Front end user interface for the Giveback Ninja Program
export TRELLO_API_TOKEN=<your token>
export TRELLO_API_KEY=<your token>
export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=<your token>
export GITLAB_API_TOKEN=<your token>
export SMARTSHEETS_API_TOKEN=<your token>
export GD_CREDENTIALS=<contents of you google drive credentials.json file (escaped & in quotes)>
export GRAPHS_PROXY=<optional: url to an external proxy storage app>
export USERS_LDAP_PROVIDER=<optional: ldap url for user lookup>
note: see Getting your google drive credentials.json file below for the GD_CREDENTIALS value
Included in the pom is a jetty plugin, so as long as you have maven installed you just run:
mvn clean package -DskipTests jetty:run -Djetty.port=8082
Optional: If you want to deploy a different github repository (ie, a forked copy of redhat-cop/ninja-board), then update the ansible variable source_repo
in .applier/inventory/group_vars/all.yml or specify it as an extra variable.
Configure the mandatory deployment parameters in applier/params/community-ninja-board-deployment
github_api_token=<your token>
trello_api_token=<your token>
Alternatively, you can target each of the environments for deployment by prepending dev_
or prod_
before each variable.s
mkdir gdrive_temp
cd gdrive_temp
chmod +x drive_linux
./drive_linux init
This will output a url you need to visit and sign in, which will return an auth code to enter in the console. After you've entered the auto code, the credentials are stored in gdrive_temp/.gd/credentials.json.
The project can be deployed using the openshift-applier.
The following prerequisites must be satisfied:
- Ansible
- OpenShift Command Line Interface (CLI)
- OpenShift environment
Login to OpenShift
oc login <openshift url>
Utilize the following steps to deploy the project
Clone the repository
git clone
Change into the project directory and utilize Ansible Galaxy to retrieve required dependencies
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path=galaxy
Ensure the variables have been updated in the ninja-board-deployment params file
Execute the openshift-applier
ansible-playbook -i .applier/inventory galaxy/openshift-applier/playbooks/openshift-cluster-seed.yml -e="@.openshift/params/ninja-board-deployment"
Once complete, all of the resources should be available in OpenShift