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756 lines (617 loc) · 86.5 KB

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756 lines (617 loc) · 86.5 KB

4.34.0 (Unreleased)

4.33.0 (August 22, 2022)


  • container: added update support for authenticator_groups_config in google_container_cluster (#4591)
  • dataflow: added ability to import google_dataflow_job (#4595)
  • dns: added managed_zone_id attribute to google_dns_managed_zone data source (#4593)
  • metastore: added metadata_integration and hive_metastore_config.auxiliary_versions fields to google_dataproc_metastore_service resource (#4598)
  • monitoring: added accepted_response_status_codes to google_monitoring_uptime_check_config (#4594)
  • sql: added password_validation_policy field to google_cloud_sql resource (#4597)


  • bigquery: removed force replacement for display_name on google_bigquery_data_transfer_config (#4592)
  • compute: fixed permadiff for instance_termination_action in google_compute_instance_template (#4590)

4.32.0 (August 15, 2022)


  • Updated to Golang 1.18 (#4564)


  • New Resource: google_dataplex_asset (#4543)
  • New Resource: google_gke_hub_membership_iam_binding (#4583)
  • New Resource: google_gke_hub_membership_iam_member (#4583)
  • New Resource: google_gke_hub_membership_iam_policy (#4583)


  • certificatemanager: added state, authorization_attempt_info and provisioning_issue output fields to google_certificate_manager_certificate (#4548)
  • cloudfunctions2: added field event_filters to resource google_cloudfunctions2_function (#4547)
  • compute: added certificate_map to compute_target_https_proxy resource (#4550)
  • compute: added validation for name field on google_compute_network (#4579)
  • compute: made port optional in google_compute_network_endpoint to allow network endpoints to be associated with GCE_VM_IP network endpoint groups (#4575)
  • container: added support for additional values APISERVER, CONTROLLER_MANAGER, and SCHEDULER in google_container_cluster.monitoring_config (#4565)
  • gkehub: added monitoring and mutation_enabled fields to resource feature_membership (#4572)
  • gkehub: added better support for import for google_gke_hub_membership (#4542)
  • pubsub: added bigquery_config to google_pubsub_subscription (#4545)
  • scheduler: added paused field to google_cloud_scheduler_job (#4535)
  • scheduler: added state output field to google_cloud_scheduler_job (#4535)


  • apigee: fixed an issue where google_apigee_instance creation would fail due to multiple concurrent instances (#4584)
  • billingbudget: fixed a bug where was not updating. (#4577)
  • compute: fixed perma-diff on google_compute_disk for new arm64 images (#4533)
  • dataflow: fixed bug where permadiff would show on google_dataflow_job.additional_experiments (#4576)
  • storage: fixed a bug in google_storage_bucket where name was incorrectly validated. (#4566)

4.31.0 (Aug 1, 2022)


  • New Resource: google_dataplex_zone (#4511)


  • bucket: added support for matches_prefix and matches_suffix in condition of a lifecycle_rule in google_storage_bucket (#4527)
  • compute: added network and subnetwork fields to google_compute_region_network_endpoint_group for PSC. (#4528)
  • container: added field boot_disk_kms_key to auto_provisioning_defaults in google_container_cluster (#4524)
  • notebooks: added bootDiskType support for PD_EXTREME in google_notebooks_instance (#4530)
  • notebooks: added softwareConfig.upgradeable, softwareConfig.postStartupScriptBehavior, softwareConfig.kernels in google_notebooks_runtime (#4530)
  • storage: added name validation for google_storage_bucket (#4532)


  • compute: fixed perma-diff on google_compute_disk for new arm64 images (#4533)
  • dns: fixed a bug where google_dns_record_set would create an inconsistent plan when using interpolated values in rrdatas (#4515)
  • kms: fixed setting of resource id post-import for google_kms_crypto_key (#4520)
  • provider: fixed a bug where user-agent was showing "dev" rather than the provider version (#4509)

4.30.0 (July 25, 2022)


  • New Data Source: google_service_account_jwt (#4489)
  • New Resource: google_certificate_map_entry (#4501)
  • New Resource: google_certificate_map (#4501)
  • New Resource: google_compute_backend_bucket_iam_binding (#4484)
  • New Resource: google_compute_backend_bucket_iam_member (#4484)
  • New Resource: google_compute_backend_bucket_iam_policy (#4484)
  • New Resource: google_dataproc_metastore_federation (#4482)
  • New Resource: google_dataproc_metastore_federation_iam_binding (#4482)
  • New Resource: google_dataproc_metastore_federation_iam_member (#4482)
  • New Resource: google_dataproc_metastore_federation_iam_policy (#4482)


  • billingbudget: made thresholdRules optional in google_billing_budget (#4480)
  • compute: added instance_termination_action field to google_compute_instance_template resource to support Spot VM termination action (#4488)
  • compute: added instance_termination_action field to google_compute_instance resource to support Spot VM termination action (#4488)
  • compute: added request_coalescing and bypass_cache_on_request_headers fields to compute_backend_bucket (#4484)
  • compute: added field all_instances_config to google_compute_instance_group_manager and google_compute_region_instance_group_manager (#4506)
  • compute: added support for esp protocol in google_compute_packet_mirroring.filters.ip_protocols (#4496)
  • monitoring: added evaluation_missing_data field to google_monitoring_alert_policy (#4502)
  • notebooks: added field reserved_ip_range to google_notebooks_runtime (#4492)


  • bigtable: fixed an incorrect diff when adding two or more clusters (#4490)
  • compute: allowed properly updating adaptive_protection_config in compute_security_policy (#4478)
  • notebooks: fixed a bug wheregoogle_notebooks_runtime can't be updated (#4492)
  • sql: fixed an issue in google_sql_database_instance where updates would fail because of the collation field (#4505)

4.29.0 (July 18, 2022)


