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277 lines (223 loc) · 9.88 KB

File metadata and controls

277 lines (223 loc) · 9.88 KB


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Dart package provides code about compile environment (git info, flutter version ...).


gitsumu generates the following info as const variables.

  • Git commit time.
  • Git commit revision.
  • Git commit count in repo.
  • Git commit count on current branch.
  • Flutter version.
  • Dart version.
  • App info in pubspec.yaml.
  • Custom command.
part of 'example.dart';

// Compile environment
const flutterVersion         = '3.27.0';
const flutterChannel         = 'stable';
const flutterFrameworkRevision  = '8495dee1fd';
const flutterFrameworkTimestamp = '2024-12-10 14:23:39 -0800';
const flutterEngineRevision  = '83bacfc525';
const flutterDartVersion     = '3.6.0';
const flutterDevToolsVersion = '2.40.2';

const dartVersion            = '3.6.0 (stable)';

// Repo info
const gitCommitTimeYear      = '2024';
const gitCommitTimeMonth     = '12';
const gitCommitTimeDay       = '03';
const gitCommitTimeHour      = '23';
const gitCommitTimeMinute    = '35';
const gitCommitTimeSecond    = '10';
const gitCommitTimeYMDHMS  = '2024-12-03 23:35:10';
const gitCommitTimeTimezone  = '+0800';
const gitCommitRevisionLong  = 'b3a602b8fdf1067c3b8663c2d1ded45d0204f9b3';
const gitCommitRevisionShort = 'b3a602b';
@Deprecated('gitCommitCount was mistakenly implemented to count total commits from all branches in repo, causing a misleading meaning and should not be used anymore.\n'
    'Use these alternatives instead:\n'
    '1. To get commits count in repo as what it did before, use gitCommitCountRepo\n'
    '2. To get commits count on current branch, use gitCommitCountCurrentBranch')
const gitCommitCount         = '85';
const gitCommitCountRepo           = '85';
const gitCommitCountCurrentBranch = '83';

// App info
const appName        = 'example';
const appDescription = 'A sample command-line application.';
const appVersion     = '1.0.0';

// @@start@@ myCommandResult
const myCommandResult = r'''A command-line utility for Dart development.

Usage: dart <command|dart-file> [arguments]

Global options:
-v, --verbose               Show additional command output.
    --version               Print the Dart SDK version.
    --enable-analytics      Enable analytics.
    --disable-analytics     Disable analytics.
    --suppress-analytics    Disallow analytics for this `dart *` run without changing the analytics configuration.
-h, --help                  Print this usage information.

Available commands:
  analyze    Analyze Dart code in a directory.
  compile    Compile Dart to various formats.
  create     Create a new Dart project.
  devtools   Open DevTools (optionally connecting to an existing application).
  doc        Generate API documentation for Dart projects.
  fix        Apply automated fixes to Dart source code.
  format     Idiomatically format Dart source code.
  info       Show diagnostic information about the installed tooling.
  pub        Work with packages.
  run        Run a Dart program.
  test       Run tests for a project.

Run "dart help <command>" for more information about a command.
See for detailed documentation.''';
// @@end@@ myCommandResult

// @@start@@ myCommandResult2
const myCommandResult2 = r'''''';
// @@end@@ myCommandResult2

// @@start@@ myCommandFromStderr
const myCommandFromStderr = r'''git: 'abc' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

The most similar command is
// @@end@@ myCommandFromStderr

// @@start@@ myCommandResult4
const myCommandResult4 = r'''HOST_NAME_HERE''';
// @@end@@ myCommandResult4


  • Easier to use than dart-define: One command at compile time and no platform specified scripts.
  • Use info as const variables: All info generated are const variables.

Of course this package supports both pure dart and flutter.


dart run gitsumu (recommended) or dart run build_runner build


Full example can be found in example folder.

