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spl_transpiler provides a high-performance, highly portable, convenient tool for adapting common SPL code into PySpark code when possible, making it easy to migrate from Splunk to other data platforms for log processing. The project started as a Rust + Python port of Databricks Labs' spl_transpiler, but at this point is far more usable and feature-complete than the original.


You can install the basic library with

pip install spl_transpiler

or install all tools using

pip install spl_transpiler[cli,runtime]

You can also use the TUI directly using uvx or pipx:

uvx run spl_transpiler


from spl_transpiler import convert_spl_to_pyspark

[index=regionA | fields +country, orders]
[index=regionB | fields +country, orders]"""))

# spark.table("regionA").select(
#     F.col("country"),
#     F.col("orders"),
# ).unionByName(
#     spark.table("regionB").select(
#         F.col("country"),
#         F.col("orders"),
#     ),
#     allowMissingColumns=True,
# )

Interactive CLI

For demonstration purposes and ease of use, an interactive CLI is also provided.

pip install spl_transpiler[cli]
python -m spl_transpiler


This provides an in-terminal user interface (using textual) where you can type an SPL query and see the converted Pyspark code in real time, alongside a visual representation of how the transpiler is understanding your query.


The Runtime is a library provided (currently) as part of the SPL Transpiler which can provide more robust implementation as well as an SPL-like authoring experience when writing PySpark code directly.

The runtime is optional and must be installed explicitly:

pip install spl_transpiler[runtime]

For example, the following code snippets are equivalent:

In SPL (which can be transpiled and run on Spark):

| eval x=len(raw)
| stats max(x) AS longest BY source

In the SPL Runtime:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from spl_transpiler.runtime import commands, functions
df_1 =, sourcetype=F.lit("cisco"))
df_2 = commands.eval(df_1, x=functions.eval.len(F.col("raw")))
df_3 = commands.stats(
    df_2, by=[F.col("source")], longest=functions.stats.max(F.col("x"))

In raw PySpark without the Runtime, this is much more verbose and is less obviously equivalent:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
    (F.col("sourcetype") == F.lit("cisco")),

This runtime is a collection of helper functions on top of PySpark, and can be intermingled with other PySpark code. This means you can leverage an SPL-like experience where convenient while still using regular PySpark code where convenient.

In addition to these helper functions, the runtime also provides UDFs (user-defined functions) to provide data processing functions that aren't natively available in Spark. For example, in eval is_local=cidrmatch("", ip), the cidrmatch function has no direct equivalent in Spark. The runtime provides a UDF that can be used as follows, either directly:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from spl_transpiler.runtime import udfs

df = df.withColumn("is_local", udfs.cidr_match("", F.col("ip")))

Or via the runtime:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from spl_transpiler.runtime import commands, functions
df_1 = commands.eval(None, is_local=functions.eval.cidrmatch("", F.col("ip")))

The transpiler, by default, will not assume the presence of the runtime. You need to explicitly allow the runtime to enable these features:

from spl_transpiler import convert_spl_to_pyspark
    '''eval is_local=cidrmatch("", ip)''',


Why transpile SPL into Spark? Because a huge amount of domain knowledge is locked up in the Splunk ecosystem, but Splunk is not always the optimal place to store and analyze data. Transpiling existing queries can make it easier for analysts and analytics to migrate iteratively onto other platforms. SPL is also a very laser-focused language for certain analytics, and in most cases it's far more concise than other languages (PySpark or SQL) at log processing tasks. Therefore, it may be preferable to continue writing queries in SPL and use a transpiler layer to make that syntax viable on various platforms.

Why rewrite the Databricks Lab transpiler? A few reasons:

  1. The original transpiler is written in Scala and assumes access to a Spark environment. That requires a JVM to execute and possibly a whole ecosystem of software (maybe even a running Spark cluster) to be available. This transpiler stands alone and compiles natively to any platform.
  2. While Scala is a common language in the Spark ecosystem, Spark isn't the only ecosystem that would benefit from having an SPL transpiler. By providing a transpiler that's both easy to use in Python and directly linkable at a system level, it becomes easy to embed and adapt the transpiler for any other use case too.
  3. Speed. Scala's plenty fast, to be honest, but Rust is mind-numbingly fast. This transpiler can parse SPL queries and generate equivalent Python code in a fraction of a millisecond. This makes it viable to treat the transpiler as a realtime component, for example embedding it in a UI and re-computing the converted results after every keystroke.
  4. Maintainability. Rust's type system helps keep things unambiguous as data passes through parsers and converters, and built-in unit testing makes it easy to adapt and grow the transpiler without risk of breaking existing features. While Rust is undoubtedly a language with a learning curve, the resulting code is very hard to break without noticing. This makes it much easier to maintain than a similarly complicated system would be in Python.