  • New Resource: google_cloudiot_registry_iam_binding (#4452)
  • New Resource: google_cloudiot_registry_iam_member (#4452)
  • New Resource: google_cloudiot_registry_iam_policy (#4452)
  • New Resource: google_compute_snapshot_iam_binding (#4445)
  • New Resource: google_compute_snapshot_iam_member (#4445)
  • New Resource: google_compute_snapshot_iam_policy (#4445)


  • container: added binauthz_evaluation_mode field to resource_container_cluster. (#4451)
  • kms: added support for MAC value in google_kms_crypto_key.purpose (#4458)
  • metastore: added databaseType, releaseChannel, and hiveMetastoreConfig.endpointProtocol arguments (#4443)


  • bigquery: fixed case-sensitivity for user_by_email and group_by_email on google_bigquery_dataset_access (#4446)
  • clouddeploy: fixed permadiff on execution_configs in google_clouddeploy_target resource (#4450)
  • cloudscheduler: fixed a diff on the last slash of uri on google_cloud_scheduler_job (#4444)
  • compute: fixed force recreation on provisioned_iops of google_compute_disk (#4464)
  • compute: fixed missing network_interface.0.ipv6_access_config.0.external_ipv6 output on google_compute_instance (#4470)
  • documentai: fixed a bug where eu region could not be utilized for documentai resources (#4472)
  • gkehub: fixed a bug where issuer can't be updated on google_gke_hub_membership (#4471)

4.28.0 (July 11, 2022)


  • New Resource: google_bigquery_connection_iam_binding (#4437)
  • New Resource: google_bigquery_connection_iam_member (#4437)
  • New Resource: google_bigquery_connection_iam_policy (#4437)
  • New Resource: google_cloud_tasks_queue_iam_binding (#4427)
  • New Resource: google_cloud_tasks_queue_iam_member (#4427)
  • New Resource: google_cloud_tasks_queue_iam_policy (#4427)
  • New Resource: google_dataproc_autoscaling_policy_iam_binding (#4441)
  • New Resource: google_dataproc_autoscaling_policy_iam_member (#4441)
  • New Resource: google_dataproc_autoscaling_policy_iam_policy (#4441)
  • New Resource: google_dataproc_metastore_service_iam_binding (#4416)
  • New Resource: google_dataproc_metastore_service_iam_member (#4416)
  • New Resource: google_dataproc_metastore_service_iam_policy (#4416)


  • bigquery: fixed a permadiff in google_bigquery_job.query. destination_table (#4401)
  • billing: added calendar_period and custom_period fields to google_billing_budget (#4429)
  • cloudsql: added attribute project to data source google_sql_backup_run (#4402)
  • composer: added CMEK, PUPI and IP_masq_agent support for Composer 2 in google_composer_environment resource (#4430)
  • compute: added max_ports_per_vm field to google_compute_router_nat resource (#4400)
  • compute: added GCE_VM_IP support to google_compute_network_endpoint_group resource. (#4434)
  • privateca: added support to subordinate CA activation (#4422)
  • redis: added CMEK key field customer_managed_key in google_redis_instance (#4435)
  • spanner: added field version_retention_period to google_spanner_database resource (#4424)
  • sql: added settings.location_preference.secondary_zone field in google_sql_database_instance (#4433)
  • sql: added sql_server_audit_config field in google_sql_database_instance (#4403)


  • composer: fixed a problem with updating Cloud Composer's scheduler_count field (hashicorp/terraform-provider-google#11940) (#4408)
  • composer: fixed permadiff on private_environment_config.cloud_composer_connection_subnetwork (#4411)
  • container: fixed an issue where node_config.min_cpu_platform could cause a perma-diff in google_container_cluster (#4426)
  • filestore: fixed a case where would incorrectly see a diff between state and config when the network id format was used (#4431)
  • serviceusage: fixed an issue where google_project_service_identity didn't handle service identities without emails correctly (#4432)

4.27.0 (June 27, 2022)


  • clouddeploy: added suspend field to google_clouddeploy_delivery_pipeline resource (#4394)
  • compute: added maxPortsPerVm field to google_compute_router_nat resource (#4400)
  • compute: added psc_connection_id and psc_connection_status output fields to google_compute_forwarding_rule and google_compute_global_forwarding_rule resources (#4392)
  • container: added tpu_config to google_container_cluster (beta only) (#4390)
  • containeraws: made config.instance_type field updatable in google_container_aws_node_pool (#4392)


  • compute: fixed default handling for enable_dynamic_port_allocation to be managed by the api (#4391)
  • vertexai: Fixed a bug where terraform crashes when force_destroy is set in google_vertex_ai_featurestore resource (#4398)

4.26.0 (June 21, 2022)


  • New Resource: google_cloudfunctions2_function_iam_binding (#4377)
  • New Resource: google_cloudfunctions2_function_iam_member (#4377)
  • New Resource: google_cloudfunctions2_function_iam_policy (#4377)
  • New Resource: google_compute_region_ssl_policy (#4376)
  • New Resource: google_documentai_processor (#4389)
  • New Resource: google_documentai_processor_default_version (#4389)


  • accesscontextmanager: Added external_resources to egress_to in google_access_context_manager_service_perimeter and google_access_context_manager_service_perimeters resource (#4378)
  • apigateway: Added grpc_services and managed_service_configs to google_api_gateway_api_config (#4388)
  • cloudbuild: Added include_build_logs to google_cloudbuild_trigger (#4380)
  • compute: Added ssl_policy field to google_compute_region_target_https_proxy (#4376)
  • container: Added managed_prometheus to monitoring_config in google_container_cluster (#4373)
  • container: Added tpu_config to google_container_cluster (#4390)


  • dns: Fixed a bug where google_dns_record_set resource can not be changed from default routing to Geo routing policy. (#4383)
  • sql: Fixed a bug where google_sql_database_instance would fail if a replica was created, with an encryption key, in a different region than the master instance. (#4379)

4.25.0 (June 15, 2022)


