diff --git a/source/diet/html.d b/source/diet/html.d
index b94cf62..3ba305e 100644
--- a/source/diet/html.d
+++ b/source/diet/html.d
@@ -393,6 +393,62 @@ unittest {
+// test live mode works with HTML changes
+unittest {
+ void test(string before, string after)(string expectedBefore, string expectedAfter) {
+ import std.array : appender, array;
+ import std.algorithm : splitter, equal, filter, startsWith;
+ import std.string : lineSplitter;
+ static const bef = parseDiet(before);
+ static const aft = parseDiet(after);
+ enum _codeBefore = getHTMLLiveMixin(bef);
+ enum _codeAfter = getHTMLLiveMixin(aft);
+ // ensure both items produce the same code
+ assert( _codeBefore.lineSplitter.filter!(l => !l.startsWith("#line"))
+ .equal(_codeAfter.lineSplitter.filter!(l => !l.startsWith("#line"))));
+ // test both sets of code with both strings
+ auto _diet_html_strings = getHTMLRawTextOnly(bef).splitter('\0').array;
+ {
+ auto _diet_output = appender!string();
+ mixin(_codeBefore);
+ assert(_diet_output.data == expectedBefore, _diet_output.data);
+ }
+ {
+ auto _diet_output = appender!string();
+ mixin(_codeAfter);
+ assert(_diet_output.data == expectedBefore, _diet_output.data);
+ }
+ // second set of strings
+ _diet_html_strings = getHTMLRawTextOnly(aft).splitter('\0').array;
+ {
+ auto _diet_output = appender!string();
+ mixin(_codeBefore);
+ assert(_diet_output.data == expectedAfter, _diet_output.data);
+ }
+ {
+ auto _diet_output = appender!string();
+ mixin(_codeAfter);
+ assert(_diet_output.data == expectedAfter, _diet_output.data);
+ }
+ }
+ // test renaming things
+ test!("foo(test=2+3)",
+ "foobar(testbaz=2+3)")
+ ("",
+ "");
+ // test injecting extra html
+ test!("- if(true)\n - auto x = 5;\n foo #{x}",
+ "- if(true)\n a(href=\"injected!\") injected html!\n - auto x = 5;\n foo #{x}",
+ )("5", "injected html!5");
/** Determines how the generated HTML gets styled.
@@ -507,22 +563,25 @@ private string getElementMixin(ref CTX ctx, in Node node, bool in_pre) @safe
+ // note the attribute name is HTML, and not code, so live mode
+ // should reprocess that and use the string table.
ret ~= ctx.statement(node.loc, q{
static if (is(typeof(() { return %s; }()) == bool) )
}~'{', expr);
+ ret ~= ctx.statementCont(node.loc, q{if (%s)}, expr);
if (ctx.isHTML5)
- ret ~= ctx.statement(node.loc, q{if (%s) %s.put(" %s");}, expr, ctx.rangeName, att.name);
+ ret ~= ctx.rawText(node.loc, " "~att.name);
- ret ~= ctx.statement(node.loc, q{if (%s) %s.put(" %s=\"%s\"");}, expr, ctx.rangeName, att.name, att.name);
+ ret ~= ctx.rawText(node.loc, " "~att.name~"=\""~att.name~"\"");
ret ~= ctx.statement(node.loc, "} else "~q{static if (is(typeof(%s) : const(char)[])) }~"{{", expr);
- ret ~= ctx.statement(node.loc, q{ auto _diet_val = %s;}, expr);
- ret ~= ctx.statement(node.loc, q{ if (_diet_val !is null) }~'{');
+ ret ~= ctx.statementCont(node.loc, q{ auto _diet_val = %s;}, expr);
+ ret ~= ctx.statementCont(node.loc, q{ if (_diet_val !is null) }~'{');
ret ~= ctx.rawText(node.loc, " "~att.name~"=\"");
ret ~= ctx.statement(node.loc, q{ %s.filterHTMLAttribEscape(_diet_val);}, ctx.rangeName);
ret ~= ctx.rawText(node.loc, "\"");
ret ~= ctx.statement(node.loc, " }");
- ret ~= ctx.statement(node.loc, "}} else {");
+ ret ~= ctx.statementCont(node.loc, "}} else {");
ret ~= ctx.rawText(node.loc, " "~att.name ~ "=\"");
@@ -744,6 +803,22 @@ private struct CTX {
return piecesMapOutputStr;
+ // same as statement, but with guaranteed no raw text between the last
+ // statement and it.
+ pure string statementCont(ARGS...)(Location loc, string fmt, ARGS args)
+ {
+ import std.string : format;
+ with(OutputMode) final switch(mode)
+ {
+ case live:
+ case normal:
+ return ("#line %s \"%s\"\n"~fmt~"\n").format(loc.line+1, loc.file, args);
+ case rawTextOnly:
+ // do not output anything here, no raw text is possible
+ return "";
+ }
+ }
pure string statement(ARGS...)(Location loc, string fmt, ARGS args)
import std.string : format, strip;