This project is in early development. While it parses most common SPL queries and can convert a non-trivial variety of queries to PySpark, it's extremely limited and not yet ready for any serious usage. However, it lays a solid foundation for the whole process and is modular enough to easily add incremental features to.

Ways to contribute:

  • Add SPL queries and what the equivalent PySpark could would be. These test cases can drive development and prioritize the most commonly used features.
  • Add runtime functionality (commands, functions, and UDFS) with supporting tests.
  • Add known input and output data pairs with associated SPL queries as tests for future implementation.

Support Matrix

Search Commands

A complete list of built-in Splunk commands is provided on the Splunk documentation page.

It is not the goal of this transpiler to support every feature of every SPL command. Splunk and Spark are two different platforms and not everything that is built in to Splunk makes sense to trivially convert to Spark. What's far more important is supporting most queries (say, 90% of all queries), which only requires supporting a reasonable number of the most commonly used commands.

For reference, however, here is a complete table of Splunk commands and the current and planned support status in this transpiler.

Support status can be one of the following:

  • None: This command will result in a syntax error in the SPL parser, and is completely unrecognized.
  • Parser: This command can be parsed from SPL into a syntax tree, but cannot currently be rendered back as Pyspark code.
  • Partial: This command can be parsed and rendered back to functional Pyspark code. Not all features may be supported.
  • Complete: This command can be parsed and rendered back to functional Pyspark code. All intended features are supported. This library is still early in its development, and commands might get marked as Complete while still having unknown bugs or limitations.

Commands that don't yet support the Runtime can still be converted to raw PySpark code. The only difference will be that the PySpark code will be verbose and native, rather than using the SPL-like interface the runtime provides.

Command Support Runtime Target
High Priority
bin (bucket) Partial Yes
convert Yes Yes
dedup Parser Yes
eval Partial Yes Yes
eventstats Partial Yes
fields Yes Yes
fillnull Partial Yes Yes
geom None Yes
geomfilter None Yes
geostats None Yes
head Partial Yes
history None Yes
inputlookup Parser Yes
iplocation None Yes
join Partial Yes
lookup Partial Yes
metadata None Yes
mstats None Yes
multisearch Partial Yes
mvexpand Parser Yes
outputlookup None Yes
rare Yes Yes
regex Yes Yes
rename Partial Yes
rex Partial Yes
search Partial Yes Yes
sort Partial Yes
spath Partial Yes
stats Partial Yes Yes
streamstats Parser Yes
table Partial Yes
tail Yes Yes
top Yes Yes
tstats Partial Yes Yes
where Partial Yes
addtotals Partial Yes
anomalydetection None Maybe
append None Maybe
appendpipe None Maybe
chart None Maybe
collect Parser Maybe
extract (kv) None Maybe
foreach None Yes
format Parser Yes
from None Yes
makecontinuous None Maybe
makemv None Maybe
makeresults Parser Yes
map Parser Yes
multikv None Maybe
replace None Maybe
return Parser Yes
transaction None Yes
xmlkv None Yes
abstract None
accum None
addcoltotals None
addinfo None
analyzefields None
anomalies None
anomalousvalue None
appendcols None
arules None
associate None
autoregress None
bucketdir None
cluster None
cofilter None
concurrency None
contingency None
correlate None
datamodel Partial Yes
dbinspect None
delete None
delta None
diff None
erex None
eventcount None
fieldformat None
fieldsummary None
filldown None
findtypes None
folderize None
gauge None
gentimes None
highlight None
iconify None
inputcsv None
kmeans None
kvform None
loadjob None
localize None
localop None
mcollect None
metasearch None
meventcollect None
mpreview None
msearch None
mvcombine Parser
nomv None
outlier None Maybe
outputcsv None
outputtext None
overlap None
pivot None
predict None
rangemap None
redistribute None
reltime None
require None
rest None
reverse None
rtorder None
savedsearch None
script (run) None
scrub None
searchtxn None
selfjoin None
sendalert None
sendemail None
set None
setfields None
sichart None
sirare None
sistats None
sitimechart None
sitop None
strcat None
tags None
timechart None Maybe
timewrap None
tojson None
transpose None
trendline None
tscollect None
typeahead None
typelearner None
typer None
union None
uniq None
untable None
walklex None
x11 None
xmlunescape None
xpath None
xyseries None


There are two primary kinds of functions: Evaluation functions ( primarily for use in eval) and Statistical and Charting functions ( primarily for use in stats).

Like with commands, there are a lot of built-in functions and not all of them may map cleanly to Spark. This transpiler intends to support most queries and will thus support the most common functions. However, there is no goal at this time to support all Splunk functions.

