpc, category: dev-libs, setname: gnumpc } +- { name: mpc, wwwpart: mpc-hc, setname: mpc-hc } - { name: mpc, ruleset: [rudix,hpux,solus], setname: gnumpc } - { name: mpc, ruleset: aosc, category: libs, setname: gnumpc } -- { name: mpc, wwwpart: mpc-hc, setname: mpc-hc } -- { name: mpc, warning: "please classify me" } # nothing should be left here -- { name: musicpc, setname: mpc } # still use more canonical name +- { name: mpd, ruleset: pld, addflag: classified } +- { name: mpc, noflag: classified, warning: "please classify me" } - { name: msgpack, category: dev-java, setname: "java:msgpack" }