Releases: redhat-marketplace/redhat-marketplace-operator
Releases · redhat-marketplace/redhat-marketplace-operator
Release 1.0.0
Release 1.0.0
The metering feature provides new components that enables the Red Hat Marketplace Operator to monitor on cluster workloads and report the usage back for pay for use billing to the Red Hat Marketplace.
- Metering is enabled by default.
- New requirement A Prometheus instance specifically for Red Hat Marketplace is installed. This requires a default storage class to be set on the cluster or for the Storage class to be configured on the Meterbase components of the Operator. A good storage class for the servers is something comparable to GP2 disk on AWS.
- Two new custom resources: MeterDefinitions and MeterReports.
- MeterDefinition is used to define the workloads to bill on. These are not to be installed by the user, they are automatically installed via installations from marketplace.
- MeterReport is used to track when the last scheduled upload to Red Hat Marketplace has occurred. These are automatically generated and have retry built in.
- Marketplace Metric Service is also installed. This service reports on the metered usage found on the cluster as a Prometheus endpoint and is scraped by the Prometheus instance installed by Metering.
Release 0.2.0
- Reduced Razee installation requirements, i.e. less pods are installed.
- RBAC permissions for Razee components have been improved.
- Watchkeeper has read access across the cluster (no write).
- RemoteResourceS3 controller can only install and manipulate objects of the Red Hat Marketplace operator or Operator framework objects.
- Fixes a bug on the ClusterServiceVersion controller that constantly requeue events.
Release 0.1.5
- Added support for deploying a second IBM catalog source
Release 0.1.4
- Install IBM Container Catalog on install
- Add watch-keeper labels to System Nodes
- Add watch-keeper labels to ClusterServiceVersions
- Stops reconciliation on secrets other than RH Operator Secret
Release 0.1.3
- Uninstall now removes all Razee components properly.
Release 0.1.2
- Conditions on resources are more descriptive.
- Operator source name is now correctly applied.
- Razee job is now more resilient.
Release edition
This is the start of the Red Hat Marketplace live releases. Prior releases were for internal testing only.