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Remko Popma edited this page Feb 19, 2018 · 5 revisions

Using picocli with Java 9 modules

Applications that use Java 9's modules need to configure their module to allow picocli reflective access to the annotated classes and fields.

Often applications want the annotated classes and fields to be private; there should be no need to make them part of the exported API of your module just to allow picocli to access them. The below settings make this possible.


module com.yourorg.yourapp {
    requires info.picocli;

    // Open this package for reflection to external frameworks.
    opens your.package.using.picocli;

    // or: limit access to picocli only
    opens other.package.using.picocli to info.picocli;

    // Note that neither package is exported, so other modules
    // cannot accidentally compile against types in these packages.


// open all packages in the module to reflective access
open module com.yourorg.yourapp {
    requires info.picocli;