  • bigquery: added connection_id to external_data_configuration for google_bigquery_table (#4365)
  • cloudfunctions2: added support for configuring service_account_email to google_cloudfunctions2_function resource (#4367)
  • compute: added advanced_options_config to google_compute_security_policy (#4354)
  • compute: added cache_key_policy field to google_compute_backend_bucket resource (#4349)
  • compute: added include_named_cookies to cdn_policy on compute_backend_service resource (#4358)
  • compute: added internal IPv6 support on google_compute_network and google_compute_subnetwork (#4368)
  • container: added managed_prometheus to monitoring_config in google_container_cluster (#4373)
  • container: added spot field to node_config sub-resource (#4350)
  • gkehub: added prevent_drift field to google_gke_hub_feature_membership resource (#4370)
  • monitoring: added support for JSONPath content matchers to google_monitoring_uptime_check_config resource (#4361)
  • monitoring: added support for user_labels to google_monitoring_slo resource (#4363)
  • sql: added sql_server_user_details field to google_sql_user resource (#4364)


  • certificatemanager: fixed bug where DEFAULT scope would permadiff and force replace the certificate. (#4356)
  • dns: fixed perma-diff for updated labels in google_dns_managed_zone (#4372)
  • storagetransfer: fixed perm diff on transfer_options for google_storage_transfer_job (#4357)

4.24.0 (June 6, 2022)


  • compute: added cache_key_policy field to google_compute_backend_bucket resource (#4349)

4.23.0 (June 1, 2022)


  • New Data Source: google_tags_tag_key (#4337)
  • New Data Source: google_tags_tag_value (#4337)
  • New Resource: google_dataplex_lake (#4341)


  • bigqueryconnection: updated connection types to support v1 ga (#4323)
  • cloudfunctions: added docker registry support for Cloud Functions (#4324)
  • memcache: added maintenance_policy and maintenance_schedule to google_memcache_instance (#4338)
  • service-directory: marked network field immutable in google_service_directory_endpoint (#4334)


  • binaryauthorization: fixed permadiff in google_binary_authorization_attestor (#4325)
  • service: added re-polling for service account after creation, 404s sometimes due to eventual consistency (#4333)

4.22.0 (May 24, 2022)

NOTE: Due to technical difficulties encountered in the release process, the 4.22.0 release for google-beta occurred several hours after the corresponding google provider release.


  • New Resource: google_certificate_manager_certificate (#4301)
  • New Resource: google_certificate_manager_dns_authorization (#4301)
  • New Resource: google_clouddeploy_delivery_pipeline (#4288)
  • New Resource: google_clouddeploy_target (#4288)


  • bigquery: added connection of type cloud_resource for google_bigquery_connection (#4312)
  • cloudfunctions: added https_trigger_security_level to google_cloudfunctions_function (#4295)
  • cloudrun: added traffic.tag and traffic.url fields to google_cloud_run_service (#4283)
  • compute: added enable_dynamic_port_allocation to google_compute_router_nat (#4316)
  • compute: added field update_policy.most_disruptive_allowed_action to google_compute_instance_group_manager and google_compute_region_instance_group_manager (#4282)
  • compute: added support for NEG type PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT in NetworkEndpointGroup (#4303)
  • compute: added support for domain_names attribute in google_compute_service_attachment (#4313)
  • compute: added value REFRESH to field update_policy.minimal_actioningoogle_compute_instance_group_managerandgoogle_compute_region_instance_group_manager` (#4282)
  • container: added field exclusion_options to google_container_cluster (#4291)
  • monitoring: added checker_type field to google_monitoring_uptime_check_config resource (#4302)
  • privateca: add a new field desired_state to manage CertificateAuthority state. (#4279)
  • sql: added active_directory_config field in google_sql_database_instance (#4298)
  • sql: removed requirement that Cloud SQL Insight is only allowed for Postgres in google_sql_database_instance (#4310)


  • cloudfunctions: fixed an issue where google_cloudfunctions2_function would not update (#4278)
  • compute: fixed extra diffs generated on google_security_policy rules when modifying a rule (#4287)
  • container: fixed Autopilot cluster couldn't omit master ipv4 cidr in google_container_cluster (#4280)
  • resourcemanager: fixed a bug in wrongly writing to state when creation failed on google_project_organization_policy (#4297)
  • storage: not specifying content or source for google_storage_bucket_object now fails at plan-time instead of apply-time. (#4292)

4.21.0 (May 16, 2022)


  • cloudfunctions: added CMEK support for Cloud Functions (#4272)
  • compute: added service_directory_registrations to google_compute_forwarding_rule resource (#4276)
  • compute: removed validation checking against a fixed set of persistent disk types (#4273)
  • container: removed validation checking against a fixed set of persistent disk types (#4273)
  • containeraws: added image_type and instance_placement to google_container_aws_node_pool resource (#4276)
  • containeraws: added instance_placement and logging_config to google_container_aws_cluster resource (#4276)
  • containeraws: added proxy_config to google_container_aws_node_pool resource (#4276)
  • containerazure: added image_type to google_container_azure_node_pool resource (#4276)
  • containerazure: added logging_config to google_container_azure_cluster resource (#4276)
  • containerazure: added proxy_config to google_container_azure_node_pool resource (#4276)
  • dataproc: removed validation checking against a fixed set of persistent disk types (#4273)
  • dns: added routing_policy to google_dns_record_set resource (#4265)


  • cloudfunctions: fixed an issue where google_cloudfunctions2_function would not update (#4278)
  • compute: fixed a crash in google_compute_instance when the instance is deleted outside of Terraform (#4262)
  • provider: removed printing credentials to the console if malformed JSON is given (#4266)

4.20.0 (May 2, 2022)


  • google_privateca_certificate_authority resources now cannot be destroyed unless deletion_protection = false is set in state for the resource. (#4241)


  • New Data Source: google_compute_disk (#4255)