If you are using the runtime, these functions are available as follows:

from spl_transpiler.runtime import functions
x = functions.eval.len(...)
y = functions.stats.max(...)

These functions are all wrappers and provide no new functionality. In cases where the SPL function's behavior can be matched by a built-in function from the core Spark library, this wrapper simply converts an SPL-like syntax into the Spark equivalent. In other cases where no Spark function exists (e.g. cidrmatch), the wrapper calls a custom UDF from spl_transpiler.runtime.udfs. Even in these cases, the wrapper might still provide a more SPL-like syntax around the UDF, since the UDF is written and optimized for use apart from the wrapper (e.g. it might only provide part of the functionality of the overall SPL function).

Category Subcategory Function Support Runtime Target
Eval Bitwise bit_and Yes Yes Yes
Eval Bitwise bit_or Yes Yes Yes
Eval Bitwise bit_not Yes Yes Yes
Eval Bitwise bit_xor Yes Yes Yes
Eval Bitwise bit_shift_left Yes Yes Yes
Eval Bitwise bit_shift_right Yes Yes Yes
Eval Comparison and Conditional case Yes Yes Yes
Eval Comparison and Conditional cidrmatch Yes* Yes (UDF) Yes
Eval Comparison and Conditional coalesce Yes Yes Yes
Eval Comparison and Conditional false Yes Yes Yes
Eval Comparison and Conditional if Yes Yes Yes
Eval Comparison and Conditional in Yes Yes Yes
Eval Comparison and Conditional like Yes Yes Yes
Eval Comparison and Conditional lookup No No
Eval Comparison and Conditional match Yes Yes Yes
Eval Comparison and Conditional null Yes Yes Yes
Eval Comparison and Conditional nullif Yes Yes Yes
Eval Comparison and Conditional searchmatch No No
Eval Comparison and Conditional true Yes Yes Yes
Eval Comparison and Conditional validate Yes Yes Yes
Eval Conversion ipmask No Yes (UDF)
Eval Conversion printf No Yes (UDF)
Eval Conversion tonumber Partial Yes (UDF) Yes
Eval Conversion tostring Partial Yes (UDF) Yes
Eval Cryptographic md5 Yes Yes Yes
Eval Cryptographic sha1 Yes Yes Yes
Eval Cryptographic sha256 Yes Yes Yes
Eval Cryptographic sha512 Yes Yes Yes
Eval Date and Time now Yes Yes Yes
Eval Date and Time relative_time Yes Yes Yes
Eval Date and Time strftime Partial Partial Yes
Eval Date and Time strptime Partial Partial Yes
Eval Date and Time time Yes Yes Yes
Eval Informational isbool No No No
Eval Informational isint No No No
Eval Informational isnotnull Yes Yes Yes
Eval Informational isnull Yes Yes Yes
Eval Informational isnum No No No
Eval Informational isstr No No No
Eval Informational typeof No No No
Eval JSON json_object No No
Eval JSON json_append No No
Eval JSON json_array No No
Eval JSON json_array_to_mv No No
Eval JSON json_extend No No
Eval JSON json_extract No No
Eval JSON json_extract_exact No No
Eval JSON json_keys Yes Yes
Eval JSON json_set No No
Eval JSON json_set_exact No No
Eval JSON json_valid Yes Yes
Eval Mathematical abs Yes Yes Yes
Eval Mathematical ceiling (ceil) Yes Yes Yes
Eval Mathematical exact Yes* Yes* No
Eval Mathematical exp Yes Yes Yes
Eval Mathematical floor Yes Yes Yes
Eval Mathematical ln Yes Yes Yes
Eval Mathematical log Yes Yes Yes
Eval Mathematical pi Yes Yes Yes
Eval Mathematical pow Yes Yes Yes
Eval Mathematical round Yes Yes Yes
Eval Mathematical sigfig No Yes No
Eval Mathematical sqrt Yes Yes Yes
Eval Mathematical sum Yes Yes Yes
Eval Multivalue commands No No
Eval Multivalue mvappend Yes Yes Yes
Eval Multivalue mvcount Yes Yes Yes
Eval Multivalue mvdedup No No
Eval Multivalue mvfilter No No Yes
Eval Multivalue mvfind No No
Eval Multivalue mvindex Yes Yes Yes
Eval Multivalue mvjoin No No Yes
Eval Multivalue mvmap No No
Eval Multivalue mvrange No No
Eval Multivalue mvsort No No
Eval Multivalue mvzip Yes Yes
Eval Multivalue mv_to_json_array No No
Eval Multivalue split Yes Yes Yes
Eval Statistical avg Yes Yes Yes
Eval Statistical max Yes Yes Yes
Eval Statistical min Yes Yes Yes
Eval Statistical random Yes Yes Yes
Eval Text len Yes Yes Yes
Eval Text lower Yes Yes Yes
Eval Text ltrim Yes Yes Yes
Eval Text replace Yes Yes Yes
Eval Text rtrim Yes Yes Yes
Eval Text spath No No
Eval Text substr Yes Yes Yes
Eval Text trim Yes Yes Yes
Eval Text upper Yes Yes Yes
Eval Text urldecode Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic acos Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic acosh Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic asin Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic asinh Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic atan Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic atan2 Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic atanh Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic cos Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic cosh Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic hypot Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic sin Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic sinh Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic tan Yes Yes Yes
Eval Trigonometry and Hyperbolic tanh Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate avg Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate count Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate distinct_count (dc) Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate estdc Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate estdc_error No No
Stats Aggregate exactperc Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate max Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate mean Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate median Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate min Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate mode Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate percentile Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate range Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate stdev Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate stdevp Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate sum Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate sumsq Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate upperperc Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate var Yes Yes Yes
Stats Aggregate varp Yes Yes Yes
Stats Event order first Yes Yes
Stats Event order last Yes Yes
Stats Multivalue stats and chart list Yes Yes
Stats Multivalue stats and chart values Yes Yes Yes
Stats Time earliest Yes Yes Yes
Stats Time earliest_time Yes? Yes?
Stats Time latest Yes Yes Yes
Stats Time latest_time Yes? Yes?
Stats Time per_day No No
Stats Time per_hour No No
Stats Time per_minute No No
Stats Time per_second No No
Stats Time rate Yes? Yes?
Stats Time rate_avg No Yes?
Stats Time rate_sum No Yes?

