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Setting up your host inventory file

Saurabh Badhwar edited this page Jun 1, 2017 · 1 revision

Setting up your host file

satellite-monitoring can support multiple hosts. It's upto you how you want to configure your hosts. You can run your monitoring tools on the same host, or you can separate the grafana and graphite to run on different hosts.

To work properly, satellite-monitoring requires an inventory file from which it can find details about the hosts.

The inventory file lives under the conf/ folder. Our next step is to setup our inventory file.

Follow the below steps to setup your inventory file:

Step 1: Copy the hosts.ini.sample to hosts.ini

cp conf/hosts.ini.sample conf/hosts.ini

Step 2: Open your new hosts.ini for setup

vi conf/hosts.ini

Step 3: Now we need to add our hosts inside the hosts.ini file. Let's assume, the following case, where satellite lives on one host, and grafana and graphite lives on another host. Example:

Satellite Host: Grafana Host: Graphite Host:

Then our hosts.ini file will look like:

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