  • apigee: consumer_accept_list and service_attachment to google_apigee_instance. (#4260)
  • compute: added subsetting field to google_compute_region_backend_service (#4246)
  • privateca: added deletion_protection for google_privateca_certificate_authority. (#4241)
  • privateca: added new output fields on google_privateca_certificate including issuer_certificate_authority, pem_certificate_chain and certificate_description.x509_description (#4242)
  • redis: added multi read replica field read_replicas_mode and secondary_ip_range in google_redis_instance (#4259)


  • compute: fixed a crash when compute.instance is not found (#4262)
  • provider: removed printing credentials to the console if malformed JSON is given (#4266)
  • sql: fixed bug where encryption_key_name was not being propagated to the API. (#4261)

4.19.0 (April 25, 2022)


  • cloudbuild: made CLOUD_LOGGING_ONLY available as a cloud build logging option. (#4224)
  • compute: added redirect_options field for google_compute_security_policy rules (#4217)
  • compute: added FIXED_STANDARD and STANDARD as valid values to the field network_interface.0.access_configs.0.network_tier of google_compute_instance_template resource (#4233)
  • compute: added FIXED_STANDARD and STANDARD as valid values to the field network_interface.0.access_configs.0.network_tier of google_compute_instance resource (#4233)
  • compute: added passing exceed_redirect_options field for google_compute_security_policy rules (#4238)
  • container: added gke_backup_agent_config in addons_config to google_container_cluster (beta) (#4231)
  • filestore: added kms_key_name field to google_filestore_instance resource to support CMEK (#11493)
  • logging: made google_logging_*_bucket_config deletable (#4234)
  • notebooks: updated container_images on google_notebooks_runtime to default to the value returned by the API if not set (#4216)
  • provider: modified request retry logic to retry all per-minute quota limits returned with a 403 error code. Previously, only read requests were retried. This will generally affect Google Compute Engine resources. (#4223)


  • bigquery: fixed a bug where encryption_configuration.kms_key_name stored the version rather than the key name. (#4221)
  • compute: fixed url_mask required mis-annotation in google_compute_region_network_endpoint_group, making it optional (#4227)
  • spanner: fixed escaping of database names with Postgres dialect in google_spanner_database (#4228)

4.18.0 (April 18, 2022)


  • New Resource: google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_binding (#4201)
  • New Resource: google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_member (#4201)
  • New Resource: google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_policy (#4201)


  • bigtable: added gc_rules to google_bigtable_gc_policy resource. (#4212)
  • dialogflow: added support for location based dialogflow resources (#4206)
  • metastore: added support for encryption_config during service creation. (#4204)
  • privateca: support update on CertificateAuthority and Certificate (#4207)


  • Update mutex on google_apigee_instance_attachment to lock on org_id. (#4203)
  • vpcaccess: fixed an issue where google_vpc_access_connector would be repeatedly recreated when network was not specified (#4205)

4.17.0 (April 11, 2022)


  • New Data Source: google_access_approval_folder_service_account (#4179)
  • New Data Source: google_access_approval_organization_service_account (#4179)
  • New Data Source: google_access_approval_project_service_account (#4179)
  • New Resource: google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_binding (#4180)
  • New Resource: google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_member (#4180)
  • New Resource: google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_policy (#4180)
  • New Resource: google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_binding (#4160)
  • New Resource: google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_member (#4160)
  • New Resource: google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_policy (#4160)
  • New Resource: google_iam_deny_policy (#4194)


  • access approval: added active_key_version, ancestor_has_active_key_version, and invalid_key_version fields to google_folder_access_approval_settings, google_organization_access_approval_settings, and google_project_access_approval_settings resources (#4179)
  • access context manager: added support for scoped policies in google_access_context_manager_access_policy (#4180)
  • apigee: added deployment_type and api_proxy_type to google_apigee_environment (#4177)
  • bigtable: updated the examples to show users can create all 3 different flavors of AppProfile (#4172)
  • cloudbuild: added approval_config to google_cloudbuild_trigger (#4162)
  • composer: added support for airflow-1 and airflow-2 aliases in image version argument (#4185)
  • dataflow: added skip_wait_on_job_termination attribute to google_dataflow_job and google_dataflow_flex_template_job resources (issue #10559) (#4196)
  • dataproc: added presto_config to dataproc_job (#4171)
  • healthcare: added support V3 parser version for Healthcare HL7 stores. (#4189)
  • healthcare: added support for ANALYTICS_V2 and LOSSLESS BigQueryDestination schema types to google_healthcare_fhir_store (#4186)
  • os-config: added field migInstancesAllowed to resource os_config_patch_deployment (#4195)
  • privateca: added support for IAM conditions to CaPool (#4170)
  • pubsub: added enable_exactly_once_delivery to google_pubsub_subscription (#4166)
  • spanner: added support for setting database_dialect on google_spanner_database (#4158)


  • redis: fixed an issue where older redis instances had a dangerous diff on the field read_replicas_mode, adding a default of READ_REPLICAS_DISABLED. Now, if the field is not set in config, the value of the field will keep the old value from state. (#4184)
  • tags: fixed issue where tags could not be applied sequentially to the same parent in google_tags_tag_binding (#4191)

4.16.0 (April 4, 2022)


  • New Data Source: google_dataproc_metastore_service (#4155)
  • New Resource: google_firebaserules_release (#4132)
  • New Resource: google_firebaserules_ruleset (#4132)


  • bigtable: added support for autoscaling_config to google_bigtable_instance (#4150)
  • composer: Added support for composer-1 and composer-2 aliases in image version argument (#4131)
  • compute: added support for attaching a edge_security_policy to google_compute_backend_bucket (#4154)
  • compute: added support for field type to google_compute_security_policy (#4154)
  • eventarc: added gke and workflows destination for eventarc trigger resource. (#4152)
  • networkservices: added included_cookie_names to cache key policy configuration (#4147)
  • spanner: added support for setting database_dialect on google_spanner_database (#4158)
  • storagetransfer: added repeat_interval field to google_storage_transfer_job resource (#4144)


