Thanks for your interest! Below we describe reason-react development setup for the project.
git clone
cd reason-react
To set up a development environment using opam, run make init
to set up an opam local switch and download the required dependencies.
make dev ## Build in watch mode
make test ## Run the unit tests
Running make help
you can see the common commands to interact with the project:
build-prod Build for production (--profile=prod)
build Build the project, including non installable libraries and executables
clean Clean artifacts
create-switch Create a local opam switch
dev Build in watch mode
format-check Checks if format is correct
format Format the codebase with ocamlformat
help Print this help message
init Create a local opam switch, install deps
install Update the package dependencies when new deps are added to dune-project
test-promote Updates snapshots and promotes it to correct
test-watch Run the unit tests in watch mode
test Run the unit tests
When you are almost ready to open a PR, it's a good idea to run the test suite locally to make sure everything works:
make test
If that all passes, then congratulations! You are well on your way to becoming a contributor 🎉