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A Julia wrapper for the Red API library.

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WARNING: Since Red System (Alpha release) is currently 32-bit only, this package MUST be run from a Julia 32-bit version.


First of all you must generate a cdecl libRed.dll. You do that from the command line (the cmd shell) by runing red-11jun17-4045791.exe build libRed. Here a daily release was used (after 0.6.2) because the redBinary() and redImage() functions were added after 0.6.2.

Having your Red directory in the path, currently, you must also also edit the file red_h.jl and point the first line to the place where the libRed.dll can be found. Now

The classic "Hello World" example

using Red
redDo("view [{Hello World}]");

Visualize a random image

using Red
img = rand(UInt32, 128,128);    # Generate a random 'image' array
redSet(redSymbol("img"), redImage(128, 128, img, 0));
redDo("view [image img]");

Now, I am so thrilled that the next worked that I'll show it even than there are several things that need fixes/learning. The example shows how we can use GMT.jl to create a world topography map and use the image computed in GMT to display in a Red window.

using GMT, Red
gmt("grdimage earth_relief_10m.grd -I+ -Rd -JR5c");  # Download the  *earth_relief_10m.grd* from the GMT server and make a PS image
I = gmt("psconvert = -A");                           # Convert the PostScript file in memory into a raster (a Ghostscript work)
size(I.image)                                        # Inquire the size of image (= 3,361,591)
redSet(redSymbol("I.image"), redImage(361, 591, I.image, 0));  # Send image to Red
redDo("view [image I.image]");                       # and view it.

Colors are not right but who cares at this point. Screenshot