  • apikeys: fixed a bug where google_apikeys_key.key_string was not being set. (#4139)
  • container: fixed a bug where google_container_cluster.authenticator_groups_config could not be set in tandem with enable_autopilot (#4140)
  • iam: fixed an issue where special identifiers allAuthenticatedUsers and allUsers were flattened to lower case in IAM members. (#4156)
  • logging: fixed bug where google_logging_project_bucket_config would erroneously write to state after it errored out and wasn't actually created. (#4141)
  • monitoring: fixed a permadiff when google_monitoring_uptime_check_config.http_check.path does not begin with "/" (#4135)
  • osconfig: fixed a bug where recurring_schedule.time_of_day can not be set to 12am exact time in google_os_config_patch_deployment resource (#4127)
  • sql: fixed bug where permadiff of encryption_key_name would show on google_sql_database_instance for replica instances. (#4130)
  • storage: fixed a bug where google_storage_bucket data source would retry for 20 min when bucket was not found. (#4129)
  • storage: fixed bug where google_storage_transfer_job that was deleted outside of Terraform would not be recreated on apply. (#4138)

4.15.0 (March 21, 2022)


  • New Resource: google_logging_log_view (#4125)


  • apigee: added billing_type attribute to google_apigee_organization resource. (#4126)
  • networkservices: added disable_http2 property to google_network_services_edge_cache_service resource (#4119)
  • networkservices: updated google_network_services_edge_cache_origin resource to read and write the timeout property, including a new read_timeout field. (#4122)
  • networkservices: updated google_network_services_edge_cache_origin to retry_conditions to include FORBIDDEN (#4122)


  • dataproc: fixed a crash when logging_config only contains nil entry in google_dataproc_workflow_template (#4124)
  • sql: fixed crash when one of settings.database_flags is nil. (#4123)

4.14.0 (March 14, 2022)


  • New Resource: google_bigqueryreservation_assignment (#4098)
  • New Resource: google_apikeys_key (#4114)


  • artifactregistry: added maven config for google_artifact_registry_repository (#4112)
  • cloudbuild: added support for manual builds, git source for webhook/pubsub triggered builds and filter field (#4100)
  • container: added support for gvnic to google_container_node_pool (#4111)
  • dataproc: added preemptibility field to the preemptible_worker_config of google_dataproc_cluster (#4107)
  • serviceusage: supported force behavior for deleting consumer quota override (#4094)


  • dataproc: fixed a crash when logging_config only contains nil entry in google_dataproc_job (#4108)

4.13.0 (March 7, 2022)


  • New Resource: google_apigee_endpoint_attachment (#4074)
  • New Resource: google_cloudfunctions2_function (#4093)
  • New Resource: google_region_backend_service_iam_* (#4088)
  • New Datasource: google_dns_record_set (#4085)
  • New Datasource: google_privateca_certificate_authority (#4087)


  • compute: added support for keepalive_interval to google_compute_router.bgp (#4089)
  • compute: added update support for google_compute_reservation.share_settings (#4092)
  • storagetransfer: added attribute subject_id to data source google_storage_transfer_project_service_account (#4073)


  • composer: allow region to be undefined in configuration for google_composer_environment (#4083)
  • container: fixed a bug where vertical_pod_autoscaling would cause autopilot clusters to recreate (#4076)

4.12.0 (February 28, 2022)


  • updated to go 1.16.14 (#4066)


  • New Resource: dns_response_policy* (#4046)
  • New Resource: dns_response_policy_rule* (#4046)


  • datafusion: deprecated service_account in google_datafusion_instance. Use tenant_project_id instead to extract the tenant project ID (beta) (#4045)


  • bigquery: added support for authorized datasets to google_bigquery_dataset.access and google_bigquery_dataset_access (#4047)
  • bigtable: added multi_cluster_routing_cluster_ids fields to google_bigtable_app_profile (#4051)
  • compute: added field serverless_deployment to google_compute_network_endpoint_group (beta only) for API Gateway resources (#4041)
  • compute: updated instance attribute for google_compute_network_endpoint to be optional, as Hybrid connectivity NEGs use network endpoints with just IP and Port. (#4068)
  • compute: added NON_GCP_PRIVATE_IP_PORT value for network_endpoint_type in the google_compute_network_endpoint_group resource (#4068)
  • compute: added provisioning_model field to google_compute_instance_template resource to support Spot VM(beta) (#4033)
  • compute: added provisioning_model field to google_compute_instance resource to support Spot VM(beta) (#4033)
  • container: Add support for GKE Compact Placement (#4043)
  • datafusion: added support for tenant_project_id and gcs_bucket in google_datafusion_instance resource. (#4045)
  • provider: added retries for ReadRequest errors incorrectly coded as 403 errors, particularly in Google Compute Engine (#4064)


  • apigee: fixed a bug where multiple google_apigee_instance could not be used on the same google_apigee_organization (#4059)
  • compute: corrected an issue in google_compute_security_policy where only alpha values for certain enums were accepted (#4049)
  • compute: fixed permadiff in google_compute_instance.scheduling.provisioning_model (#4044)
  • compute: fixed permadiff in google_compute_instance_template.scheduling.provisioning_model (#4052)

4.11.0 (February 16, 2022)


  • cloudfunctions: Added SecretManager integration support to google_cloudfunctions_function. (#4040)
  • compute: Added field serverless_deployment to google_compute_network_endpoint_group (#4041)
  • dataproc: increased the default timeout for google_dataproc_cluster from 20m to 45m (#4027)
  • sql: added field clone.allocated_ip_range to support address range picker for clone in resource google_sql_database_instance (#4037)
  • storagetransfer: added support for POSIX data source and data sink to google_storage_transfer_job via transfer_spec.posix_data_source and transfer_spec.posix_data_sink fields (#4029)


  • cloudrun: updated containers.ports.container_port to be optional instead of required on google_cloud_run_service (#4030)
  • compute: marked project field optional in google_compute_instance_template data source (#4031)

4.10.0 (February 7, 2022)


