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Jan Richter edited this page Apr 24, 2019 · 3 revisions

contextMenu Page object for any context menu opened by left-clicking an element that has a context menu. Title bar items also produce context menus when clicked.


Typically, a context menu is opened by calling openContextMenu on elements that support it. For example:

import { ActivityBar, ContextMenu } from 'vscode-extension-tester';
const menu = await new ActivityBar().openContextMenu();

Retrieve Items

// find if an item with title exists
const exists = await menu.hasItem('Copy');
// get a handle for an item
const item = await menu.getItem('Copy');
// get all displayed items
const items = await menu.getItems();

Select Item

// recursively select an item in nested submenus
await'File', 'Preferences', 'Settings');
// select an item that has a child submenu
const submenu = await'File', 'Preferences');
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