* Pyspark output depends on custom UDFs instead of native Spark functions. Some of these may be provided by this package, some may be provided by Databricks Sirens.

Prioritized TODO list

  • Support macro syntax (separate pre-processing function?)
  • Use sample queries to create prioritized list of remaining commands
  • ~~ Incorporate standard macros that come with CIM~~
  • Support re-using intermediate results (saving off as tables or variables, .cache())
  • Migrate existing commands into runtime
  • Migrate eval, stats, and collect functions into runtime
  • Support custom Python UDFs
  • Finish supporting desired but not directly-mappable evals functions using UDFs
  • Support {} and @ in field names
  • Support Scala UDFs
  • Support SQL output



You'll need cargo (Rust) and python installed. I recommend using uv for managing the Python environment, dependencies, and tools needed for this project.

Note that PySpark is currently only compatible with Python 3.11 and older, 3.12 and 3.13 are not yet supported. E.g., you can use uv venv --python 3.11 to create a .venv virtual environment with the appropriate Python interpreter. spl_transpiler is developed against Python 3.10 and likely requires at least that.

This project uses maturin and pyo3 for the Rust <-> Python interfacing, you'll need to install maturin, e.g. using uvx maturin commands which will auto-install the tool on first use.

This project uses pre-commit to automate linting and formatting. E.g. you can use uvx pre-commit install to install pre-commit and set up its git hooks.

You can then build and install spl_transpiler and all dependencies. First, make sure you have your virtual environment activated (uv commands will detect the venv by default if you use that, else follow activation instructions for your virtual environment tool), then run uv pip install -e .[cli,test,runtime].

Running Tests

You can test the core transpiler using cargo test. The Rust test suites include full end-to-end tests of query conversions, ensuring that the transpiler compiles and converts a wide range of known inputs into expected outputs.

The Python-side tests can be run with pytest and primarily ensure that the Rust <-> Python interface is behaving as expected. It also includes runtime tests, which validate that hand-written and transpiled runtime code does what is expected using known input/output data pairs running in an ephemeral Spark cluster.

There is also a large-scale Python test that can be run using pytest tests/ By default, this test is ignored because it is slow and currently does not pass. It runs the transpiler on >1,800 sample SPL queries and ensure that the transpiler doesn't crash, generating detailed logs and error summaries along the way. This test is useful when expanding the transpiler to support new syntax, command, functions, etc. to see if the changes cause more commands/queries to transpile successfully. It's also useful for identifying what elements of SPL should be prioritized next to support more real-world use cases.


This project is deeply indebted to several other projects:

  • Databricks Labs' Transpiler provided most of the starting point for this parser, including an unambiguous grammar definition and numerous test cases which have been copied mostly verbatim. The license for that transpiler can be found here. Copyright 2021-2022 Databricks, Inc.
  • Numerous real-world SPL queries have been provided by Splunk Security Content under Apache 2.0 License. Copyright 2022 Splunk Inc.