  • New Resource: google_backend_service_iam_* (#4021)


  • compute: added EXTERNAL_MANAGED as option for load_balancing_scheme in google_compute_global_forwarding_rule resource (#4011)
  • compute: added field rate_limit_options to google_compute_security_policy rules (#4020)
  • container: added support for image type configuration on the GKE Node Auto-provisioning (#4023)
  • container: added support for GCPFilestoreCSIDriver addon to google_container_cluster resource. (#4015)
  • dataproc: increased the default timeout for google_dataproc_cluster from 20m to 45m (#4027)
  • redis: added maintenance_policy and maintenance_schedule to google_redis_instance (#4010)
  • vpcaccess: updated field network in google_vpc_access_connector to accept self_link or name (#4013)


  • storage: fixed bug where the provider crashes when Object.owner is missing when using google_storage_object_acl (#4019)

4.9.0 (January 31, 2022)


  • cloudrun: changed the location of google_cloud_run_service so that modifying the location field will recreate the resource rather than causing Terraform to report it would attempt an invalid update (#3998)


  • provider: changed the default timeout for many resources to 20 minutes, the current Terraform default, where it was less than 20 minutes previously (#4002)
  • redis: added maintenance_policy and maintenance_schedule to google_redis_instance (#4010)
  • storage: added field transfer_spec.aws_s3_data_source.role_arn to google_storage_transfer_job (#3999)


  • cloudrun: fixed a bug where changing the non-updatable location of a google_cloud_run_service would not force resource recreation (#3998)
  • compute: fixed a bug where google_compute_firewall would incorrectly find source_ranges to be empty during validation (#4008)
  • notebooks: fixed permadiff in google_notebooks_runtime.software_config (#3997)

4.8.0 (January 24, 2022)


  • dlp: renamed the characters_to_ignore.character_to_skip field to characters_to_ignore.characters_to_skip in google_data_loss_prevention_deidentify_template. Any affected configurations will have been failing with an error at apply time already. (#3983)


  • New Resource: google_network_connectivity_spoke (#3987)


  • apigee: added ip_range field to google_apigee_instance (#3989)
  • cloudrun: added support for default_mode and mode settings for created files within secrets in google_cloud_run_service (#3984)
  • compute: Added share_settings in google_compute_reservation (#3980)


  • all: Fixed operation polling to support custom endpoints. (#3986)
  • cloudrun: Fixed permadiff in google_cloud_run_service's template.spec.service_account_name. (#3993)
  • dlp: Fixed typo in name of characters_to_ignore.characters_to_skip field for google_data_loss_prevention_deidentify_template (#3983)
  • storagetransfer: fixed bug where schedule was required, but really it is optional. (#3995)

4.7.0 (January 19, 2022)


  • compute: added EXTERNAL_MANAGED as option for load_balancing_scheme in google_compute_backend_service resource (#3975)
  • container: promoted dns_config field of google_container_cluster to GA (#3978)
  • monitoring: added conditionMatchedLog and alertStrategy fields to google_monitoring_alert_policy resource (#3968)

4.6.0 (January 10, 2022)


  • pubsub: changed google_pubsub_schema so that modifiying fields will recreate the resource rather than causing Terraform to report it would attempt an invalid update (#3933)


  • New Resource: google_apigee_nat_address (#3941)
  • New Resource: google_network_connectivity_hub (#3947)


  • bigquery: added ability to create a table with both a schema and view simultaneously to google_bigquery_table (#3950)
  • cloud_composer: Added support for Cloud Composer master authorized networks flag (#3937)
  • container: Added field identity_service_config to google_container_cluster (#3957)
  • osconfig: Added daily os config patch deployments (#3945)
  • storage: added configurable read timeout to google_storage_bucket (#3938)


  • billingbudget: fixed a bug where google_billing_budget.budget_filter.labels was not updating. (#3932)
  • compute: fixed scenario where region_instance_group_manager would not start update if wait_for_instances was set and initial status was not STABLE (#3949)
  • healthcare: Added back self_link functionality which was accidentally removed in 4.0.0 release. (#3946)
  • pubsub: fixed update failure when attempting to change non-updatable resource google_pubsub_schema (#3933)
  • storage: fixed a bug where google_storage_bucket.lifecycle_rule.condition.days_since_custom_time was not updating. (#3936)
  • vpcaccess: Added back self_link functionality which was accidentally removed in 4.0.0 release. (#3946)

4.5.0 (December 20, 2021)


  • New Data Source: google_container_aws_versions (#3928)
  • New Data Source: google_container_azure_versions (#3928)
  • New Resource: google_container_aws_cluster (#3928)
  • New Resource: google_container_aws_node_pool (#3928)
  • New Resource: google_container_azure_client (#3928)
  • New Resource: google_container_azure_cluster (#3928)
  • New Resource: google_container_azure_node_pool (#3928)


  • bigquery: added the return_table_type field to google_bigquery_routine (#3922)
  • cloudbuild: added support for available_secrets to google_cloudbuild_trigger (#3907)
  • cloudfunctions: added support for min_instances to google_cloudfunctions_function (#3904)
  • composer: added support for Private Service Connect by adding field cloud_composer_connection_subnetwork in google_composer_environment (#3912)
  • compute: fixed bug where google_compute_instance's can_ip_forward could not be updated without recreating or restarting the instance. (#3920)
  • compute: added field public_access_prevention to resource bucket (#3919)
  • compute: added support for regional external HTTP(S) load balancer (#3916)
  • privateca: added support for setting default values for basic constraints for google_privateca_certificate, google_privateca_certificate_authority, and google_privateca_ca_pool via the non_ca and zero_max_issuer_path_length fields (#3902)
  • provider: enabled gRPC requests and response logging (#3910)


  • assuredworkloads: fixed a bug preventing google_assured_workloads_workload from being created in any region other than us-central1 (#3925)

4.4.0 (December 13, 2021)


  • filestore: deprecated zone on google_filestore_instance in favor of location to allow for regional instances (#3887)