  1. Add gitsumu to pubspec.yaml.
      gitsumu: # current version
    Add build_runner to pubspec.yaml as dev dependency only if you want to use with build_runner.
      build_runner: # current version
    Note that only dart run gitsumu support regeneration, you need to delete the existing generated file before using with build_runner. See restrictions for details.
  2. Create a source file as an entry, for example lib/utils/git_info.dart.
    In that source file the only line required is part 'git_info.g.dart'.
    Looks like this:
    // lib/utils/git_info.dart
    part 'git_info.g.dart';
  3. Save the following config in build.yaml to let gitsumu know which file should generate for.
              - lib/utils/git_info.dart
  4. Run dart run gitsumu (Recommended) or dart run build_runner build before build to generate lib/utils/git_info.g.dart.
  5. Add 'import lib/utils/git_info.dart' when need the generated code.

Custom info

gitsumu supports saving commands results as const variables.

In the file to generate, define a variable for each command:

const aNotImportantName = ['dart', '--help'];

@CustomInfo('myCommandResult2', ignoreStderr: true)
const alsoNotImportantName = ['git', 'checkout', '123456789'];

@CustomInfo('myCommandFromStderr', useStderr: true)
const alsoNotImportantName2 = ['git', 'abc'];

  platforms: {
const alsoNotImportantName3 = ['arch'];

  platforms: {,
  platformDefaultValue: 'unknown',
const alsoNotImportantName4 = ['hostname'];

Variable name is not important, generated code will use the first argument in annotation @CustomInfo() as variable's name.

Generated code:

// Custom info
const myCommandResult = '''A command-line utility for Dart development.

Usage: dart <command|dart-file> [arguments]

Global options:
-v, --verbose               Show additional command output.
    --version               Print the Dart SDK version.
    --enable-analytics      Enable analytics.
    --disable-analytics     Disable analytics.
    --suppress-analytics    Disallow analytics for this `dart *` run without changing the analytics configuration.
-h, --help                  Print this usage information.

Available commands:
  analyze    Analyze Dart code in a directory.
  compile    Compile Dart to various formats.
  create     Create a new Dart project.
  devtools   Open DevTools (optionally connecting to an existing application).
  doc        Generate API documentation for Dart projects.
  fix        Apply automated fixes to Dart source code.
  format     Idiomatically format Dart source code.
  info       Show diagnostic information about the installed tooling.
  pub        Work with packages.
  run        Run a Dart program.
  test       Run tests for a project.

Run "dart help <command>" for more information about a command.
See for detailed documentation.''';
const myCommandResult2 = '''''';
const myCommandFromStderr = '''git: 'abc' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

The most similar command is
const myCommandResult3 = '''x86_64''';
const myCommandResult4 = '''unknown''';


  • ignoreStderr: Still save contents if the custom command write content to stderr. bool type, default is false.
  • useStderr: Save the content in stderr as result. bool type, default is false.
  • platforms: Specify only run the command on which platform, default run on all platforms.
  • platformDefaultValue: Set the command result on platforms that not included in platforms, default is an empty string.

Change save path

Works like other packages. Adding the following code to build.yaml will generate the file in lib/generated/ directory:

          # Only generate for lib/utils/git_info.dart => git_info.g.dart
          - lib/utils/git_info.dart
        # Use the following "options" config if you want to generate
        # code into specified folder such as "lib/generated".
        # At the same time, you shall use "part of 'generated/xxx.g.dart';" in your source file
        # instead of current "part of 'xxx.g.dart';".
        # Also, recommend to add "lib/generated/" to .gitignore.
            '^lib/{{}}.dart': 'lib/generated/{{}}.g.dart'


As said above, when using with build_runner like dart run build_runner build, the generated code will not update even environment updated (a new git commit, flutter version changed ...). This is because gitsumu only relies on environment, build_runner does not know whether we need a rebuild. Manually delete the generated code before run dart run build_runner build again.

Although it's ok to use with build_runner in a clean environment (like CI/CD), using the separate cli dart run gitsumu is better in development.


Run dart run gitsumu -v to enable verbose log output.