  • New Resource: google_os_config_os_policy_assignment (#3892)
  • New Resource: google_recaptcha_enterprise_key (#3890)


  • filestore: added support for ENTERPRISE value on google_filestore_instance tier (#3887)
  • privateca: added support for setting default values for basic constraints for google_privateca_certificate, google_privateca_certificate_authority, and google_privateca_ca_pool via the non_ca and zero_max_issuer_path_length fields (#3902)
  • sql: added field allocated_ip_range to resource google_sql_database_instance (#3897)


  • compute: fixed incorrectly failing validation for INTERNAL_MANAGED google_compute_region_backend_service. (#3888)
  • compute: fixed scenario where instance_group_manager would not start update if wait_for_instances was set and initial status was not STABLE (#3893)
  • container: fixed the ROUTES value for the networking_mode field in google_container_cluster. A recent API change unintentionally changed the default to a VPC_NATIVE cluster, and removed the ability to create a ROUTES-based one. Provider versions prior to this one will default to VPC_NATIVE due to this change, and are unable to create ROUTES clusters. (#3896)

4.3.0 (December 7, 2021)


  • New Data Source: google_compute_router_status (#3859)
  • New Data Source: google_folders (#3886)
  • New Resource: google_notebooks_runtime (#3878)
  • New Resource: google_vertex_ai_metadata_store (#3885)


  • apigee: Added IAM support for google_apigee_environment. (#3871):
  • apigee: Added supported values for 'peeringCidrRange' in google_apigee_instance. (#3880)
  • cloudbuild: added display_name and annotations to google_cloudbuild_worker_pool for compatibility with new GA. (#3873)
  • container: added node_group to node_config for container clusters and node pools to support sole tenancy (#3881)
  • container: added spot field to node_config sub-resource (#3863)
  • redis: Added Multi read replica field replicaCount , nodes, readEndpoint, readEndpointPort, readReplicasMode in google_redis_instance (#3870)


  • essentialcontacts: marked updating email in google_essential_contacts_contact as requiring recreation (#3864)
  • privateca: fixed crlAccessUrls in CertificateAuthority (#3861)

4.2.1 (December 3, 2021)


  • provider: reverted a requirement in v4.2.0 for Terraform 0.13 and above. This release should be compatible with Terraform 0.12.31

4.2.0 (December 2, 2021)


  • New Data Source: google_compute_router_status (#3859)


  • compute: added support for queue_count to google_compute_instance.network_interface and google_compute_instance_template.network_interface (#3857)


  • all: fixed an issue where some documentation for new resources was not showing up in the GA provider if it was beta-only. (#3848)
  • bigquery: fixed update failure when attempting to change non-updatable fields in google_bigquery_routine. (#3849)
  • compute: fixed a bug that would cause google_instance_from_machine_image to fail with a resourceInUseByAnotherResource error (#3855)
  • compute: fixed a bug when cache_mode is set to FORCE_CACHE_ALL on google_compute_backend_bucket (#3858)
  • compute: fixed a perma-diff on google_compute_region_health_check when log_config.enable is set to false (#3853)
  • servicedirectory: added support for vpc network configuration in google_service_directory_endpoint. (#3856)

4.1.0 (November 15, 2021)


  • compute: Added bfd to google_compute_router_peer (#3822)
  • container: added gcfs_config to node_config of google_container_node_pool resource (#3828)
  • provider: added retries for the resourceNotReady error returned when attempting to add resources to a recently-modified subnetwork (#3827)
  • pubsub: added message_retention_duration field to google_pubsub_topic (#3831)


  • apigee: fixed a bug where multiple google_apigee_instance_attachment could not be used on the same google_apigee_instance (#3838)
  • bigquery: fixed a bug following import where schema is empty on google_bigquery_table (#3839)
  • billingbudget: fixed unable to provide labels on google_billing_budget (#3823)
  • compute: allowed source_disk to accept full image path on google_compute_snapshot (#3835)
  • compute: fixed a bug in google_compute_firewall that would cause changes in source_ranges to not correctly be applied (#3834)
  • logging: fixed a bug with updating description on google_logging_project_sink, google_logging_folder_sink and google_logging_organization_sink (#3826)

4.0.0 (November 02, 2021)


  • compute: Google Compute Engine resources will now call the endpoint appropriate to the provider version rather than the beta endpoint by default (#3787)
  • container: Google Kubernetes Engine resources will now call the endpoint appropriate to the provider version rather than the beta endpoint by default (#3788)


  • appengine: marked google_app_engine_standard_app_version entrypoint as required (#3784)
  • compute: removed the ability to specify the trace-append or trace-ro as scopes in google_compute_instance, use trace instead (#3759)
  • compute: changed advanced_machine_features on google_compute_instance_template to track changes when the block is undefined in a user's config (#3786)
  • compute: changed source_ranges in google_compute_firewall_rule to track changes when it is not set in a config file (#3791)
  • compute: changed the import / drift detection behaviours for metadata_startup_script, metadata.startup-script in google_compute_instance. Now, metadata.startup-script will be set by default, and metadata_startup_script will only be set if present. (#3765)
  • compute: removed source_disk_link field from google_compute_snapshot (#3783)
  • container: instance_group_urls has been removed in favor of node_pool.instance_group_urls (#3796)
  • container: changed default for enable_shielded_nodes to true for google_container_cluster (#3773)
  • container: made master_auth.client_certificate_config required (#3794)
  • container: removed master_auth.username and master_auth.password from google_container_cluster (#3794)
  • container: removed workload_metadata_configuration.node_metadata in favor of workload_metadata_configuration.mode in google_container_cluster (#3772)
  • container: removed the workload_identity_config.0.identity_namespace field from google_container_cluster, use workload_identity_config.0.workload_pool instead (#3776)
  • kms: removed self_link field from google_kms_crypto_key and google_kms_key_ring (#3783)
  • project: removed ability to specify, the provider will no longer convert it as the upstream API migration is finished. Use instead. (#3751)
  • provider: changed credentials, access_token precedence so that credentials values in configuration take precedence over access_token values assigned through environment variables (#3766)
  • provider: removed redundant default scopes. The provider's default scopes when authenticating with credentials are now exclusively "" and "". (#3756)
  • pubsub: removed path from google_pubsub_subscription (#3777)
  • pubsub: removed path field from google_pubsub_subscription (#3783)
  • resourcemanager: made google_project remove org_id and folder_id from state when they are removed from config (#3754)
  • resourcemanager: changed the project field to Required in all google_project_iam_* resources (#3767)
  • sql: added drift detection to the following google_sql_database_instance fields: activation_policy (defaults ALWAYS), availability_type (defaults ZONAL), disk_type (defaults PD_SSD), encryption_key_name (#3778)
  • sql: changed the database_version field to Required in google_sql_database_instance resource (#3770)
  • sql: removed the following google_sql_database_instance fields: authorized_gae_applications, crash_safe_replication, replication_type (#3778)
  • storage: removed bucket_policy_only from google_storage_bucket (#3769)
  • storage: changed the location field to required in google_storage_bucket (#3771)


  • bigquery: at least one of statement_timeout_ms, statement_byte_budget, or key_result_statement is required on google_bigquery_job.query.script_options. (#3752)
  • bigquery: exactly one of query, load, copy or extract is required on google_bigquery_job (#3752)
  • bigquery: exactly one of source_table or source_model is required on google_bigquery_job.extract (#3752)
  • cloudbuild: exactly one of branch_name, commit_sha or tag_name is required on (#3752)
  • compute: at least one of fixed_delay or percentage is required on google_compute_url_map.default_route_action.fault_injection_policy.delay (#3752)
  • compute: at least one of fixed or percent is required on google_compute_autoscaler.autoscaling_policy.scale_down_control.max_scaled_down_replicas (#3752)
  • compute: at least one of fixed or percent is required on google_compute_autoscaler.autoscaling_policy.scale_in_control.max_scaled_in_replicas (#3752)
  • compute: at least one of fixed or percent is required on google_compute_region_autoscaler.autoscaling_policy.scale_down_control.max_scaled_down_replicas (#3752)
  • compute: at least one of fixed or percent is required on google_compute_region_autoscaler.autoscaling_policy.scale_in_control.max_scaled_in_replicas (#3752)
  • compute: at least one of max_scaled_down_replicas or time_window_sec is required on google_compute_autoscaler.autoscaling_policy.scale_down_control (#3752)
  • compute: at least one of max_scaled_down_replicas or time_window_sec is required on google_compute_region_autoscaler.autoscaling_policy.scale_down_control (#3752)
  • compute: at least one of max_scaled_in_replicas or time_window_sec is required on google_compute_autoscaler.autoscaling_policy.scale_in_control.0. (#3752)
  • compute: at least one of max_scaled_in_replicas or time_window_sec is required on google_compute_region_autoscaler.autoscaling_policy.scale_in_control.0. (#3752)
  • compute: required one of source_tags, source_ranges or source_service_accounts on INGRESS google_compute_firewall resources (#3750)
  • dlp: at least one of start_time or end_time is required on google_data_loss_prevention_trigger.inspect_job.storage_config.timespan_config (#3752)
  • dlp: exactly one of url or regex_file_set is required on google_data_loss_prevention_trigger.inspect_job.storage_config.cloud_storage_options.file_set (#3752)
  • resourcemanager: added conflict between org_id, folder_id at plan time in google_project (#3754)
  • osconfig: at least one of linux_exec_step_config or windows_exec_step_config is required on google_os_config_patch_deployment.patch_config.post_step (#3752)
  • osconfig: at least one of linux_exec_step_config or windows_exec_step_config is required on google_os_config_patch_deployment.patch_config.pre_step (#3752)
  • osconfig: at least one of reboot_config, apt, yum, goo zypper, windows_update, pre_step or pre_step is required on google_os_config_patch_deployment.patch_config (#3752)
  • osconfig: at least one of security, minimal, excludes or exclusive_packages is required on google_os_config_patch_deployment.patch_config.yum (#3752)
  • osconfig: at least one of type, excludes or exclusive_packages is required on google_os_config_patch_deployment.patch_config.apt (#3752)
  • osconfig: at least one of with_optional, with_update, categories, severities, excludes or exclusive_patches is required on google_os_config_patch_deployment.patch_config.zypper (#3752)
  • osconfig: exactly one of classifications, excludes or exclusive_patches is required on google_os_config_patch_deployment.inspect_job.patch_config.windows_update (#3752)
  • spanner: at least one of num_nodes or processing_units is required on google_spanner_instance (#3752)


  • container: added managed_instance_group_urls to google_container_node_pool to replace instance_group_urls on google_container_cluster (#3815)
  • kms: added support for EKM to google_kms_crypto_key.protection_level (#3763)
  • project: added support for billing_project on google_project_service (#3768)
  • spanner: increased the default timeout on google_spanner_instance operations from 4 minutes to 20 minutes, significantly reducing the likelihood that resources will time out (#3789)


  • bigquery: fixed a bug of cannot add required fields to an existing schema on google_bigquery_table (#3781)
  • compute: fixed a bug in updating multiple ttl fields on google_compute_backend_bucket (#3757)
  • compute: fixed a perma-diff on subnetwork when it is optional on google_compute_network_endpoint_group (#3780)
  • compute: fixed perma-diff bug on log_config.enable of both google_compute_backend_service and google_compute_region_backend_service (#3760)
  • compute: fixed the google_compute_instance_group_manager.update_policy.0.min_ready_sec field so that updating it to 0 works (#3810)
  • compute: fixed the google_compute_region_instance_group_manager.update_policy.0.min_ready_sec field so that updating it to 0 works (#3810)
  • spanner: fixed the schema for data.google_spanner_instance so that non-configurable fields are considered outputs (#3804)